第一句子大全 > 标签 > extremum
极值搜索算法 extremum seeking algorithm英语短句 例句大全

极值搜索算法 extremum seeking algorithm英语短句 例句大全

极值搜索算法,extremum seeking algorithm1)extremum seeking algorithm极值搜索算法1.Research and development ofextremum seeking algorithm;极值搜索算法的研究与进展2.An annealing recurrent neural network forextremum seeking algorithm and its application to unmanned aerial vehicle ...


RICE疗法 RICE treatment英语短句 例句大全

RICE疗法 RICE treatment英语短句 例句大全

...条件模型和各地区消费条件指数7.Discussion on the Conditional Extremum of Three Variable Function Through Unconditional Extremum;用无条件极值判定多元函数条件极值8.Cauchy condition for convergence of a series柯西级数收敛条件。9.conditionally convergent double seri...


平均腺体吸收剂量 Mean glandular dose英语短句 例句大全

平均腺体吸收剂量 Mean glandular dose英语短句 例句大全

...ly distributed.双腿分开站立,平均分散身体的重量。4.Metric Extremum Properties of Radial P-th Mean Bodies of Simplices单形径向P-次平均体的度量极值性质5.lifetime average(产奶量) 终生平均6.Estimation of depth-dependent hydraulic conductivity and deformation modulu...


百分位 percentile英语短句 例句大全

百分位 percentile英语短句 例句大全

...区间估计和假设检验的理论与方法。3.Next, the thresholds of extremum are estimated in terms of the 95th and the 5thpercentiles.首先对中国 2 0 0个测站 1 951~ 1 999年的逐日气温资料进行质量控制 ,剔除错误值 ;然后根据第 95个和第 5个百分位值来确定...
