第一句子大全 > 标签 > fashion
You are fashion 竟是中式英语?到底错哪儿了?

You are fashion 竟是中式英语?到底错哪儿了?

... 吉 米老师说 fashion 是“时尚”,但夸人时尚不能说 you are fashion,那该怎么说呢? 和吉米老师一起学习正确的表达吧~背景音乐:Connection——Wayne Jones英语口语·实用口...

2019-12-17 #经典句子

看懂了这9个英语单词 可以让你收获更好的自己!

看懂了这9个英语单词 可以让你收获更好的自己!

...寻找合适的工作机会,相信它们都会对你有所帮助!1、Fashion week(时装周)(1)Big Four Fashion Week(四大时装周)2019秋冬高级纽约时装周新品如果你关心时尚流行趋势,那么你对四大时装周一定不陌生!如果你想提升自己的服装...

2010-12-15 #经典句子

“模特走T形台 走秀走猫步”英语怎么说?

“模特走T形台 走秀走猫步”英语怎么说?

...版英语”:1. SHOWTIME:SEE THE MODELS WALKTHE 2018 VICTORIA"S SECRET FASHION SHOW RUNWAY2. Taylor Hill, Jasmine Tookes, Elsa Hosk, Adriana Lima, Behati Prinsloo, and Candice Swanepoelwalk the catwalk at the 2018 Victoria"s Secret Fashion Show in New York City on Nov. 8, 2018.3. Gigi Hadid walk...

2023-11-17 #经典句子



...? A: No, that"s too formal - it"s not a job interview. Just wear a nice fashionable shirt.不,那太正式了-这不是面试。穿一件漂亮的时髦衬衫就行了。B: But I hate fashion. I can"t dress fashionably. I"m the most unfashionable person I know.但我讨厌时尚。我不能穿...

2023-01-04 #经典句子



...her doing。I can"t be bothered to iron my clothes.我懒得烫衣服。2. fashion关于方式,我们常说的有way,manner,fashion以及pattern。补充fashion的相关表达——follow (a) fashion赶时髦,追随潮流like it"s going out of fashion大量快速地(使用)after a fashio...

2017-10-05 #经典句子

如此fashion的一句话说说:句句好看 记得分享给知心的朋友!

如此fashion的一句话说说:句句好看 记得分享给知心的朋友!

一、为什么非要牺牲当下,去换取未来的等待呢?总是等待方便的时候才享受,我们不知道会失去多少可能的幸福。二、你千万别跟我说对不起,你没什么对不起我的 。爱情是很诚实的,我爱你是事实,你不爱我也是事实。如...

2023-12-10 #经典句子



One can regard the system of sporting various fashions as a fashion language incorporating various fashion statements using a grammar of fashion. (Compare some of the work of Roland Barthes.)Thornton, Peter. Baroque and Rococo Silks. This is an example list of some of the fads and trends of the 21st...

2023-05-14 #经典句子

优雅 是懂得拒绝 | 20句时尚名言向香奈儿133岁诞辰致敬

优雅 是懂得拒绝 | 20句时尚名言向香奈儿133岁诞辰致敬

...名言。香奈儿经典名言─谈时尚时尚易逝,唯风格永存。Fashion fades, only the style remains the same.时尚不仅只在服装上,它还存在于天空中、街上,时尚与我们的观念、生活方式、社会都是习习相关的。Fashion is not something that exists in...

2019-10-25 #经典句子

新概念英语 去商场买鞋的简单日常用语 Uncomfortable shoes

新概念英语 去商场买鞋的简单日常用语 Uncomfortable shoes

...我找一双吗? ]SHOP ASSISTANT: I"m afraid that I can"t. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they are not in fashion this year.[ 售货员:恐怕不行。这鞋在去年和前年时兴,而今年已不流行了。]SHOP ASSISTANT: These shoes are in fashion now. [ 售...

