第一句子大全 > 标签 > narrow
窄线宽激光器 narrow linewidth laser英语短句 例句大全

窄线宽激光器 narrow linewidth laser英语短句 例句大全

... comprehensive selection of short English sentences and example usage for "narrow linewidth laser." As a crucial component in various fields such as telecommunications, medical equipment, and scientific research, the narrow linewidth laser has gained significant attention. The provided examples cove...


窄薄砂体 narrow and small sandstone英语短句 例句大全

窄薄砂体 narrow and small sandstone英语短句 例句大全

窄薄砂体,narrow and small sandstone1)narrow and small sandstone窄薄砂体1.Identification of micro-small faults and effects on development ofnarrow and small sandstone oilfield;微小断层识别及其对窄薄砂体油田开发的影响英文短句/例句1.The Realesearch of Argillaceous Silt...




...theft 小偷小摸那么关于“小心眼”,其实还有一个表达:narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的,小心眼的Don"t be so narrow-minded!不要这么小心眼! What a pigheaded narrow-minded jerk! 真是一个头脑顽固,小心眼的蠢家伙!好了,关于“小心眼”的表达...


头晕目眩 英语单词怎么说?

头晕目眩 英语单词怎么说?

...ever—cleverest / most cleverable—abler / more able—ablest / most ablenarrow—narrower / more narrow—narrowest / most narrow想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注每天学个英语单词


治愈系唯美句子 精致暖心 送给心累迷茫的你

治愈系唯美句子 精致暖心 送给心累迷茫的你

...们之间没有,擦肩而过的余地。May the road between us will be narrower and narrower, so narrow that there is no room for us to pass by.2.不要害怕,保持一颗乐观的心,你现在的迷茫,只是成长的一部分,走过去就好了。Don"t be afraid, keep an optimistic hear...


超经典的霸气的句子 简单透彻 道理十足

超经典的霸气的句子 简单透彻 道理十足

...神看着它,路越来越窄。Look at it with puzzled eyes, the road is narrower and narrower.一步一步被动,一步一步倒退,饱受贫穷之苦。Step by step passive, step by step backward, suffering frompoverty.因为自信,我们成功了,我们一起努力飞向顶峰。Because...


电弧超声 arc-ultrasonic英语短句 例句大全

电弧超声 arc-ultrasonic英语短句 例句大全

...ines超高压输电线路的潜供电弧频谱特性7.Realization of Ultra-narrow Gap Welding with Flux Strips Constraining Arc;焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接的实现8.Arc Characteristic and the Development of Flux Bands in Ultra-narrow Gap Welding超窄间隙焊接焊剂带研制及电弧...




...:I nailed the sign to a tree. 我将标示牌钉到了一棵树上。 18narrow 熟义:adj 狭窄的 例句:There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. 床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。 :adj 勉强的;刚刚好的;狭义的 例句:We won a narrow victory. 我们险胜...


食管良性狭窄 Benign esophageal stenosis英语短句 例句大全

食管良性狭窄 Benign esophageal stenosis英语短句 例句大全

...n strictures of the esophagus, is a medical condition characterized by the narrowing of the esophagus due to the formation of scar tissue. This condition can result from various factors such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), esophageal infections, inflammation, or swallowing of caustic subs...


充满失落的伤心小短句 懂你的忧伤 令人难以忘怀

充满失落的伤心小短句 懂你的忧伤 令人难以忘怀

...两个人的生存。True love is single-minded, the field of love is very narrow, it is narrow to the survival of only two people.地生连理枝,水出并头莲。The earth grows branches, the water comes out and the head lotus.日里想着你,夜里念着你,梦里绕着你,眼里望着...


新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析

新概念三册Lesson 10讲义 课内单词详解 重点句型剖析

...e crashed in the mountainsconflict 冲突 My idea conflicts with yours11.narrowly adv.刚刚;勉强地 narrow adj.狭窄的 a narrow escape 九死一生12.tremble v颤抖 shiver 瑟瑟发抖 shudder 战栗13.faint adj.微弱的 = weak v.昏倒14.horror n.恐惧 horrible = fearful...


特别扎心的伤感句子 精辟现实 直击人心

特别扎心的伤感句子 精辟现实 直击人心

...上的游戏。True love is single-minded. The territory of love is very narrow. It is so narrow that it can only accommodate two people to survive; If you fall in love with several people at the same time, it can be called love. Its just an emotional game.当你问一个成熟的男人:“你理...


霸气的经典句子 阳光治愈 充满人生智慧 多读受益

霸气的经典句子 阳光治愈 充满人生智慧 多读受益

...ot grow very long.心胸狭窄,烦恼多,心胸宽广,智慧丰富。Narrow-minded, troubled, broad-minded, full of wisdom.你应该和有好方法的人交朋友,莫应该和没有意义的人交朋友。喝着清静的茶,莫贪恋着花色的酒。打开方便之门,闲置是非之口...


人口瓶颈 population bottleneck英语短句 例句大全

人口瓶颈 population bottleneck英语短句 例句大全

...conveyor belt.瓶颈开口角对二维颗粒流密度的影响6.It is with narrow-souled people as with narrow-mocked bottle; the less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out. --Somersest Maugham心胸狭隘的人就像小口瓶子,时颈装的东西越少,倒出时噪音越大...


缝隙加载 Slot loading英语短句 例句大全

缝隙加载 Slot loading英语短句 例句大全

...,需使用装在有缝隙载体上的金属丝结构的应变片。12.A narrow opening, such as a crack or fissure.裂缝如裂缝或缝隙之类狭窄的裂口13."Chink:a narrow opening, such as a crack or fissure."裂缝:如裂缝或缝隙之类狭窄的裂口.14.Grouting is a rock-stratum stren...


收缩作用 contraction英语短句 例句大全

收缩作用 contraction英语短句 例句大全

...作用及机理11.Discussion on the Positive Effect of the Employment on Narrowing Chinese Citizen s Income Gap;试论就业对缩小我国居民收入差距的积极作用12.The Effect of K~+ and Ca~(2+) Upon the Muscular Contraction of Amphibian;钾离子和钙离子对两栖类骨骼肌收缩性...




...),比如:simple,simpler,simplest;happy,happier,happiest;narrow,narrower,narrowest.多数加more,most,比如:careful,more careful,most careful。3、三音节及以上单词直接加more,most,比如:important,more important,most important4、不规则形容...


2021牛年春节拜年祝福句子 温馨如旧 句句经典 快去分享吧!

2021牛年春节拜年祝福句子 温馨如旧 句句经典 快去分享吧!

... is a kind of happiness called contentment, there is a kind of pain called narrow, there is a kind of harvest called faith, there is a kind of persistence called persistence, there is a kind of friendship called caring. The Spring Festival, wish you the best!4、春节拜年早来到,真心祝福...


生活感悟句子 阳光入心 值得细品

生活感悟句子 阳光入心 值得细品

...have become infamous.心胸狭窄危害别人,眼界狭窄危害自己。Narrow mindedness is harmful to others, narrow vision is harmful to oneself.每个人的刻骨铭心,在其他人的眼里,不过是茶余饭后的一段寻常八卦,三言两语即可道尽人的一生。Everyone"s unf...


每天记背一组高频词汇和词组 大学英语四级必胜笔记(第11天)

每天记背一组高频词汇和词组 大学英语四级必胜笔记(第11天)

...an e-mail to him 你可以给他寄送一个电子邮件23, narrow 狭窄的,狭隘的The road is narrow 这条路是狭窄的24, mild 温和的The weather here is mild 这里的天气使温和的。25, operate 运转,动手术You can operate the mach...
