第一句子大全 > 标签 > confluence
德性总汇 virtuous confluence英语短句 例句大全

德性总汇 virtuous confluence英语短句 例句大全

德性总汇,virtuous confluence1)virtuous confluence德性总汇1.Confucianism of Pre-Qin dynasty and Aristotle had respectively established system of virtuous ethics,and theirvirtuous confluences were respectively humanity and justice.先秦儒家和亚里士多德分别建立了德性伦理体系...


Unicode 算法漏洞“Trojan Source”几乎影响所有编程语言

Unicode 算法漏洞“Trojan Source”几乎影响所有编程语言

...assian 迅速发布了针对 CVE-2021-42574 的安全公告,影响了从 Confluence 到 Jira 的一系列产品,并通过多个软件更新来解决该问题。


日常生活中娱乐及传播媒体常用高频词汇 带例句及音标 推荐牢记

日常生活中娱乐及传播媒体常用高频词汇 带例句及音标 推荐牢记

...活动的地方。10. choreography[k(:)ri"ɡrfi] n.舞蹈, 舞蹈编排a confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design.艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合。11. circus["s:ks] n.广场, 马戏团, 马戏表演, 竞技场What are there in the circus? 马戏团里...


在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 简单优雅 深沉而有意义

在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 简单优雅 深沉而有意义

...slip fingertip in a hurry to dissipate, the dribs and drabs of former days confluence becomes a beautiful scenery, sweet scene, there is your tender feelings, also have my deep meaning.Only think of at this time, a little cool, some sour.Dream does not appear, you are still not around me, just in me...


热带气旋外围 outer periphery of tropical cyclone英语短句 例句大全

热带气旋外围 outer periphery of tropical cyclone英语短句 例句大全

...in of Ningyuan River in Sanya are created by thetropic cyclones with rapid confluence and precipitous fluctuation of flood.三亚宁远河流域大洪水绝大多数由热带气旋雨产生,流域汇流迅速,洪水陡涨陡落。2.Typhoon is a kind oftropic cyclone that affects the human society an...