2023-11-11 #经典句子



...m.五、回答问题根据短文内容回答下列问题Paris is the world fashion centre . Every year ,young people bring their clothes to the fashion shows in Paris . There are over 100 women’s fashion shows here every year . Some colours and designs will become people’s favourites of the seas...

2023-09-03 #经典句子

英语话题“宁当鸡头 不当凤尾”——小城市的魅力

英语话题“宁当鸡头 不当凤尾”——小城市的魅力

...ming, 意为“吸引人的,令人着迷的” There are a number of old-fashioned and charming main streets in downtown. 市中心有许多老式的且十分吸引人的主街道。 "old-fashioned"是指老式的,比如说“an old-fashioned kitchen range” 老式的厨房灶台。下面这个...

2011-11-09 #经典句子

21句适合做个性签名的温柔短句 一秒倾心 百看不厌!

21句适合做个性签名的温柔短句 一秒倾心 百看不厌!

...mer, autumn and winter.三,快乐是永不过时的时尚.Happiness is a fashion that will never go out of fashion.四,然而人生辽阔 不要只活在爱恨里.However, life is vast, don"t just live in love and hate.五,见过很多 依然热爱生活.I"ve seen a lot of people who still lo...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...The staff of the company resigneed in a body.公司职工全体辞职。in fashion, in a fashionin fashion流行: This kind of dress is quite in fashion.这种服装现在很流行。in a fashion勉强 :Mary speaks Chinese in a fashion.玛丽能勉强讲点汉语。in kind , in a kindin kind以...

2009-11-23 #经典句子



... We also seemed to be swimming against the tide of contemporary trends in fashion industry. 对于当今时尚业的趋势来说,我们似乎是逆潮流而行。Sometimes, it is better to swim against the tide. I am firmly opposed to smoking and drinking, although all my friends do. 有时逆...

2015-02-25 #经典句子

英文中常说的swag 到底啥意思?到底怎么用?

英文中常说的swag 到底啥意思?到底怎么用?

...一个,swag的搭配组合:When you dress with swag, you have a keen fashion sense and confidence in your style.当你用到dress with swag这个英语表达的时候,就表示你有敏锐的时尚感和对自己风格的自信。* a keen fashion sense 明锐的时尚感知每日英语打卡...

2023-01-02 #经典句子

晒自拍发的句子 温柔干净 句句精致

晒自拍发的句子 温柔干净 句句精致

快乐,是永不过时的时尚。Happiness is a fashion that never goes out of fashion.时间比眼睛,更能看清一个人。Time can see a person better than eyes.承诺只有听的人,会记得。Promise that only those who listen will remember.有很多遗憾,要学会慢慢接受。Th...

2023-07-15 #经典句子

“美”可能是我们每天都避不开的话题 盘点英文里跟美相关的表达

“美”可能是我们每天都避不开的话题 盘点英文里跟美相关的表达

...前仔细得在镜子前打量一下自己,穿着是否得体,或是 fashionable。那么在英文里,又有哪些跟美挂钩的表达呢?我们一起来了解一下吧。1. Dressed to kill.如果我们直译这句话呢,那就是“穿上要去伤害别人的衣服”,可很显然我...

2020-11-12 #经典句子



...well be amusing.你生命只有一次,还是有趣点好。5. I don"t do fashion, I am fashion.我不做流行,我就是流行。6. Only those with no memory insist on their originality.只有那些没有记忆的人坚持自己的初心。7. Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress imp...

2023-11-19 #经典句子



...EET.(40 points)Text 1France,which prides itself as the global innovator of fashion, has decided its fashion industry has lost an absolute right to define physical beauty for women. Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on ru...

2023-05-21 #经典句子

说实话 王子文很懂“穿搭精髓” 基础款T恤 也能穿出高级感

说实话 王子文很懂“穿搭精髓” 基础款T恤 也能穿出高级感


2023-01-18 #经典句子