第一句子大全 > 标签 > Paul
「每日英语短文」A Brother like That(那样的兄弟)

「每日英语短文」A Brother like That(那样的兄弟)

A friend of mine named Paul received a new car from his brother as an early Christmas present.我的朋友 Paul收到一辆新车作为即将到来圣诞礼物。On Christmas Eve, when Paul came out of his office, a boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.圣诞的夜晚, Paul从办...

2011-04-25 #经典句子



...id you study for exams?C. I stayed at home.D. Where did you go on vacation,Paul?E. Did you play volleyball?Nancy : __1__ Paul: I went to the beach.Nancy: Oh, that"s nice.__2__ Paul: No, I didn"t.Nancy: Well, did you swim?Paul: __3__ Where did you go on your vacation?Nancy: __4__ Paul: Oh, so. Did ...

2023-09-07 #经典句子

“rob Peter to pay Paul”是指中文中的哪句俗语呢?

“rob Peter to pay Paul”是指中文中的哪句俗语呢?

...白天说的话,我又度过了一个不眠之夜。5、rob Peter to pay Paul从字面看意思是“抢了Peter的钱去付给Paul”,引申过来,意思就是“拆了东墙补西墙,挖肉补疮”。例句;If you are in the English classroom to prepare for the math test, it is rob Pete...

2023-12-17 #经典句子

黄贯中发文告别《披荆斩棘的哥哥》 字里行间都看得出他的用心

黄贯中发文告别《披荆斩棘的哥哥》 字里行间都看得出他的用心


2010-02-03 #经典句子



...话,模拟:Candy: Do you have any hobbies?What is it or what are they?Paul: I am interested in surfing the internet or other relaxing games.Candy: How do you spend your spare time?Paul: I usually read or do some sports.Candy: What kind of books are you interested in?Paul: My favorite books are ...

2023-11-18 #经典句子

英语阅读:Long time no see

英语阅读:Long time no see

...简单英语我们是否只能翻译成中文(才能懂)?Jennifer: Hi, Paul! It"s you! I haven"t seen you for years.How are you?Paul: Very well. thank you.And you, Jennifer?Jennifer: Not too bad. Rebecca told me you"ve got a new job. So, what do you do now?Paul: I"m a computer programmer with Leno...

2023-07-12 #经典句子

BSN长话短说之七 | 三位区块链专家解读中国对新兴技术发展的愿景

BSN长话短说之七 | 三位区块链专家解读中国对新兴技术发展的愿景

...请到三位区块链领域的专家,分别是Schulte Research创始人Paul Schulte先生,著名学者、前中投北美负责人马文彦先生,红枣科技的CEO、BSN发展联盟常务理事何亦凡先生。三位专家将共同围绕“中国对新兴技术发展的愿景”展开解读...

2010-04-30 #经典句子

“have been doing”又是完成又是进行 这个语法怎么学?

“have been doing”又是完成又是进行 这个语法怎么学?

...上气不接下气的,你是跑步了吗?(你现在上气不接下气)Paul is very tired. He"s been working very hard.Paul 非常累,他工作一直很努力。(Paul现在很累)跟现在完成时一样,我们也经常用现在完成进行时与how long,for... 和since...搭配,表...

2014-03-30 #经典句子

中国最美的5篇古文 一生至少要读一次

中国最美的5篇古文 一生至少要读一次

「来源: |雨露微刊 ID:luer2200」When Paul Jobs was mustered out of the Coast Guard after World War II, he made a wager with his crewmates. They had arrived in San Francisco, where their ship was decommissioned, and Paul bet that he would find himself a wife within two weeks. He was a tau...

2020-10-11 #经典句子



...re seriously ill, and me with Sundance and the institute and the festival. Paul and I didn’t see each other all that regularly, but sharing that brought us together. We supported each other financially and by showing up at events.原文讲了作者与Paul的情缘,首句提到二人有共同的...

2011-12-27 #经典句子

带双宾语的时候 用 for 还是用 to 怎么区分?

带双宾语的时候 用 for 还是用 to 怎么区分?

