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铺盖 blanket英语短句 例句大全

铺盖 blanket英语短句 例句大全

铺盖,blanket1)blanket[英]["bl??k?t][美]["bl??k?t]铺盖1.This paper introduces the boundary element method to study the affect of theblanket length for earth-rock dam on the infinite deep pervious foundation on the seepage of dam foundation.采用边界元法研究无限深透水地基上土石...


班级里的“开心果”可不是“happy fruit”啊!那用英语怎么说?

班级里的“开心果”可不是“happy fruit”啊!那用英语怎么说?

...古怪又滑稽啊?- 是的——他就是个“开心果”!2)Wet blanket身边有很多“开心果”当然最好了,不过我们也总会遇到这样的人——当你分享一些很好笑的事情,别人却一副苦瓜脸,或者在朋友圈分享什么趣事,总有人在评论里...


冬天 教你如何用英文表达“暖气 羽绒服 暖宝宝 电热毯”!

冬天 教你如何用英文表达“暖气 羽绒服 暖宝宝 电热毯”!

...电热毯。在英文中,我们一般把“电热毯”译成“electric blanket”或“thermal blanket”,这里友情提示下大家,床热起来就可以把电热毯关掉,长时间开着不仅对身体有害,还藏有安全隐患。例句:I sleep like a babe with my new electric bla...




...blender搅拌机16、frying pan煎锅、平底锅17、peeler削皮刀18、blanket 毯子19、sheet 床单20、bedspread 床罩21、cotton terry blanket 毛巾被22、pillow 枕头23、pillowcase 枕套24、mat 席25、cushion 垫子26、bathroom 浴室27、bath tub 浴缸28、shower bath, shower 淋...


双语——地震(An Earthquake)

双语——地震(An Earthquake)

...显露【单词】box 名词 [boks][bks] n. 盒子;箱子She pulled out blankets to keep her children warm.【译】她拿出毯子给孩子们保暖。【语法】keep意为“使……处于某种状态;保持”,常用于keep+宾语+宾语补足语。如:keep+宾语+形容词/副词。如...


英语语法学习 英语比喻的修辞手法 你知道的有几种?

英语语法学习 英语比喻的修辞手法 你知道的有几种?

...like a tree without fruit.I wandered lonely as a cloud.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.The check fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.He is in the kitchen like a duck to water.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him c...




...elt: 安全带例句:Please fasten your seatbelt.——请寄好安全带blanket: 毯子例句:I feel a little cold, can you give me a blanket?——我觉得有点冷,你能给我拿个毯子吗?airsick: 晕机例句:A: I don't feel very well. I think I am a little bit airsick.——...


游戏与学习真的势如水火吗?不 我们可以从炉石英文趣闻中学习!

游戏与学习真的势如水火吗?不 我们可以从炉石英文趣闻中学习!

...D评论版里演到了最后。英文:As long as Naralex stays under the blanket, Mutanus can"t get him.中文:只要纳拉雷克斯保持休眠,穆坦努斯就吃不到他。穆坦努斯在魔兽世界里是挡在纳拉雷克斯前的最终Boss,它偏偏不把纳拉雷克斯吃掉是因为...


双语——救鸽子(Saving a Pigeon)

双语——救鸽子(Saving a Pigeon)

...单词】bird 名词 [burd][bd] n. 鸟;禽Julie put one of her old baby blankets on the bottom of a deep storage bin.【译】朱莉把她的一条旧婴儿毯放在一个很深的储物箱的底部。【单词】blankets 原型:blanket 名词复数形式 ["blang-kit]["blkt] n. 毛毯;覆盖...


听歌学英文|Cold Night

听歌学英文|Cold Night

...到了你And the snow is lying cold雪冷冷地铺在地上Looks like the blanket on this town像是这个小镇的地毯And it drips down from the roof tops它从屋顶掉落While I hear the winter whisper我听到了冬天的低语That everything is naked所有事都裸露着And stark underneath...


