
让人放松的感情文案 懂你的每个瞬间 令人向往


For those who do not love themselves, the most need is to understand and give up blessings 如若相爱,便携手到老;如若错过,便护你安好

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For those who do not love themselves, the most need is to understand and give up blessings.


If love, then hand in hand to the old;If miss, will protect you well.


The feelings that make people envy never belong to me.


Always thinking of you, even though we can"t share every minute.


Counting sheep is done by foreigners because sheep and sleep sound like dumplings...


The cloud on your face is light, no one knows how tight your teeth bite, you laugh heartless, no one knows you can cry only silent tears.

人生本是平凡 不平凡的是人心。

Life is ordinary extraordinary is the heart.


I am not as strong as I imagined, but I can not find a place for weakness to rest.


I don"t have anyone but you.I just don"t want anyone but you.


Would you take me home as a necessity?


A tornado called love, blow me to your side.


You are the one who always stood by me when I was in trouble!

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