
极富品味的忧伤短句 现实又无奈 治愈心灵!


Its not that Im not gentle enough, but that you dont deserve it 别怪我,我们坠入爱河,别怪地球的引力,因为没有它,我们Dont blame

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It"s not that I"m not gentle enough, but that you don"t deserve it.


Don"t blame me, we fell in love, don"t blame gravity, because without it, we...


I wish someone would tell me that sometimes it hurts to miss me


It"s my fault. Anything we have a problem with, it"s my fault.


I do not allow you to hit me, do not hit, your hand will be very painful, I am very resistant to hit oh!


You are a proud island, has its own castle, I am not on the shore of the tide, can only surround you.


Don"t get emotional about people who don"t need to be involved in your life.


When you like a person, you will be afraid of the whole world like him.


Sorry, I have no way to smile to forgive those who hurt me.


Said right, the initiative for a long time will be tired, because I take the initiative for a long time so you do not cherish.

譬如旧梦 譬如岁月 譬如对一个人的感觉。

For example, old dreams for example, years for example, the feeling of a person.


M: Today is. What"s the worst thing to do?W: Confessions?M: Well, I"ll have to put the "I like you" sentence off until tomorrow.

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