
快速成苗 rapid seedling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-10 15:45:08


快速成苗 rapid seedling英语短句 例句大全

快速成苗,rapid seedling

1)rapid seedling快速成苗

1.Aimed to the above problems,the reproductive characteristics of early fruit walnut,establishment of asepsis reproductive system,embryo culture technology of anti-browning,influence factors of walnut embryo culture,and the methods ofrapid seedlings were studied from to .本文针对这些问题,分别于、进行了早实核桃生殖特性、无菌繁殖体系的建立、防止核桃胚培养褐化技术、核桃胚培养条件及其快速成苗途径的研究。

2)rapid seedling raising快速育苗

1.Through the investigation and experiments of long time, the main techniques for therapid seedling raising techniques were summarized The survival rate of introducing Phyllostachys pubesecens and Ph nigre var henoni attained 95 % The survival rate of other bamboo species achieved the level of over 80 % als通过多年的调研试验及一年多的实践 ,总结出了“南竹北移”快速育苗的主要技术 ,使毛竹母竹、金竹母竹北移成活率达到了 95 %以上 ;金竹当年移栽当年出笋成竹 ;其他竹种北移成活率达 80 %以上。


1.Technology for fast propagation of triploid Chinese White Poplar by the process of nurseries三倍体毛白杨多圃配套快速育苗技术研究

2.The Researches on the Cutting Seedling Technology of Cedar in Yellow Soil Plateau Area黄土高原地区桧柏扦插快速育苗技术研究

3.Study on Breeding Technology by Seedlings to Seedlings of Carya illinoensis美国山核桃以苗繁苗快速扩繁技术研究

4.Study on in vitro rapid propagation technology of chinese short cherry中华矮樱桃试管苗快速繁殖技术研究

5.The Cultivation and Vitro Rapid Propagationof the Test Tube Seedlings of Musa AAA Red Green;红皮香蕉试管苗快速繁殖及栽培技术

6.Rapid identification technology of resistance to rice sheath blight in seedling stage水稻抗纹枯病苗期快速鉴定技术研究

7.The experiments correspond to factory seeding and offer new technology to excellent variety of blackberry micro-reproduction.并且实验达到了黑莓工厂化育苗的技术要求,为黑莓优良品种提供了快速繁殖的新技术。

8.A New Seedling-edible Chinese Cabbage F_1 Hybrid --‘Jingyankuaicai’苗用型大白菜新品种京研快菜的选育

9.After adding rare earth,the speed of the test tube young plant acceierates,the roots get thickening,the seedings become strong and the root cap ratio increases, but the number of the roots reduces.添加稀土后试管苗生长速度快,,根粗苗壮,根冠比大,但根数少。

10.The Techniques of Potted Marantaceae and Quick Rejuvenation of the Outdated-matured Seedling盆栽竹芋的养护要点及老苗快速复壮技术

11.Tetrazolium salt assay for rapid determination of viable count of BCG vaccine应用四唑鎓盐法快速检测卡介苗活菌含量


13.Study on in vitro fast-propagation and industrialization breeding techniques of triploid Chinese white poplar三倍体毛白杨组培快繁和工厂化育苗技术研究

14.Studies on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory;美国红树莓和黑莓脱毒快繁及工厂化育苗研究

15.The Technological Research on Tissue Culture Propagating Quickly by Factorizing Growing Seedlings of High Quality Grape;优质葡萄品种组培快繁育苗工厂化技术研究

16.Clones Selection and Water-Culture Seedling Raising Technology of Fast-Growing Casuarina equisetifolia速生木麻黄无性系筛选及水培育苗技术研究

17.Identification of Mimotopes by Screening of a Bacterially-displayed Random Peptide Library and Its Application in Vaccine Development;应用细菌表面展示技术快速筛选抗原表位及研制应急疫苗

18.Truthful experimental study of systemic hematogenic quick innate immunoreaction activated by Bacille Calmette Guerin卡介苗激活系统血液快速固有免疫反应的体外仿真实验研究


rapid seedling raising快速育苗

1.Through the investigation and experiments of long time, the main techniques for therapid seedling raising techniques were summarized The survival rate of introducing Phyllostachys pubesecens and Ph nigre var henoni attained 95 % The survival rate of other bamboo species achieved the level of over 80 % als通过多年的调研试验及一年多的实践 ,总结出了“南竹北移”快速育苗的主要技术 ,使毛竹母竹、金竹母竹北移成活率达到了 95 %以上 ;金竹当年移栽当年出笋成竹 ;其他竹种北移成活率达 80 %以上。

3)Fast-growing seedling速成苗

4)rapid prototype快速成形

1.Onrapid prototype manufacturing technology for plastic products as well as its application;塑料制品快速成形制造技术及其应用

2.On the basis of it,tridimensional molding for the sample piece by the use ofrapid prototype technology was formed and the resin master model was made.对客户提供的玻璃器皿样品尺寸进行三坐标测量,在此基础上利用快速成形技术对样品进行三维造型并制成样品的树脂原型。

3.The principle, classification and main technology ofrapid prototype have been introduced in comparison with conventional working processes.将快速成形技术与传统加工方式进行比较,介绍了快速成形的原理、分类,以及主要的快速成形工艺。

5)rapid prototyping快速成形

1.Review of Progress in Investment Casting Technology at Abroad PartⅫ:Application of Rapid Prototyping Technology to Investment Casting;快速成形技术在熔模铸造中的应用——国外精铸技术进展述评(12)

2.Study of an effective laser redius compensate algorithm forrapid prototyping;快速成形激光光斑半径补偿算法的研究

3.Reasearch on Adaptively Slicing the Unchangeable Thick Layer in Rapid Prototyping;快速成形定层厚自适应切片研究

6)rapid prototype快速成型

1.The glass service offered by client was measured in three coordinates dimensions, on this condition, therapid prototype technology was used to sculpt using three coordinates dimensions and obtain colophony prototype of the specimen, the core of mold roughcast was made using gesso and colophony prototype, and using roughcast "s wooden model with a middle hole to make molds.对客户提供的玻璃器皿样品尺寸进行三坐标测量,在此基础上利用快速成型技术对样品进行三维造型并制得样品的树脂原型,利用石膏模和树脂原型制备模具毛坯的型芯,采用中空的毛坯木模来造型。

2.Based on Hausermann abrading principle, an abrader replicated from the master pattern built with RP(rapid prototype) model is used to grind the graphite block.介绍了一种电火花加工用石墨电极的整体制造技术 ,这种技术采用Hausermann研磨原理 ,通过将快速成型技术制成的母型翻制成研具 ,实现对石墨电极的研磨加工 ;介绍了研具的具体制造方法和研磨成型机的主要结构。

3.Aimed at enhancing the product quality of STLrapid prototype equipment, a series of experiments in manufacturing a part were made upon the equipment.针对快速成型设备成型质量不高的问题 ,利用 STL 快速成型设备进行试验 。


快速速度快的;迅速:~照相机ㄧ~炼钢ㄧ~行军 ㄧ~育肥。

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