
英语成语:ask for the moon想入非非


John wanted to ask his mother for a hundred dollars today He is always asking for the moon。约翰本打算今天向他母亲要100元钱。

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John wanted to ask his mother for a hundred dollars today. He is always asking for the moon。约翰本打算今天向他母亲要100元钱。他总是想那些根本无法实现的事情。I told them they would ask for the moon if they wanted to have higher pay for fewer working hours. 我告诉他们,如果他们想缩短工时而又加薪的话,那是白日做梦。【说明】我们可以这条短语和“猴子捞月”这个故事联系起来,一群猴子吊在一起去捞水里的月亮,其结果自然可想而知了。因此,ask for the moon表达的正是汉语中的“异想天开”的意思。该短语也可以用cry for the moon的结构。再如:

Don"t hope for the lower tax for your income, That would be crying for the moon. 你不要指望所得税会有所降低。那是痴人说梦。

When you hope the teacher will leave us no homework, you are crying for the moon.你如果有让老师不给我们留作业这样的怪念头,那真是异想天开。

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