
让人放松的感情文案 字字入心 使人心动!


Love and dream are very wonderful things, do not listen to, needless to say, do not have to be translated, you can feel it 有些东西真的很简单,是你的,不是你的,就是这样而已

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When was the last time you fell asleep with a smile?


Love and dream are very wonderful things, do not listen to, needless to say, do not have to be translated, you can feel it.


Some things are really simple, yours, not yours, that"s all.


There is a thick night in your eyes, hanging up the ying ying month, poured into my heart, let me think, the night is unforgettable.


Applause is the good news of victory, but not the source of success.Getting things done is the first secret of success.


I"m the one who broke up with you. I"m the one who deleted your friends. I"m the one who bought wine every day and cried every night.


You threw my hand away in the dark, and that"s what you call macho?


I love the people I want to personally give her happiness others I don"t trust.

滑动几下桌面 然后锁屏

Swipe the desktop a few times and lock the screen


We only know that spring is a symbol, spring is a starting point, spring is an endless song, a painting.


I don"t want to sleep, I just want to sleep with you.


Dark clouds cover the light layer by layer, strong layer by layer off the camouflage.

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