
英文阅读6——Milky Way's centre exploded many years ago


They say the socalled Sifter flare started near the super massive black hole in the centre of the galaxy 他们说,所谓的筛子

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Milky Way"s centre exploded 3.5 million years ago350万年前银河系的中心爆炸

A cataclysmic energy flare ripped through our galaxy, the Milky Way, about 3.5 million years ago, a team of astronomers say. 一组天文学家说,大约350万年前,一场灾难性的能量耀斑在我们的银河系中肆虐。

They say the so-called Sifter flare started near the super massive black hole in the centre of the galaxy. 他们说,所谓的筛子耀斑始于星系中心超大质量黑洞附近

The impact was felt 200,000 light-years away. 距离200,000光年远的地方感觉到了这种冲击。

The discovery that the Milky Way"s centre was more dynamic than previously thought can lead to a complete reinterpretation of its evolution. 银河系中心比以前认为的更有活力的发现可以导致对它的演化的完全重新解释。

§ Milky Way galaxy is warped and twisted, not flat银河系变形扭曲,不平坦

"These results dramatically change our understanding of the Milky Way," says co-author Magma Guglielmo from the University of Sydney. 悉尼大学的合著者Magma Guglielmo说:“这些结果极大地改变了我们对银河系的理解。

"We always thought about our Galaxy as an inactive galaxy, with a not so bright centre," she added. 她补充说:“我们一直认为我们的银河系是一个不活跃的银河系,中心并不那么明亮。”

The flare created two enormous "ionisation cones" that sliced through the Milky Way. 耀斑产生了两个巨大的“电离锥”,它们切成整个银河系。

The team - led by Professor Joss Bland-Hawthorn from Australia - used the data gathered by the Hubble Space Telescope to calculate when the massive explosion of high-energy radiation took place. 由澳大利亚的乔斯·布兰德·霍索恩(Joss Bland-Hawthorn)教授领导的小组利用哈勃太空望远镜收集的数据来计算何时发生了高能辐射的大规模爆炸。

The findings will be published in the Astrophysical Journal.研究结果将发表在《天体物理学杂志》上。



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