
12月25日圣诞节节日最美祝福中英双语 圣诞老人礼物贺卡带祝福词


朋友,圣诞快乐!White snow on behalf of the purity of our friendship, the fiery fireplace on behalf of the temperature of ou

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White snow on behalf of the purity of our friendship, the fiery fireplace on behalf of the temperature of our friendship, the sound of the bell on behalf of the depth of our friendship. Friends, merry christmas!


Heart to think, see, smell, hear, people go to, to hand, foot to, say, do, be, time to, your gift not to, only I wish to。


You have my greetings, 365 nights have I miss you 24 hours, wishing you a happy Christmas,all sorrow disappear completely, enjoy the good luck。


Christmas. I just want to with you hand in hand to spend, only wish with you to drink may we love, and that Christmas blooming fireworks as gorgeous and dazzling. Dear, I love you for life and never change!


No matter when and where, I want to let you know, I silently pray for you, deeply wishes to you: merry Christmas!


As Christmas approaches, the parents say: peace forever。 Let this auspicious melody, I wish you a lifetime!


Intimate lover, in the white Christmas night, hope you can feel my blessings and love from afar, kiss you!


May my sincere wishes as the thoughts of the night breeze flowing to side with Santa Claus merry Christmas! The festival of expectations。


Santa Claus told me to say to you: merry Christmas! In addition, he also told me to ask you to get a gift, he said he gave you a more, thank you!


Snow next, Santa Claus is stepping outside the snicker Christmas tree, sleep, baby, tomorrow you will receive beloved gift, await me。


Merry Christmas! Quick look at the messages sent gift, otherwise you will be on pins and needles, this Christmas Eve heard no, don"t laugh big fool!


Christmas was coming, and to the support of my friends and I love saying thanks, thank you entered my life, I will try my best to give you infinite pleasure!


I want to put my hand in your hand, let you lead me into the church of Christmas, Christmas over the both of us!


At Christmas, happy memory, close affection of the world, the warmth of heaven, are approached the us today。


Into deep blessing in the beautiful memories, warm thoughts brought to silently pray, wish for! Take care of yourself。


At Christmas and always, may your mood and peaceful, loving, your world is full of happiness, wish you all the contentment, happy and clinking。


Dare not say to you, snow away my thoughts, can"t let you know, have you only have the winter warm sun, Christmas will bring you peace lucky year!


A short blessing, like a piece of snow; warm greetings, think of the colorful leaves, with the bell of Christmas Eve, warm your heart: Merry christmas. Friends, I wish you a lifetime of happiness Ankang!


If you have not received my Christmas gift this year, there are two reasons: one, Santa last year by your smelly socks smoked afraid; second, your socks have a big hole, quick Bubu bar! Merry christmas!


Over the years, such as the flow of time, just remember the most, and wish, wish you a merry christmas!

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