
让人一秒倾心的句子 简短温柔 字字精彩!

时间:2016-10-26 19:45:32


让人一秒倾心的句子 简短温柔 字字精彩!


In fact, what a girl wants is very simple. The more you understand her, the gentler she is, and the more you pet her, the more inseparable she is from you.


It"s not the appearance, age, status that determines love, but whether you bring long-term warmth and affection to her.


Wear comfortable shoes, walk comfortable road, make comfortable friends and meet better people.

成为一个温暖有力量的人,并不是为了别人而改变,而是让自己在生活中更加从容与淡定,温暖的是自己的岁月 ,这与别人无关。

To be a warm and powerful person is not to change for others, but to make yourself more calm and calm in life. What is warm is your own years, which has nothing to do with others.


There are no two people who meet at once. They just run in with each other and try to be better for each other in the long years.


When you don"t have a date, just calm down, read books, raise flowers and learn to cook. These seemingly trivial things will one day add points to your temperament.


A lot of relationships are not old or new, but after experiencing some things together, you really feel that the other party is very good, which is the relationship you need to maintain.


I hope to work harder and have my own small house earlier. In the morning, I wake up to welcome the aroma of coffee and bread. In my spare time, I find 35 friends to eat hot pot and drink soda. In the evening, I fall in the sofa with my favorite people to watch plays and eat snacks. When I go to sleep, the stars are blowing the night wind to the ground.


Be a gentle and quiet person. Don"t be afraid of the waste of time or the impermanence of the world. That leisurely atmosphere originally comes from your aloofness from the world.



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