
安抚伤心的小短句 既扎心又现实 治愈心灵!


Holding your hand, missing your gentleness, the past is all my fault, your forgiveness is my greatest happiness, I hope you

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Holding your hand, missing your gentleness, the past is all my fault, your forgiveness is my greatest happiness, I hope your heart for me to open.


I just want you to take me with you, don"t ask me to let go of you, I can"t do that, I just want you, believe it or not.


I met so many people, but why you, it seems that the most should be a traveler you, but in my heart occupy such an important position.


I was wrong.Lady gentle and virtuous, housekeeping, sensible, is I do not know how to appreciate, I am sorry you, please forgive me!


A cute girl can ruin your life, a royal sister can make you poor for three generations, only a woman can make you rich and handsome.


"Do you know what the wind is today?""A northwest wind?""No." "What"s that?""I miss you like crazy."


With you, life seems too short.


You are your enemy, only you can defeat you;You are your God, and only you can save you.


Until I met you, I didn"t feel my own existence, always reluctant to leave you, although you said so firmly...


Have you put on weight recently?Why do you weigh more and more heavily in my heart?


Accustomed to those who have not been accustomed to the habit!


You said the sea of people walking while love, afraid of what loneliness, I said the surge of people are not you, how should settle.

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