第一句子大全 > 标签 > Steps
“and”别总看成“和”的关系 用法很多样 了解语法是关键

“and”别总看成“和”的关系 用法很多样 了解语法是关键

...st sentence and then refuse to publish it. The article began: "Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president"s palace". The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.节选《新概念英语3 The fac...

2022-12-12 #经典句子

貌似简单的一个长难句 你来试试解析一下啊?

貌似简单的一个长难句 你来试试解析一下啊?

...and drugs and for advancing basic research, it is crucial that appropriate steps be taken to guide modification of existing patent law.解析:1. 简化句子:Because of …, it is … that ….简化后的句子结构呈现为复合句,复合介词because of引导的介词短语作状语,形...

2023-05-21 #经典句子



...urrent lengthmaxPalindrome = lettersAndDigits.slice(i - j, i + j +1); // j steps before, middle, and j steps after}}// try the case that the palindrome has two middlesif (i < len -1&& str[i] === str[i +1]) { // if two middles are the sameif (maxPalindrome.length= 0&&// cannot pass the start index (i...

2023-01-23 #经典句子

超精辟超现实的人生文案 句句经典 治愈人心

超精辟超现实的人生文案 句句经典 治愈人心

...ld多走几步,多走几步,多走几步,终于都走完了Take a few more steps, take more steps, take more steps, and finally all are finished谁也不会给你留下任何位置。No one will leave you any place.爱情为什么会如此讽刺,我忘记这是第几次了Why love is so ironic, I fo...

2023-06-17 #经典句子

这些可以惊艳到你的文案句子 一字一句 送给现在的你

这些可以惊艳到你的文案句子 一字一句 送给现在的你

...he secluded artificial lake, she could not see his eyes and only ran a few steps鸟的低鸣朦胧月光盈盈她第一次穿上这件百褶裙就站在他几步远的地方The bird"s low chirp was hazy and the moonlight was full. She stood a few steps away from him when she put on the pleated skirt...

2023-05-03 #经典句子

让人清醒的成长句子 瞬间破防

让人清醒的成长句子 瞬间破防

...来,学会走三步,回头再回头Take your time, learn to take three steps and look back再走十步一次,走一百步回一步直到我懒得再回头Take another ten steps, a hundred steps back and forth, until I"m too lazy to look back我总觉得好好的见面两个人也要好好说...

2022-11-22 #经典句子

支招小作文(68)|流程图 2:又一制作工序

支招小作文(68)|流程图 2:又一制作工序

...process, seen in an overall view, is quite complex, consisting of multiple steps in which different machines are used. * 第一句话中下划线的部分是倒装现象,此时尤其注意动词的单复数由动词后的名词成分(才是真的主语)的单复数决定。* 第二句中,动...

2019-10-16 #经典句子

do something用英语怎么说?

do something用英语怎么说?

... to help her,you can also say:语:We should take some actions/measures/steps to help her.2. So to do something means To take some actions,or to take some measures,or to take some steps.相信你越早训练自己把英语学成英语,将来你的英语写作或口语表达时,在瞬间的遣...

2023-08-30 #经典句子

句句戳进你内心的丧句子 伤感难眠 说中心事

句句戳进你内心的丧句子 伤感难眠 说中心事

...去见你,也可以退一万零一步离开你。I can walk ten thousand steps to see you, or I can take ten thousand steps to leave you.3.如果你是来了还会走的人,我宁愿从未遇见。If you are a person who can come and go, I would rather never meet.4.遗憾吧,这个冬天没有...

2023-02-06 #经典句子



...有活泼,健康而年轻的生命力。Stand on tiptoe, one step, two steps, three steps Even if the road is full of thorns, we should smile all the way forward.踮起脚尖,一步、两步、三步…即使一路布满荆棘,也要微笑着一路向前。我是庚辰,一个有趣的灵魂...

