第一句子大全 > 标签 > 存心
错爱的伤心小短句 懂你的心 爱永存心!

错爱的伤心小短句 懂你的心 爱永存心!

我是不是该谢谢你对我的残忍。Maybe I should thank you for being cruel to me.爱情是卑微的,友情是可笑的,亲情是唯一的。Love is humble, friendship is ridiculous, the family is the only.往事留下我温婉的笑容,覆盖的灰尘早已死去。The past left my gen...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 爱永存心!

可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 爱永存心!

有些苦,可以挂在脸上让人知晓;有些痛,只能埋在心底独自承受。Some bitter, can be hung on the face to let people know;Some pain, can only be buried in the bottom of my heart alone bear.我爱你,胜过爱自我。I love you more than I love myself.如果你不喜欢我...

2023-12-26 #经典句子

释放情绪的神仙小短句 满满的爱意 爱永存心!

释放情绪的神仙小短句 满满的爱意 爱永存心!

看起来非常淡定,其实常常一个人崩溃,又一个人自愈。Looks very calm, in fact, often a person collapse, and a person to heal.维持自己觉得可靠的社交圈子并且扩展之。Maintain a social network you feel secure in and expand it.“你知道现在几点吗?”“六...

2022-12-19 #经典句子

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 甜蜜暖心 爱永存心!

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 甜蜜暖心 爱永存心!

我不可能不嫉妒,因为我在乎。I can"t help being jealous, because I care.倘若世上没有奇迹,那便去创造一个。If there is no miracle, create one.十分喜欢你,今日比昨日多一点,明天比今日多一点。Like you very much, today more than yesterday, tomorrow m...

2007-10-29 #经典句子

只属于你的深情句子 适合发在朋友圈 爱永存心!

只属于你的深情句子 适合发在朋友圈 爱永存心!

没有我的日子,你真的好费电。Without me, you really need electricity.就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。——培根It is difficult for God to be wise in love.-- -- bacon不要随意说喜好,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!Don"t say preferences at will, the promise is d...

2013-10-24 #经典句子

适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 简短温柔 爱永存心!

适宜在忧伤时看的暖心短句 简短温柔 爱永存心!

打破自己原则和底线的感情结局一定烂尾。Relationships that break their own rules and boundaries end badly.什么是心安,你就是答案,你陪着我的时候,我没羡慕过任何人。What is peace of mind, you are the answer, you accompany me, I did not envy anyone.似水...

2022-11-18 #经典句子

暖暖的高级温情文案 释放忧伤 爱永存心!

暖暖的高级温情文案 释放忧伤 爱永存心!

可我待人真诚 明辨是非But I"m honest and I know right from wrong当所有人都低调的时候,能够高调,但不能跑调。When everyone is low-key, can be high profile, but not out of tune.没有什么比敷衍更让人揪心。Nothing is more heart-wrenching than a perfunctory.谁...

2014-06-02 #经典句子

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 温情而文艺 爱永存心!

舒缓创伤的绝美文案 温情而文艺 爱永存心!

那阳光洒满了整条街,却照不到我的内心。The sun shines on the whole street, but not on my heart.我前半生最强烈的三次心跳,分别发生在上课被老师点名,下楼梯一脚踩空和你对我微笑的时候。The three strongest heartbeats I had in the first half of ...

2011-11-18 #经典句子

充满深情的走心小句子 优质有内涵 爱永存心!

充满深情的走心小句子 优质有内涵 爱永存心!

努力的找一个理由,说服自己这颗凌乱的心。Try to find a reason to convince yourself this messy heart.诺言的“诺”字和誓言的“誓”字都是有口无心的。Promise of the word "nuo" and the oath of the word "oath" are unintentional.我不需要莫名其妙的冷淡和...

2013-03-10 #经典句子

一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 句句懂你 爱永存心!

一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 句句懂你 爱永存心!

妹妹我爱你,见了你我乐呵呵又甜蜜蜜;好想过来抱抱你亲亲你,却又怕你不睬又不理,只好发条短信息。Sister I love you, I see you happy and sweet;I really want to hug you kiss you, but I"m afraid you don"t ignore and ignore, so I have to send a short message....

2022-11-19 #经典句子

冷酷而经典的情感句子 懂你的内心 爱永存心!

