
干货向-有关Come的短语动词 Part One


come aboutcome about 发生例句Can you tell me how the accident came about?你能告诉我事故是如何发生的么?come acrosscome across

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今天给大家带来的是实用英语短语动词系列-有关Come的短语动词 第一部分。

come about

come about 发生

例句Can you tell me how the accident came about?你能告诉我事故是如何发生的么?

come across

come across 偶遇; 偶然发现;

例句In the meadow he will come across a rare flower.在草地上,他会遇到一朵稀有的花。

come after

come after 跟着…来,跟在…后面

例句Don"t try to come after me.别想跟着我

come along(1)

come along 在一起,陪伴

例句I"d like you to come along with me to the opera.我想让你和我一起去看歌剧

come along(2)

come along 有进步,有进展

例句Your English is really coming along.你的英语真的进步不少

come apart

come apart 破碎,被拆开

例句The cup just came apart in my hands.我手中的杯子破碎了

come around

come around 开始接收,改变想法

例句Give her time, and she may come around and see things your way.给她点时间,他或许会开始接受你的做事方式

come away

come away 从某物上脱离,掉落

例句The cakes have started to come away from pan.蛋糕开始从平底锅上掉落了


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助动词do的另类用法 do come in 居然是正确的语句?


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