
很现实的感悟句子 精辟入心 句句触动人心


只有小孩子才会问你为什么不理我,成年人的离开都是悄无声息的When I was a child, I made up with him When I grew up, I broke up w

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Society is a sieve. It"s not a poison soup, it"s a reality. It"s not a poison soup. It"s a reality!


When I was a child, I made up with him. When I grew up, I broke up with him. Only children will ask why you ignore me. Adults leave quietly


Life is nothing more than laughing at others and then making others laugh at yourself.

4.不要羡慕别人的,当你努力后你也能拥有 所以别在最能吃苦得年龄选择安逸!将来的你也一定会感谢现在所努力的你!

Don"t be envious of others. When you work hard, you can have something to be different. You can choose to be comfortable at the age when you can eat most! in the future you will also thank you for your efforts now!

5.你知道吗?蒲公英的花语是永不停留的爱。虽然身随风动 但能落地生根!

希望每个人都能像一株蒲公英 ,尽管生长平凡 但能美丽绽放!用尽一生时间去追求自己的自由与幸福!

Do you know? Pu Gongying"s flower language is love that will never stay. Although the body moves with the wind, it can land and take root!

I hope everyone can be like a Pu Gong Ying,Although growth ordinary, but can beautiful bloom!use one life time to pursue seek their freedom and happiness!


In this life, people can"t be in a circle. If you limit yourself, try to change the way of living. You will find out if there is any possibility of limiting species in your life.


The "usefulness" of a stable marriage is not "I buy you jewelry and you make me pink"; it is "when you are sad, I am a friend; when I am confused, you are a mentor."


Behind all success, is the persistence of hard accumulation, all the scenery in front of everyone, is behind the silly do not give up, as long as you are willing, and adhere to it, one day, you will live as you like.


Life is like a cup of boiled water, honey is sweet, salt is salty, mentality determines your life.


People may fall in love with more than one person in this life, but only one person can make you dedicate wholeheartedly! Empty yourself only once, people are not containers, can maintain a specific capacity, people are a spring, full load once can not return to the original appearance!


In fact, no one wants to lose his temper, anger is just to see how much space each other will give up for themselves. We all have such a habit that when we are in conflict, we like to speak with thorns and ignore them. People who know you will put down their airs for you. People who don"t know you maintain the deadlock. You are the only one who is disappointed.


Time never talks, but answers all the questions. Stop in the lips and teeth, cover in the years.

13.路走的远了会偏 人要得多了会乱 很多时候不是人变了 而是环境在变 人被世事推走 走着走着心境就变了

When the road is far away, people will be more biased and chaotic. In many cases, it"s not people who have changed, but the environment is changing. When people are pushed by the world, their mood changes


Time is a good thing, to verify the human heart, to witness the human nature, to understand the true, to understand the false, there is no experience can not go, only can not walk out of their own!


Women, only when they lose their charm do they feel that men are fickle! Men, without strength, feel that women are realistic! You must understand one thing: career is a man"s beauty, beauty is a woman"s career! A perfect and delicate woman! Don"t say things are expensive, you are the most expensive in the world!

16.人,要么像辣椒一样有脾气。要么像白菜一样有层次。要么像莲藕一样有心眼。 可我做不到!我就像一根甘蔗,直,不会拐弯抹角,一就是一,二就是二。虽然这样的性格吃不开,容易得罪人,但我还是喜欢这样的自己,不虚伪,不算计别人,喜欢做真实的自己,我相信傻人有傻福。

People, or like pepper, have temper. Or it"s layered like cabbage. Or you can be as thoughtful as lotus root. But I can"t! I am like a sugarcane, straight, not roundabout, one is one, two is two. Although this kind of sex is hard to eat and easy to be a sinner, I still like myself, not hypocritical, not calculating others, and like to be a real self. I believe that stupid people have happiness.



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