清明踏青的亲子英文 踏青怎么说?教宝宝支帐篷 挂吊床 铺餐垫

清明踏青的亲子英文 踏青怎么说?教宝宝支帐篷 挂吊床 铺餐垫

...来回晃,– find your balance.找到平衡。III. Lay Down the Picnic Blanket 放餐垫Mom: Before you get too settled in,妈妈:你完全上去之前,come help me lay the picnic blanket down过来帮我把野餐垫放下,on this nice grassy spot by the tent.放到帐篷旁边有草的地...


100个托福听力表达 命题点常出现哪啊?对话里最容易搞错的句子

100个托福听力表达 命题点常出现哪啊?对话里最容易搞错的句子

...h of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人;be all eyes 目不转睛;a wet blanket 讨人嫌的人;two thumbs up举双手赞成;backroom boys 幕后英雄;break even 不赔不赚;cut corners走捷径;first things first 先说重要的......100个托福听力常用习语听力的命题点...


充满个性的情感文案 温柔又含蓄 让人心动不已

充满个性的情感文案 温柔又含蓄 让人心动不已

...,拽一条毯子,看电影,Get out of the shower, lie in bed, grab a blanket, watch a movie,咫尺天涯,阴阳两隔。Close at hand, Yin and Yang are separated.世上总有几个这样的人,他们对生活要求很高,对自己的愚蠢和粗野又不甘心。There are always a few su...


很棒的朋友圈日常文案 总有一句与你心有灵犀

很棒的朋友圈日常文案 总有一句与你心有灵犀

...样的毛毯When I woke up the next day, I was still covered with the same blanket in your arms昨天晚上,你没有消失,也不是一场梦。Last night, you didn"t disappear, nor was it a dream.我们也醒了,我们对视着好久,然后开始接吻。You wake up, too. We look at each o...


适合发朋友圈的高质量文案 满是无奈 触碰内心

适合发朋友圈的高质量文案 满是无奈 触碰内心

...ir conditioner can turn the overtime company into an ice cellar that needs blankets, and the star ceiling decorated with lights is next to our quiet temple我们一起旅行有多久了?How long have we been traveling together?我们有多久没有一起深夜起床,突发奇想地出去吃一...


适合冬天发的晚安句子 暖心大方 句句柔情似水

适合冬天发的晚安句子 暖心大方 句句柔情似水

...被窝陪伴你,一夜好梦,晚安。Cold weather, early rest, warm blanket to accompany you, a good night dream, good night.11.比起说晚安,更想帮你盖好被子。I want to help you cover better than say good night12.放下所有的心事,好好睡一觉吧,明天一切都会好...


非均质土柱 heterogeneous soil英语短句 例句大全

非均质土柱 heterogeneous soil英语短句 例句大全

... by building cutoff wall in its body and foundation, and by laying weighty blanket at its toe side, the effect of cutoff wall with different seepage coefficient, thickness and depth, and the effect of weighty blanket with different seepage coefficient and thickness are analyzed.结合武汉市长江...


学了这三个英文句子 轻松睡遍全球 海外旅游住酒店不用愁了!

学了这三个英文句子 轻松睡遍全球 海外旅游住酒店不用愁了!

...务。Can I have the laundry service?我想要洗衣服务。Can I have a blanket/a pair of slippers?我要多一条毯子/多一双拖鞋。投诉问题:Can you change the room for me? It"s too noisy/dirty.能帮我换房间吗?太吵了、太不干净了。The AC/TV/WIFI/computer doesn"t work....


看一眼就想发说说的沙雕语录 幽默搞怪 让你开怀一笑!

看一眼就想发说说的沙雕语录 幽默搞怪 让你开怀一笑!

... the hot weather at night, don"t forget to cover your roommate up with the blanket.我有一个要强的妈妈,小时候我妈骑自行车带我,我脚卡车轮里了,我妈感觉蹬不动,就站起来蹬。I have a strong mother. When I was a child, mymother took me by bike. My foot got stu...


出国旅游时 国际航班中常用的英语对话如何表达

出国旅游时 国际航班中常用的英语对话如何表达

...太冷,需要枕头与毛毯可以这么说:May I have a pillow and a blanket, please? I feel cold.请给我一个枕头和毛毯,我觉得有点冷。你的行李有点重,需要空姐帮忙将行李放上行李架,可以这么说:Could you help me put this hand luggage in the overhead ...
