第一句子大全 > 标签 > virtuous
德性总汇 virtuous confluence英语短句 例句大全

德性总汇 virtuous confluence英语短句 例句大全

德性总汇,virtuous confluence1)virtuous confluence德性总汇1.Confucianism of Pre-Qin dynasty and Aristotle had respectively established system of virtuous ethics,and theirvirtuous confluences were respectively humanity and justice.先秦儒家和亚里士多德分别建立了德性伦理体系...


循经性 along meridians英语短句 例句大全

循经性 along meridians英语短句 例句大全

...良性循环的意义。英文短句/例句1.Research on Xuzhou s Economic Virtuous Cycle;对经济良性循环的研究——以徐州为例2.Appraisal Targets Designing of Beneficial Cycle for Urban Economy Based on the Energy Theory;基于能值理论的城市经济良性循环评价体系设计...




... lady of a big family, and the one who marries the red makeup of ten li is virtuous and virtuous5.长期不谈恋爱的现状:偶尔心动,惯性拒绝,习惯独处,保持清醒,长期快乐The status quo of long-term no love: occasional heart inertia, refuse to get used to being alone, ke...




...仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills. The wise are active; the virtuous are tranquil. The wise are joyful; the virtuous are long-lived.38、唯女子与小人,为难养也。近之则不孙,远之则怨。Of all people, girls an...


人民日报推荐国学经典《孔子语录》中英文翻译版 值得收藏

人民日报推荐国学经典《孔子语录》中英文翻译版 值得收藏

...仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills. The wise are active; the virtuous are tranquil. The wise are joyful; the virtuous are long-lived.【译】聪明的人喜欢水,仁德的人喜欢山。聪明的人好动,仁德的人恬静...


八月励志的短句子 精辟透彻 直击内心!

八月励志的短句子 精辟透彻 直击内心!

...时候不要忘记修德,站着的时候要诚实。Don"t forget to be virtuous while you"re alive. Be honest whileyou"re standing.我想尝试我能做的任何事情。I want to try anything I can do.别人看不起你,但他们暂时充耳不闻。Other people look down on you, but they don"t...


深刻睿智的人生感悟句子 精致深刻 建议永久珍藏

深刻睿智的人生感悟句子 精致深刻 建议永久珍藏

...你不必感受道德,但没有怨恨就是道德。You don"t have to be virtuous to do something, but nothing isvirtuous. You don"t have to feel moral, but no resentment is moral.五官的刺激并不是真正的享受,内心的平静是开始的地方。Physical stimulation is not real enjoyme...




...的,羞怯的tolerant 宽松的ungrateful 不领情的,忘恩负义的virtuous 有道德的,善良的


晚安正能量一句话 任何事情 总有答案

晚安正能量一句话 任何事情 总有答案

...德、善良简单的人,让笑容更灿烂,让生活更美满!Be a virtuous, kind-hearted and simple person to make your smile brighter and life more fulfillin.5、永远不要为谁改变,没有人值得你委曲求全。Never change for whom, no one is worthy of compromise.6、太阳总...


可以使人放松情绪的漂亮短句 温柔又含蓄 充满现实的无奈

可以使人放松情绪的漂亮短句 温柔又含蓄 充满现实的无奈

...柔贤惠多才俊俏?Lively, straightforward, lovely, innocent, gentle, virtuous, and pretty?不管天晴天阴 不管有无人爱?Whether it"s sunny or not whether it"s loved or not?总要经历过一些失去,才会明白拥有时的珍贵。Always have to experience some loss, will understand ...


适合置顶的高质量文案 满是无奈 总是可以深入人心

适合置顶的高质量文案 满是无奈 总是可以深入人心

...柔贤惠多才俊俏?Lively, straightforward, lovely, innocent, gentle, virtuous, and pretty?他说她任何为人称道的美丽不及他第一次遇见你。He said nothing about her was as beautiful as when he first met you.所有的哽咽都汇成一句“没事”。All the choking words were ...


适合做饭发的搞笑句子 精辟幽默 句句乐翻天!

适合做饭发的搞笑句子 精辟幽默 句句乐翻天!

...it a nutritious one.7、变贤惠的第一步。The first step to becoming virtuous.8、比你做饭好吃这件事,我很抱歉。I"m sorry that it"s better than your cooking.9、久吃成厨。After eating for a long time, I became a cook.10、恋爱可以慢慢谈,吃饭必须马上吃。Love...


让人百读不厌的句子 感悟颇深 送给不甘落后的你

让人百读不厌的句子 感悟颇深 送给不甘落后的你

...otstay; Books are not read by children and grandchildren; It"s betterto be virtuous, that"s the motto of the family heirloom.世界上有两件事是等不及的:第一,孝顺。第二,做好事。There are two things in the world that cannot wait: first, filialpiety. Second, do good.我想成...


适用于忧伤时发的小句 懂你心意 感受快乐

适用于忧伤时发的小句 懂你心意 感受快乐

...欣赏,我对不起你,请你原谅我!I was wrong.Lady gentle and virtuous, housekeeping, sensible, is I do not know how to appreciate, I am sorry you, please forgive me!Love + love + habit + forever =forever爱+爱+习惯+永远=一辈子。Love + Love + habit + forever =forever问你个问...


委婉表达自己吃醋的句子 可爱有趣 情商超高!

委婉表达自己吃醋的句子 可爱有趣 情商超高!

...我干嘛?You go to the person you said. They are gentle, beautiful and virtuous. Everything is better than me. Why do you look for me?7、今天中午吃饺子,我要沾着醋吃。I"ll have dumplings this afternoon. I"ll eat them with vinegar.8、以后不许跟别人太好了,我吃起醋...


看一眼就感同身受的文案 既扎心又现实 现实在理!

看一眼就感同身受的文案 既扎心又现实 现实在理!

... 贤惠?Gentle, considerate, petulant, independent, loving, gentle, kind, virtuous?


经典人生感悟 精湛有深意 句句让人深思

经典人生感悟 精湛有深意 句句让人深思

...最贤惠的母亲,是感恩和善良的姐妹。Friendship is the most virtuous mother of generosity and honor, the sister of gratitude and kindness.4.人生就是行动奋斗和发展,所以人不可能有什么固定的目标,对生活的渴望和追求永远不会停止。Life is action, s...


只属于你的深情句子 温柔简单 令人难以忘怀

只属于你的深情句子 温柔简单 令人难以忘怀

...得欣赏,我对不起你,请你原谅我!I was wrong.Lady gentle and virtuous, housekeeping, sensible, is I do not know how to appreciate, I am sorry you, please forgive me!Love’s tongue is in the eyes爱情的话语全在双眼之中。Love"s tongue is in the eyes.活着就是一场寂寞与...


充满正能量的早安句子 致元气满满的一天!

充满正能量的早安句子 致元气满满的一天!

...安!People should be reliable, being trusted is a virtue and happiness; virtuous, open-minded, in order to make the world clear, good morning!时光不负努力,我们不负时光,汗水、辛劳和努力浇灌的蓓蕾定会在未来的征途上绽放。早安!Time does not live up to effor...


适合发朋友圈的感悟句子 感悟至深 深入人心!

适合发朋友圈的感悟句子 感悟至深 深入人心!

...open, will not become a frog at the bottom of the well, will let your life virtuous circle.我对你好,也请你,对我好一点。自己喜欢的东西,就不要问别人好不好看。I"m good to you. Please be good to me. If you like something, don"t ask others whether it looks good.或许...
