
(地道英语)People person都指人 那people person是什么人?


A people person指的是什么样的人呢?先来看几个例句:eg Tony is a people person Wherever he is there is always laughter 译文:Tony人缘真好,有他的地方就有欢乐

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众所周知,people和person在英语里分别是“人”的复数和单数形式,有一种说法叫“people person”,它可不能直译成“人人”哦。“A people person”指的是什么样的人呢?先来看几个例句:

eg. Tony is a people person. Wherever he is there is always laughter.


eg. Donna is a people person. She is warm, outgoing, and a good listener.


eg. You are expected to go to the party even if you don’t know anybody there. You are a people personand by the end of the night you will have made lots of new friends.


由此看来,a people person指的就是“人缘好、受欢迎、善交际的人”。


1. popular: 受欢迎的。

eg. He is a very popularteacher in the university.


更酷的一种表达法:student killer学生杀手,指老师非常受欢迎!

eg. My academic supervisor is really a student killer. So many students love him.

2. social: 好交际的,合群的,社交的。

eg. He had almost no social life.


eg. Eric has always been a social/ gregarious person, so we have never worried about him making friends or finding a place in the world.


3. gregarious: gre- 意为group,-arious: 表示“爱……的”,意思就是“合群”,也指“(动物)群居的”。

eg. Snow geese are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.


另外,“交际花”的英文说法是“social butterfly”(注意不是“social flower”)是指聚会中在人群人自在游走,喜欢与不同的人交流的人,就像蝴蝶在花朵间自由穿梭一样。这种说法男女适用。

eg. You know they used to call me the social butterfly, and I think I’m flying again.


不过"social butterfly"通常不是什么赞美的话,所以还是慎用为妙。

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