第一句子大全 > 标签 > multiplying
电子倍增电荷耦合器件(EMCCD) electronic multiplying charge-coupled devices (EMCCD)英语短句 例句大全

电子倍增电荷耦合器件(EMCCD) electronic multiplying charge-coupled devices (EMCCD)英语短句 例句大全

...电荷耦合器件1.The output probability distribution of charge carrier multiplier(CCM) structure from theelectron multiplying charge-coupled device(EMCCD) and its influence on image uniformity are studied.为了研究电子倍增电荷耦合器件(EMCCD)中电荷载流子倍增(CCM)结构的输...


电视币 	elevision money英语短句 例句大全

电视币 elevision money英语短句 例句大全

...响parative analysis of the influence ofelectronic currency on M1 and M2 multiplier;电子货币对M1和M2的货币乘数影响及比较分析3.The Supervision and Control of the Electronic Currency;加强对电子货币监管的思考与探索英文短句/例句1.Study on the Electronic Money and M...


1%电量也看的句子 你有多久没有更新朋友圈了

1%电量也看的句子 你有多久没有更新朋友圈了

一、在一切变好前,耐心点,给好运一点时间。Be patient and give your luck time before it gets better.二、定时清理垃圾,你的生活都要是美好.Clean up the garbage regularly and your life will be better.三、好朋友不在乎性别,好关系不输给时间.Good fr...




初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标(一)初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标(二)2001 beeper ["bi:p]n 袖珍无线电传呼机,电话呼叫机2002 someday ["smdei]adv (今后)有一天2003 printer ["print]n 打印机2004 print [print]v 打印2005 document["dkjumnt] n...


法拉第日记:Faradays Diary - A Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

法拉第日记:Faradays Diary - A Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

...f constants拉格朗日常数变易法14.lagrange"s method of undetermined multipliers拉格朗日不定乘子法15.Lagrange"s method of indeterminate coefficients拉格朗日待定系数法16.lagrange"s method of undetermined multiplier拉格朗日的待定乘子法17.At that time, Japan was at the...


优质的伤感小短句 简短而温柔 治愈内心

优质的伤感小短句 简短而温柔 治愈内心

生活是一段奇妙的旅行,就在那一去无返的火车上。Life is a wonderful journey, on the train to no return.那些丢掉的,逝去的,失去的,忘记的,通通都点击删除。永远的删除文件。Those lost, lost, lost, forgotten, all click delete.Delete files forever....


睡前发的晚安句子 暖心治愈 句句都喜欢!

睡前发的晚安句子 暖心治愈 句句都喜欢!

...All the surprises and good luck in the world are equal to your character multiplied by your efforts.8、生活不需要比别人好,但一定要比以前过得好,希望你一直在越来越好的路上。Life doesn"t need to be better than others, but it must be better than before. I hope you a...


精巧而高级的深情短句 简短而温柔 令人惆怅!

精巧而高级的深情短句 简短而温柔 令人惆怅!

...,你的痛,乘于十后,便是我的感受。Your pain, your pain, multiplied by ten, is how I feel.暧昧的话,暧昧短信大全Ambiguous words, ambiguous messages daquan爱情不要等到年纪大了才考虑,早晨的歌声,到中午再听,就显得索然无味。Love must not wai...


让人忍不住怀念的小短句 心动又温暖 美好的向往

让人忍不住怀念的小短句 心动又温暖 美好的向往

...lating a wife should realize that his rights will be halved and his duties multiplied.-- Hideki Yukawa女人闯红灯,通常是和男朋友赌气;男人闯红灯,通常是为了和朋友比勇气。Women run red lights, usually in anger with their boyfriends.Men usually run red lights to test ...


精巧而高级的深情短句 字字暖心 充满正能量

精巧而高级的深情短句 字字暖心 充满正能量

...,你的痛,乘于十后,便是我的感受。Your pain, your pain, multiplied by ten, is how I feel.“你知道最冷的地方是哪里吗?”“不知道”“是没有你的地方。”"Do you know where the coldest place is?""Don"t know" "is no place for you."别跟三观不一致的人...


