第一句子大全 > 标签 > 美好的英文句子
感悟人生的美好句子 带英文 触动你我的心!

感悟人生的美好句子 带英文 触动你我的心!

世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生中最长久的拥有就是珍惜。The most eternal happiness in the world is ordinary. The most lasting possession in life is to cherish.当你把每件事做到极致时,自然会拥有想要的生活,活成喜欢的样子。When you do everythi...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

唯美的晚安英文句子 简短美好 让人赞到手软!

唯美的晚安英文句子 简短美好 让人赞到手软!

一、人是会变得,守住一个不变的承诺,却守不住一颗善变的心。People will become, keep a constant commitment, but keep a fickle heart.二、生活从来不会刻意亏欠谁,它给了你一块阴影,必会在不远的地方撒下阳光。Life never deliberately owe anyon...

2023-01-03 #经典句子

七条英文句子告诉你 爱情并不是你想象的那么美好!

七条英文句子告诉你 爱情并不是你想象的那么美好!

1.You"ll have a new girlfriend. She"ll go shopping with you, eat with you and do what you want to do. We"ve finally gone farther and farther without each other"s trajectory. That"s good. Although the person who brings you a smile is not me, I"m glad you"ve changed into a lovely laugh again. I just t...

2023-07-12 #经典句子