第一句子大全 > 标签 > Meals


...t food,too much junk food会不会?而且,“零食”不就是between meals吗?这个我也会的。2) “吃零食”,把我学过的英语用起来:kids eat too many sweets,candies,fast food,junk food between meals这不是在“说”英语口语吗?3) Yahoo kids eat too many sweets,...

2010-02-03 #经典句子



...her latest role - showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget。参考译文Good Morning Britain,这档节目中苏珊娜·里德习惯在沙发上盘问客人。但她最近扮演的角色却在酝酿一场风暴-向家人展示如何在预算紧张情况下准...

2023-08-10 #经典句子

几个吃货会赞同的小句子 可爱实在 有点逗趣!

几个吃货会赞同的小句子 可爱实在 有点逗趣!

...下雨,菜要下饭。It will rain and the vegetables will be eaten with meals.3、吧唧一口,忘掉忧愁。Take a sip and forget your worries.4、肚里没货,脑袋空空。When you are with an Empty belly and then you will have an empty head.5、爱情慢慢等,烧烤趁热吃。You ca...

2022-12-15 #经典句子



...拟雅思口语考试环节:环节一:1、雅思考官:What kinds of meals do you like?你喜欢吃什么菜?考生:Oh, I adore different meat plates… My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops… However, I don’t like to cook… That"s why I often eat ...

2016-09-07 #经典句子

双语——并不太愉快的饮食(Not-so-happy Meals)

双语——并不太愉快的饮食(Not-so-happy Meals)

...看我们的《dictionary.com所用的音标体系》一文。Not-so-happy Meals【译】不太愉快的饮食【专有名词】Meals [meel][milz] n. 伙食 名词meal的复数形式.想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注陆满庭John is a busy lawyer, whose whole day revolves around two things:...

2008-12-26 #经典句子

餐厅实用英语 如何用英语预订 点餐 用餐 付钱?

餐厅实用英语 如何用英语预订 点餐 用餐 付钱?

...也有一些需要注意的礼仪:The continental style prevails at all meals, formal and informal, because it is a natural, non-disruptive way to eat.欧式礼仪盛行于各种正式和非正式的会餐,因为它非常自然,没有违和感。Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward...

2023-10-27 #经典句子

抢时间 抓基础 勤演练 高考英语真题长难句分析(二十五)

抢时间 抓基础 勤演练 高考英语真题长难句分析(二十五)

...70 fewer calories(卡路里)per meal than those who rush through their meals. Begin keeping track of the time, and try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes. And while you’re at it, actually sit down to eat. If you need some help slowing down, turn on relaxing music. It makes you less likely...

2023-08-10 #经典句子



...部。 A: Can I have breakfast in my room?B: Yes. If you want to have your mealsin the room, just dail room service.B - 11甲:你们把食物送到房间吗?乙:是的,请告诉客房服务部。 A: Do you bring food to the room?/ Do you have room service? B: Yes, please tell the room service. B-12...

2010-06-10 #经典句子



...ink of its source. 饮水思源。其中,when可以省略。Having eaten meals, you should brush your teeth. 饭后刷牙。此处采用having eaten meals表主动和完成含义,相当于After you have eaten meals.Before(you are) going to school, you need take your bag. 在上学之前,你需...

2007-09-01 #经典句子



...aper tenderness.家里的饭是为生活,学校的饭是为生存。Home meals for life, school meals for survival.[ 删了你那么久还会每天去看你的资料只是不敢加你 ]Deleted you so long will go to see your data every day just dare not add you.现在我们都该毕业了,是不...

2023-05-18 #经典句子

笑到模糊的沙雕憨憨句子来了 赶走你的坏情绪!

笑到模糊的沙雕憨憨句子来了 赶走你的坏情绪!

...吃,否则可能被别人吃了。It"s a wrong idea to eat fruit after meals. The right idea is to eat it before meals. Otherwise, it may be eaten by others.重男轻女的意思就是,男孩子要提重的东西,女孩子要提轻的东西。The meaning of valuing men over women is that boys ...

