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仪表系统及其示例应用- 英语短句和例句大全

仪表系统及其示例应用- 英语短句和例句大全

The term "仪表系统+instrument+system" in English refers to the complex arrangement of instruments or gauges used for monitoring and controlling various processes and operations in technical or industrial settings. It encompasses a wide range of devices designed to provide accurate measurements, ...


(2024年)交流虚拟中点电压 virtual mid point voltage英语短句 例句大全

(2024年)交流虚拟中点电压 virtual mid point voltage英语短句 例句大全

...和电流完成手机的监控。3.Over-voltage Analysis Based on Virtual Instrument;基于虚拟仪器的电力系统过电压分析4.The design of digital voltage based-on DAQ and LabVIEW基于DAQ及LabVIEW的虚拟数字电压表的设计5.Measurement of Fluctuation-Voltage and Flicker Based on V...


[06月]测量量表 measurement scale英语短句 例句大全

[06月]测量量表 measurement scale英语短句 例句大全

...量表中的应用4)metrology surface测量表面英文短句/例句1.an instrument for measuring strain in a surface.测量表面张力的仪器。2.an instrument for measuring the curvature of a surface.测量表面曲率的仪器。3.instrument for the measurement of surface roughness by the prof...


「新概念英语」Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

「新概念英语」Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

...音频磨耳朵(美音)二 文章内容与解释We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made inin 1681.[ 我家有件古乐器,被称作古钢琴,是1681年德国造的。]Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. ...




...中作为前缀的副词如“here,there 和where”该怎么翻译?求instrument在法律文件中的常见意思?1exhibit在法律文件中有什么特殊含义吗? exhibit既可以作为动词:展出,展示,也可以作为名词:展览品,陈列品。在法律上,特别是证...




... little imagination, you can be a one-man band, with all sorts of homemade instruments!【译】只要有点想象力,你就可以成为一个人乐队,拥有各种自制乐器!【单词】imagination 名词 [ih-maj-uh-"ney-shuhn][md"nen] n. 想象;想象力;空想;幻想【单词】one-...




...ill provide images of the sun"s north and south poles using a suite of six instruments on board that will capture the spacecraft"s view. Having a visual understanding of the sun"s poles is important because it can provide more insight about the sun"s powerful magnetic field and how it affects Earth....




塑形器,molding instrument1)molding instrument塑形器1.Application of prominent mandibular anglemolding instrument in the correction of prominent mandibular angle颌面肥大塑形器在下颌角肥大矫正术中的应用英文短句/例句1.Application of prominent mandibular angle molding ins...


人工测量 manual measurement英语短句 例句大全

人工测量 manual measurement英语短句 例句大全

...府工程技术及测量人员协会3.personal computer grinding measuring instrument in process个人计算机磨加工测量仪4.head contour measurer for hatters封头外形测量仪,制帽工人用5.DETERMINATION OF ARTIFICIAL INFECTION DOSE OF TOXOPLASMOSIS OF MOUSE人工感染小白鼠弓形...


车用加热器 Automobile Heater英语短句 例句大全

车用加热器 Automobile Heater英语短句 例句大全

...mobile Heater;车用加热器控制器的设计2.Design of Fault Diagnosis Instrument forAutomobile Heater便携式车用加热器故障诊断仪的设计3.It is a long history for automobile heater as the major equipment for car s warming from 1940s.从上个世纪40年代开始,车用加热器作...




...g the thermal expansion and volume change of materials. This sophisticated instrument allows for the precise determination of thermal expansion coefficients, phase changes, and other thermal properties of various materials, making it a vital tool in material science and engineering. For example, a ...


测评量表 Questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

测评量表 Questionnaire英语短句 例句大全

...心理素质测评量表的编制2.The Development and Assessment of the Instrument for the Frozen Shoulder Patients冻结肩中医证候测评量表的初步编制及考评3.Adaptability Analysis of Application of SERVQUAL in the Hospitality Industry;SERVQUAL质量测评量表在饭店业的适用...


虚拟实验装置 virtual experimental provision英语短句 例句大全

虚拟实验装置 virtual experimental provision英语短句 例句大全

...验的虚拟现实3.Construction of Virtual Packaging Lab Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的虚拟包装实验室构建4.Research of Virtual Experiment and Virtual Equipment;基础虚拟实验及专业虚拟化数字装备的研究5.Development of Virtual Laboratory for Process Equipme...


横刃 Chisel edge英语短句 例句大全

横刃 Chisel edge英语短句 例句大全

...刃式刮浆器(圆网印花用)11.To blunt or dull(the edge of a cutting instrument).弄钝,弄卷刃(切割工具的刃)12.To function as a sharp-edged instrument.用作利刃起有利刃的工具的作用13.A sword with only one cutting edge.单刃刀只有一边刀刃的剑14.The weaker se...


设备系统调试 system commissioning for equipment英语短句 例句大全

设备系统调试 system commissioning for equipment英语短句 例句大全

...控制系统进行调试。3.Inspect, test, and adjust the automation and Instrumentation, PLC units etc. according to maintenance plan.依据维护计划去检查,测试,调整系统设备机器.4.Function and Debug Method of High Speed Delivery System高速上冷床系统的设备功能及调...




...e of model 3936scan mobility paticle sizer, the testing principles of this instrument were presented and out the factors influenced on its performance were pointed out.为探索SMPS-3936气溶胶粒径谱仪整体性能的评定及其校准方法,在分析其测试原理的基础上,指出影响其...


失效加速测试 failure acceleration tests英语短句 例句大全

失效加速测试 failure acceleration tests英语短句 例句大全

...试与分析中的技术问题4.Missile-borne Storage Measurement and Test Instrument of Acceleration Based on CPLD基于CPLD的弹载加速度存储测试仪5.Add network delays to simulate connection speeds in your test environment.添加网络延迟,模拟测试环境中的连接速度。6.The ...


承载器 load receptor英语短句 例句大全

承载器 load receptor英语短句 例句大全

...gher;皮带秤承载器的分析与评述2.It classify weighing electronic instrument by weighing transducer,load receptor and weighing scale,has briefly described the development of electronic weighing technique in our country,and analyzed the future developing trend of the main three parts of elec...


网络流行的爱情语录 句句有感而发 说到心坎!

网络流行的爱情语录 句句有感而发 说到心坎!

...象生八卦,传播万物,万物不如你。Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, four images give birth to eight diagrams, spreading all things, all things are inferior to you.


中子反射谱仪 neutron reflectometer英语短句 例句大全

中子反射谱仪 neutron reflectometer英语短句 例句大全

...光子学中的应用18.Simulation and Optimization on Neutron Scattering Instruments at CARR;中国先进研究堆中子散射谱仪的模拟和优化研究相关短句/例句neutron reflectivity中子反射仪3)pile-neutron spectrometer反应堆中子谱仪4)Neutron diffractometer中子衍射谱...
