
语法填空详解:Alcohol is nothing but poison


A youth went for an old wise mans blessings He said, I am a law student Please bless me that I do well in my studies

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A youth went for an old wise man’s blessings. He said, “I am a law student. Please bless me that I do well in my studies.”


The old man blessed the young man and asked him, “Do you have anything that ______ (attract)you most?”


“I sometimes take alcoholic(酒精的)drinks when I go out with _______(friend)” the youth admitted.


“You are force to drink, aren’t you?” asked the old man.


“Not really,” replied the youth.”I just join ______ because all my friends drink.”


“Will you join in and take poison if all your friends do?”countered the old man.


“Of course not,” the youth replied.


“Well then,” said the old man,” alcohol is _________ but poison. People drink it for elegance and communication but they argue and become ________ (annoy).” The youth listened ________(attentive) as the old man continued. “You are _______ intelligent law student. But there is another law, _______ forbids alcoholic drinks. From today, make a promise ________(obey) this law.”


The youth realized his mistake and ______(make) a promise that he would refuse all the alcoholic drinks.



1. attracts定语从句中的谓语动词,人称和数与先行词anything 保持一致。

2. friends“朋友们”复数名词

3. injoin in sth (参加某件事)一起做某事

4. nothingnothing but =only 仅仅

5. annoying令人讨厌的。

6.attentively 仔细地,认真地

7. anan intelligent law student

8. which 非限制性定语从句不能用that

9. to obeymake a promise to do sth. 承诺做某事

10. madeand 并列两个谓语动词,和前面的谓语动词realized保持时态一致。

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