冷酷而经典的情感句子 懂你的内心 爱永存心!

当时天涯明月路,不同路,今各走各路,各自珍重。At that time the horizon bright moon road, different road, now each take each road, their treasure.爱上你我劫数难逃,为你坐爱情的牢,一辈子让情锁在我胸口绕。Fall in love with you I am doomed, for you to...

2022-11-04 #经典句子

伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 甜蜜暖心 爱永存心!

伤心时看的高级伤感小短句 甜蜜暖心 爱永存心!

我不爱你,我只是度过了我爱你的时光。I don"t love you, I just spent my time loving you.也许爱得越深,伤得越痛;低头/低头/垂下头Perhaps the deeper you love, the more painful you are. Head down/head down/head down.我曾经认为我们不会分开,但这只是我...

2022-12-31 #经典句子

晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 现实又无奈 爱永存心!

晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 现实又无奈 爱永存心!

总结起来就是五个字!会挑女朋友。Summed up in five words!Pick a girlfriend.我心里只有一个愿望,在我跳楼时你能否在楼下就地躺到,身体成大字形。以便我确定降落目标。谢谢!All I have in mind is a wish that if I jump, you can lie down there and ...

2007-09-08 #经典句子

总有句话值得你记在心里 高甜治愈 爱永存心!

总有句话值得你记在心里 高甜治愈 爱永存心!

让未来到来,让过去过去。Let the future come, let the past go.暗恋是这个世界最美好的一件事情。Secret love is one of the most beautiful things in the world.可不能够牵着我的手,从老婆到老婆婆。Can not take my hand, from the wife to the old woman.有一天...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

失落分手的伤感文案 懂你的每个瞬间 爱永存心!

失落分手的伤感文案 懂你的每个瞬间 爱永存心!

当风不再追云,当冰不再化水,当火不再炽热,当石不再坚硬,当世上没有爱情,我才能停止爱你When the wind stops chasing clouds, when the ice stops melting water, when the fire stops burning, when the stone stops being hard, when there is no love in the world, I w...

2016-08-03 #经典句子

能治愈内心的柔情小句子 温情治愈 爱永存心!

能治愈内心的柔情小句子 温情治愈 爱永存心!

其实每一种爱情都差不多,渴望失望不停希望。In fact, every kind of love is about the same, longing for disappointment and hope.爱来过,也走过,痴过也恨过,伤过才会懂,一切皆是错。Love came, also walked through, chi also hate, hurt will understand, everyth...

2022-11-04 #经典句子

冷漠又高级的个性句子 让人心疼 爱永存心!

冷漠又高级的个性句子 让人心疼 爱永存心!

旅行时看过的风景和年轻时有过的梦想,是别人抢不走,自己也忘不掉的。Travel to see the scenery and when young had a dream, is not stolen by others, forget their own.爱一个女孩子,与其为了她的幸福而放弃她,不如留住她,为她的幸福而努力!...

2022-10-19 #经典句子

一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 简短温柔 爱永存心!

一眼就难忘的忧伤句子 简短温柔 爱永存心!

有时候,受了委屈,本来不想哭…可是只要朋友一问你“怎么了”,就会忍不住地流眼。Sometimes, wronged, originally did not want to cry...But as soon as your friends ask you "what"s wrong", you can"t help but cry.如果你嫌我太热情,我就试着稍微远一点...

2022-11-15 #经典句子

可以让人舒缓的情感文案 字字暖心 爱永存心!

可以让人舒缓的情感文案 字字暖心 爱永存心!

自己的热情,终究还是烫伤了自己。Their enthusiasm, after all, or burned themselves.几番寒露深处凝中宵,浅听铜壶滴响是寂寥。竹榭回廊一寸离人憔,弦月独映冷萧。A few cold dew deep condensation night, shallow listening to the drip ring is lonely.One in...

2020-07-13 #经典句子

细腻有意义的情感小句子 煽情贴心 爱永存心!

细腻有意义的情感小句子 煽情贴心 爱永存心!

是骄傲虚荣嫉妒,支撑你走到今天,你的成长是依赖这些负能量,而非天生善良。It"s pride, vanity, and jealousy that have kept you where you are today, and your growth depends on these negative energies instead of innate goodness.分手是我提的 我很清楚是谁想...

2022-11-14 #经典句子