2023-05-26 #经典句子

网易云热评文案 伤感入心 心酸落泪

网易云热评文案 伤感入心 心酸落泪

...去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。I can walk ten thousand steps to see you, and I"m willing to take ten thousand steps back to leave you.4.一包烟能解决的事,就别浪费眼泪了吧。If a pack of cigarettes can solve the problem, don"t waste your tears.5.谁记得一切,...

2010-04-27 #经典句子



... prepare the ingredients.It’s not so hard actually, we just followed the steps from the recipe. We season the chicken with salt and pepper and followed the three-steps: first, dredge in flour on both sides. Then dunk both sides in the egg of mixture, and finally, coat both sides in the crispy crum...

2010-06-14 #经典句子

带英文的暖心表白情话 送给喜欢的人

带英文的暖心表白情话 送给喜欢的人

...那剩余的999步就由我来走向你。If there is a distance of 1000 steps between us, you just need to step out of the first step, then I will go to you for the remaining 999 steps.我想让你知道,这个世界上总有那么一个人在等你,无论何时何地,总有那么一个人。...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

表明自己态度的句子 句句有气魄 势不可挡!

表明自己态度的句子 句句有气魄 势不可挡!

...e为他人留下台阶或后路也是为自己保留台阶和后路Leaving steps or backroads for others is also keeping steps and backroads for yourself你们可能是这个世界上最甜美的桃子You may be the sweetest peach in the world晚不晚晚不晚能遇上就遇上就这样It"s not too...

2023-01-18 #经典句子

超拽超有范的霸气句子 治愈洒脱 值得你去欣赏!

超拽超有范的霸气句子 治愈洒脱 值得你去欣赏!

...面是果皮,台阶上面是半张坐着皱皱巴巴的报纸。Under the steps was the pericarp, and above the steps was half a wrinkled newspaper.蕴含深意的人生感悟句子,伤感虐心,让人大彻大悟!让人意难平的文案,伤感落寞,伤感虐心!非常孤独的朋友...

2022-12-13 #经典句子

暖心小句子|从遇见你的那一刻起 你就让我心烦意乱

暖心小句子|从遇见你的那一刻起 你就让我心烦意乱

...row forever.人分三步,两步,将爱藏进晚安。People take three steps and two steps to hide love in good night.怪不得你,你让我心烦意乱,从遇见你的那一刻起,你就让我心烦意乱。Blame you, you distracted me, from the moment I met you, you distracted me.我愿...

2023-01-22 #经典句子

云边文案铺|微风吹拂着天空 慢慢地爬上山顶

云边文案铺|微风吹拂着天空 慢慢地爬上山顶

... cloud"--张家佳的“云边小吃”When you were young, you sat on the steps, waiting for the sun to set当你小的时候,坐在台阶上等待日落Looking at the children next door dancing rubber bands,There is a firefly flying in the wind, bright and dark.在风中飞舞的萤火虫,明暗...

2010-08-11 #经典句子

午后励志正能量短句 句句入心 你的未来藏在你现在的努力里

午后励志正能量短句 句句入心 你的未来藏在你现在的努力里

...满荆棘,也要微笑着一路向前。Stand on tiptoe, one step, two steps, three steps Even if the road is full of thorns, we should smile all the way forward.8.只有你爬到山顶了,这座山才会支撑着你。没人会等你,风生水起靠自己。生活更加不会惯着你,要...

2022-12-28 #经典句子

简单浪漫的温柔小短句 文艺深情 太喜欢了!

简单浪漫的温柔小短句 文艺深情 太喜欢了!

...e that looks around is also called love, the love that looks back in three steps is also called love, but I"m greedy, just want 100% of love, stand up straight and have a clear conscience of love, go through the rain and pour out, and run to my love without hesitation.想和你一起去看春夏秋...

2023-07-23 #经典句子

2021年高考英语(新I卷)语法填空试题 + 答案 + 重新命题

2021年高考英语(新I卷)语法填空试题 + 答案 + 重新命题

...eaving us ______(60)(astonish).[3]What comes next is the endless series of steps. You can’t help wondering how hard it ______(61)(be)for the people then to put all those rocks into place. Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure ___...

2013-11-01 #经典句子