2023-01-12 #经典句子

适合聚餐时发朋友圈的句子 沙雕有趣 皮一下很开心!

适合聚餐时发朋友圈的句子 沙雕有趣 皮一下很开心!

...子小手表,一日三餐小烧烤。Big gold chain, small watch, three meals a day, small barbecue.姐妹,就是一起吃吃吃,一起日渐圆润。Sisters, is to eat together, with increasingly mellow.不想听大道理,只想吃小蛋糕。I don"t want to listen to big ideas, I just want...

2022-11-28 #经典句子

比水还干净的个性文案 暖心可爱 经典治愈

比水还干净的个性文案 暖心可爱 经典治愈

...,慢慢遇见。Live well, meet slowly.三餐正常,四餐满意。Three meals were normal, four meals were satisfied.一星半点的星辰,照亮了你我。A little bit of stars, illuminate you and me.每个人都努力工作,尽善尽美。Everyone works hard and is perfect.抓着我递给你的...

2023-07-13 #经典句子

适合发朋友圈的深刻句子 高冷大气 越看越喜欢

适合发朋友圈的深刻句子 高冷大气 越看越喜欢

...四季三餐一房两餐,四海三山三生有幸。I"d like to have two meals in one room, three meals in four seasons, three mountains and four seas.看起来零零碎碎的一千块拼图已经占据了我的生活。In my life, it seems that a thousand pieces of jigsaw puzzle occupy me pieceme...

2022-12-01 #经典句子

20个超有品味的句子 总有一句是你喜欢的 拿走做签名!

20个超有品味的句子 总有一句是你喜欢的 拿走做签名!

...怎样,照样一日三餐,餐餐可饱How about a person, still three meals a day, meals can be full3、被丢掉的那天,丢了半条命,值得欣慰的是最后活过来了,还活得活蹦乱跳I lost half of my life on the day I was lost. What is gratifying is that I finally survived a...

2023-07-02 #经典句子

教你实用英语 爆笑解读哈利波特与魔法石(消失的玻璃)

教你实用英语 爆笑解读哈利波特与魔法石(消失的玻璃)

...胁了一番,“Any funny business,any at all,and you won"t have any meals for a week.”funny business可不是“有趣的生意”,它的意思一百八十度大拐弯,是指不道德的行为,或违法的事情。这里是指不正常的事情,你懂的,就是那些麻瓜干不...

2022-12-24 #经典句子



....I dance for halt an hour every day.2. Sometimes I feel hungry between the meals. So I eat an apple or a pear.3. I seldom eat cakes or sweets.4.They have too much sugar and are had for my teeth.5. Why is healthy food so important for Kitty三、句子翻译1. Doing eye exercises is good for your eye...

2022-12-31 #经典句子

英语简单句难掌握?英语专家告诉你 很简单!记住这四点就OK了

英语简单句难掌握?英语专家告诉你 很简单!记住这四点就OK了

...laying football.我喜欢踢足球。(实义动词型)4.I can cook the meals.我会做菜。(情态动词型)作为老二的否定句,对人对事总是持有否定的态度,跟大哥肯定句唱反调。大哥说东,他非往西。大哥说南,他非向北。经常把大哥说的话...

2023-01-14 #经典句子



...ten on their own and can be cooked in dishes such as soups, stews or pasta meals.各种水果蔬菜不必分开吃,可以做成汤、大杂烩或面食。Do tinned fruit and fruit juice count?罐头水果和果汁算不算?Yes. But juice should be unsweetened, and only counts as one portion a day,...

2024-01-16 #经典句子



...新衣服,吃着美味的食物。That day, my family usually has four meals.那天,我家通常吃四顿饭。They are brunch、dinner、a meal of eight o’clock and The New Year"s Feast.它们是早午餐、晚餐、八点钟的晚餐和年夜饭。And it is also "a must" banquet with all the...

2011-01-11 #经典句子