五一路上堵车的搞笑句子 押韵有趣 太有才了!

五一路上堵车的搞笑句子 押韵有趣 太有才了!

1、天生我材必有用,两个小时都不动。I am born to be useful, not to move for two hours.2、一行白鹭上青天,我们挤在最中间。A group of egrets on the blue sky, we squeezed in the middle.3、借问酒家何处有,又被堵在高速口。Asked where the restaurant is, it...


让人心痛的伤感句子 字字伤情 句句扎心

让人心痛的伤感句子 字字伤情 句句扎心

有人一旦错过,就是一辈子。Once someone misses, it"s a lifetime.大小孩喝奶茶,The big kids drink milk tea,成长之后,After growing up,星辰是为了让每个人在某一天找到属于自己的一颗星。The star is to let everyone find one of their own one one day.我没有忘记...


越看越喜欢的心情短句 句句经典 永不过时

越看越喜欢的心情短句 句句经典 永不过时

你就像一团火焰,我喜欢你,You"re like a flame. I like you,一个幽默的人要比幽默的人容易A humorous person is easier than a humorous person向他人提出宽松的要求,Ask others to be lenient,不管是在破阁楼,还是在古堡。Whether it"s in the attic or the castle.一...


莫名伤感的句子 简单清新 让人瞬间成长

莫名伤感的句子 简单清新 让人瞬间成长

人间还没有鬼话连篇。There is no nonsense on earth.每到冬季,春天就会温暖起来。风和日暖,使人愿意永生不死。Every winter, spring will warm up. The wind and the sun are warm, so that people are willing to live forever.人世间的枝叶,各自乘流。The branche...


早安正能量励志句子 懂知足 知进退 珍惜拥有

早安正能量励志句子 懂知足 知进退 珍惜拥有

一、生活是美丽、挑战和痛苦经历的神秘混合体。没有人能够预测它将如何展开。Life is a mysterious mix of beautiful, challenging, and painful experiences. No one can predict how it will unfold and.二、我们真正的幸福往往以痛苦、损失和失望的形式出...


比衡中解析还详细 一道高考英语模拟题引发长难句详解

比衡中解析还详细 一道高考英语模拟题引发长难句详解

一道高考模拟试卷,短文填空中的一句话。Some people whose intention is to make big money appreciate being given any chance to multiply their income, believing that is where their happiness lies.大概猜测一下,句子真正的主语是Some people ,后面whose接的一个定语...


温柔而唯美的情感短句 温柔简单 令人惆怅!

温柔而唯美的情感短句 温柔简单 令人惆怅!

年龄越大,越学会了顺其自然,不想再挽留什么,相信该在的不会走。?The older the older, the more learned to let nature take its course, do not want to retain what, BELIEVE that the will not go.?我看过春风十里,见过夏至末至,试过秋光涟漪,爱过冬日...


让人受益匪浅的励志句子 内涵深刻 现实犀利

让人受益匪浅的励志句子 内涵深刻 现实犀利

...重复和坚持的力量。The energy of each repetition is not added, but multiplied; it isnot the power of water, but the power of repetition and persistence.永远把别人对你的批评记在心里,忘记别人的赞美。Always keep the criticism of others in mind and forget the praise.人...


能分享在朋友圈的情绪短句 现实又无奈 满怀爱意

能分享在朋友圈的情绪短句 现实又无奈 满怀爱意

...lating a wife should realize that his rights will be halved and his duties multiplied.-- Hideki Yukawa总有一个人,一直住在心底,却消失在生活里。There is always a person, has been living in the bottom of my heart, but disappeared in life.你猜我喜欢什么制服,被你制服...


那些能让我们感同身受的句子:我亲手推开你 后来我又偷偷的难过

那些能让我们感同身受的句子:我亲手推开你 后来我又偷偷的难过

...力乘以365,都是显而易见的。No matter how little effort is made multiplied by 365, it is obvious.仰望大海,仰望星空,只为遇见你,你是我长久奔跑的意义。Look up at the sea, look up at the stars, but only meet you, you are the meaning of my long run.爱情是想象...