...还要注意更加复杂的一些句子,看一个强调句型:It was Paul who I sent a gift to on the Christmas Eve.在圣诞前夜,我是把礼物送给了Paul(而不是给了别人)。

2023-09-02 #经典句子



...E. I want to ask you some questions.Maria: Hey, guys.Carol: Hello, Maria.Paul: Hi. What’s up?Maria: I’m writing the “What’s Cool?” article for the school magazine, and 1 OK?Carol: Sure.Paul: Uh-huh.Maria: Well, look at these things. 2Carol: OK. Um, well …Hum. I love the watch.Paul: Oh,...

2023-08-16 #经典句子

浓缩人类历史的四句德国谚语 是真的还是假的?

浓缩人类历史的四句德国谚语 是真的还是假的?

...在评论里面有人总结为以下内容:1、有一位历史学家叫Paul Wittek,既中文的维特克。这个“维特克”是奥地利人,曾工作于德国。2、时间上的逻辑:马克思女儿Jenny Longuet出生于1844年,死于1883年。维特克出生是1894年,两人不可...

2013-04-27 #经典句子

go through lots of red tape和红色胶带有关吗?其实指繁文缛节

go through lots of red tape和红色胶带有关吗?其实指繁文缛节

...。看看老外聊天时怎么用red tape:Rachel: How was your vacation?Paul: It was great. My wife and I just fell in love with the island.Rachel: Then why don"t you invest in a villa there?Paul: We thought about it, but the red tape is crazy.Rachel: That"s too bad. If you bought a villa, I could...

2017-06-15 #经典句子

英语形容词和副词的比较级 最高级:中学必须掌握5组不规则变化

英语形容词和副词的比较级 最高级:中学必须掌握5组不规则变化

...蛋是坏的,那个更坏。Tom did badly in the exam. Jerry did worse. Paul did worst. Tom 考试考砸了,Jerry 考得更糟,Paul 考得最糟。3. much 和 many 都表示多,分别修饰可数与不可数名词,它们有共同的比较级和最高级:You have many apples. He has more ...

2012-10-29 #经典句子

北师大高中英语必修一Unit 2词汇与短语助记教学(同步录音文件)

北师大高中英语必修一Unit 2词汇与短语助记教学(同步录音文件)

...e court, we were watching games about NBA. My favorite player is James and Paul’s favorite is Bogues, ___2___ guy who played for the Charlotte. And we agree they are both ___3____(champion). Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall, ___4__ made him the shortest player in NBA. So was Paul. That’s why Paul...

2023-08-10 #经典句子

如何在英语课堂中使用歌曲 6个简单技巧轻松掌握

如何在英语课堂中使用歌曲 6个简单技巧轻松掌握

...。Two little dickie birds sitting on a wall,One called Peter, one called Paul.Fly away, Peter! Fly away, Paul!Come back, Peter! Come back, Paul!仔细阅读含义,并在必要时举例说明。歌曲通常是短语和习语的真正好背景,但最好确保含义清楚。与语法一样,多...

2009-08-18 #经典句子



...个省略句,先看一下句意吧,这听起来并不是十分的糟糕paul,我曾经看到过情况更坏的。关于这个电影你最喜欢的地方是什么?在这里我们可以看出,这里边关于要填的空的完整句子应该是I have seen something,所以这里边用的是...

2023-07-27 #经典句子



...《American Pronunciation Workshop》推荐指数:★★★★★首推Paul Gruber大叔的这套视频,全英文讲解,一共16集,几天就能听完,简单方便,可以让初学者在最短时间内,最直观的了解美式发音的夸张,精确修正自己的口型及舌位,每...

2023-06-27 #经典句子



...以避免重复。「死磕例题」用正确的物主代词填空。① Paul is my friend. Paul is a friend___.② -Is this spoon___,Nina?-No,it is Judy"s.③ Tom never wears a watch,so this watch can"s be___.4「反身代词」表示“我自己”、“你自己”、“他自己”、“...

2023-01-31 #经典句子