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小学英语作文状物:《Still Life Description 静物描写》经典好句

小学英语作文状物:《Still Life Description 静物描写》经典好句

1.It is not big, but it is sweet.它不大,但很温馨。2.So I can see the blue sky and listen to the birds singing when I wake up in the morning.所以当我早晨醒来的时候,我就可以看见蓝色的天空,听到小鸟们唱歌。3.I often do my homework under the lamp every evening....

2022-11-17 #经典句子

英文语录:While there is life there is hope.

英文语录:While there is life there is hope.

Today is an opportunity to get better.Don"t waste it.今天是一个让一切变得更好的机会别浪费If you"re not having problems,you are missing an opportunity for growth如果你没有疑问你正失去一个成长的机会You don"t need to look up to others,for you yourself are a spectacle...

2016-10-18 #经典句子

天天英语|Life moves pretty fast.If you don’t stop……

天天英语|Life moves pretty fast.If you don’t stop……

明天,想不想换一种方式说早安呢?快跟我们学习这一句英文表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around every once in a while,you could miss it.人生过得很快。如果每隔一段时间不停下来环视四周,...

2018-10-24 #经典句子

天天英语|Genius only means hard-working all one’s life

天天英语|Genius only means hard-working all one’s life

明天,想不想换一种方式说早安呢?快跟我们学习这一句英文表达吧!51Talk一句话教你说早安▽Genius only means hard-working all one’s life.天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。该句出自 Mendeleyev门捷列夫,俄罗斯科学家,发现化学元素的周...

2017-08-22 #经典句子

英语每日十句:Your life depends on yourself

英语每日十句:Your life depends on yourself

1、That person looks familiar. (这人看着很眼熟。)2、Peace was finally restored in the city. (城市终于恢复了平静。)3、Your life depends on yourself.(自己的人生要靠自己争取。)4、He has no ear for music. (他没有音乐细胞。)5、He had a natural fl...

2016-01-19 #经典句子

I can not spend my life.我总不能耗尽一生 换一句你的有可能

I can not spend my life.我总不能耗尽一生 换一句你的有可能

叁品姐姐每天分享一段爱情感悟,幸福可以很简单,点击右上角关注哦。I can"t spend my whole life, to change a sentence.我总不能耗尽一生,换一句你的有可能When I let go, you go quickly, do not turn back I am not difficult.趁我放手,你赶快走,别回...

2019-06-07 #经典句子

张亚勤朋友圈发文:十月份退休 开启Life3.0

张亚勤朋友圈发文:十月份退休 开启Life3.0


2015-11-24 #经典句子

五月天LIFE演唱会历经644天 完成122场 6日在台中划下精彩句点

五月天LIFE演唱会历经644天 完成122场 6日在台中划下精彩句点


2023-11-22 #经典句子

《Happy Sugar Life》:砂糖做逃亡准备 叔母一句话让砂糖想吐!

《Happy Sugar Life》:砂糖做逃亡准备 叔母一句话让砂糖想吐!

《Happy Sugar Life》是七月番中比较黑深残的一部动漫番剧,其中的角色每一个都有着黑化变得恐怖的潜质,女主砂糖则是其中的代表人物,为了和小萝莉神户盐所谓的幸福生活,即便是自己的好友也不会放过。不过在砂糖意识到...

2020-04-08 #经典句子

Life there is simple. 句子错了吗?there在句子中作什么成分?

Life there is simple. 句子错了吗?there在句子中作什么成分?

【2019年12月13日 百天英语-Day140】【华东师范大学-林森撰写】昨日内容复习提要:昨天学习了主要学习了 ①spot不是sport,spot作名词形容“斑点”,作动词可以表示“看出”。② pounce on表示猛然抓住,以及其他表示“抓住”的单...

2023-07-08 #经典句子

live还是life “我想过过过儿过过的生活”用英语怎么说?

live还是life “我想过过过儿过过的生活”用英语怎么说?

【2019年9月1日 百天英语-Day40】【华东师范大学-林森撰写】欢迎来到【百天英语】,很多同学会认为学英语就是“背单词”。这是很大的误区。背单词只是英语输入过程。英语是一门语言,所以同时需要英语输出,只有通过表达...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

9.5万元落地本田LIFE 开了4个月后 车主只想说一句话

9.5万元落地本田LIFE 开了4个月后 车主只想说一句话

#汽车#大家好,我是本田LIFE的车主小李,我提到的这款车是本田LIFE 2020款1.5升CVT SPORT心动版,也是全系的最低配版,这款车的指导售价在9.78万元,算上市场的终端优惠以及4S店的折扣,最终以8万出头的价格拿下来,落地95,000左...

2023-06-15 #经典句子

「英文赏析」What is the meaning of life?生活的意义是什么

「英文赏析」What is the meaning of life?生活的意义是什么

喜欢的话,就点击上方关注吧~今天纸条君给大家推荐一篇短小的英文短诗——What is the meaning of life?(生活的意义是什么)希望大家喜欢~What is the meaning of life?生活的意义是什么?This is the story people will often tell you:这是人们经常...

2012-03-25 #经典句子

英语小故事:Life Worth Living(双语)

英语小故事:Life Worth Living(双语)

It was hot and dry summer. The beach was crowded with the people as they gather to beat the heat. There were so many people, from kids to aged people, enjoying the ambiance(氛围) at the beach. There was a group of 20 boys aged between 12 to 15 years trying to be adventurous(冒险). They i...

2009-03-05 #经典句子

英语教育类 演讲稿 微笑 让生活更美好Smile  make life better

英语教育类 演讲稿 微笑 让生活更美好Smile make life better

微笑,让生活更美好Smile, make life better生活中,需要自信,需要拼搏,需要坚持……In life, you need to be confident, you need to struggle, you need to insist...可是,你是否忽略了最重要,也是最根本的一点——微笑!However, whether you are neglectin...

2015-08-28 #经典句子

英语写作素材 Stay away from your phone  live your life

英语写作素材 Stay away from your phone live your life

Why do so many people on the planet right now medicate themselves, they medicate themselves with too much technology, they"re medicating themselves in front of that white screen, checking the smartphone a hundred and ten times every day. That"s not checking your technology, you know what that is, th...

2016-05-17 #经典句子

北师大版高中英语必修第一册U1L3 Your Life IsWhat You Make It

北师大版高中英语必修第一册U1L3 Your Life IsWhat You Make It

一、词汇梳理feature /fit(r)/ vt. 以……为特色,是……的特征The latest model features alloy wheels and an electronic alarm. 最新款式的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。typical /tpkl/ adj. 平常的,一贯的;典型的A typical working day for me begins at 7:30.我...

2020-02-09 #经典句子