
表达内心情绪的文案 现实走心 耐人寻味


尽管许多鸡汤会告诉女性,你要时刻保持自己的个人魅力,你将永远被人喜欢。但这确实是极少数的例子。Although many chicken soup will tell women

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Although many chicken soup will tell women that you should always maintain your personal charm, you will always be liked. But this is indeed a rare example.


When in love, it is normal to sink deeper and deeper.


The adult world should have the ability to distinguish between ambiguity and love. Mistakenly regard ambiguity as love, and finally can only silently swallow all his bitter water into his stomach.


Some women"s indifference to men clearly has intuition, but they deceive themselves and others into thinking that two people will live forever.


The feelings between men and women are like this. They are often full of joy and approach, but the end is a deep love and wrong payment of a sorghum dream.


If not, let me formally say "goodbye" to you and wish you "treasure it" for the rest of your life!


People who are used to relying on them are like frogs in warm water. They enjoy comfort, but they can"t breathe because of their comfortable throat, and finally lose their lives.


Anyway, that"s how we split up in a recession. For me, this bad season is a good time for a good harvest. In my opinion, it is impossible to reincarnate the loss.

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