第一句子大全 > 标签 > waterscape
水景社区 waterscape community英语短句 例句大全

水景社区 waterscape community英语短句 例句大全

水景社区,waterscape community1)waterscape community水景社区2)scenic resort-community景区-社区3)community landscape社区景观英文短句/例句1.Feeling.Landscape.Poetic Imagery:Landscape Design of Chuanyin Jiayuan(Artist Community)情·景·意境——川音嘉苑艺术家社区景...


水文效益 hydrologic benefit英语短句 例句大全

水文效益 hydrologic benefit英语短句 例句大全

...物水文效益研究3.Lake Dianchi:An Ecological Water System,A Cultural Waterscape,and A Productive Water Body滇池——生态水系、人文水际、效益水体4.Soil hydrological function of main forest types in Tonglu’s ecological non-commercial forest桐庐生态公益林主要林分类...


风水理论 geomantic theory英语短句 例句大全

风水理论 geomantic theory英语短句 例句大全

...看汉长安城的兴衰4.Study on Utilization of Geomantic Theory in the Waterscape Build of Modern Living Environment风水理论在人居环境水景营建中的运用研究5.Study on Utilization of Geomantic Theory in Outer Environment of Residence;风水理论在居住区外环境规划设计...


水幕 Water curtain英语短句 例句大全

水幕 Water curtain英语短句 例句大全

...统3.Discussion about the Marketable Management Stratagem of Synthetical Waterscape of the Southlake Water Screen Film南湖水幕电影综合水景市场化经营战略探析4.A sheet of water flowing over a dam or similar structure.水幕从坝顶或类似的构造物落下一层水5.On the Waterp...
