第一句子大全 > 标签 > collective
集体的道德地位 moral status of collective英语短句 例句大全

集体的道德地位 moral status of collective英语短句 例句大全



美学解读:an Aesthetic Analysis of English Short Sentences and Example Collection

美学解读:an Aesthetic Analysis of English Short Sentences and Example Collection

美学解读,an aesthetic analysis1)an aesthetic analysis美学解读英文短句/例句1.The Aesthetic Interpretation on the First Chapter of the Analects of Confucius《论语·学而第一》首章的美学解读2.Recovering the Overshadowed Spirit of Aesthetics--An aesthetic Interpretation of Ma...


2024年Feast and Banquet: A Complete Collection of English Sentences and Examples


2024年Feast and Banquet: A Complete Collection of English Sentences and Examples 是否符合您的要求呢?

宴席,banquet1)banquet[英]["b??kw?t][美]["b??kw?t]宴席1.Thebanquet is also called Qiurui( auspicious Autumn) Banquet.根据其菜单和相应的操作要求 ,结合淮扬菜的其它品种 ,可以看出 ,淮扬菜在宴席类型与命名、菜点品种与用料、菜点色彩与成形、菜点...


周边居民:Nearby Residents - A Comprehensive Collection of English Phrases and Example Sentences

周边居民:Nearby Residents - A Comprehensive Collection of English Phrases and Example Sentences



李翱+Li+Ao: A Comprehensive Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

李翱+Li+Ao: A Comprehensive Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

李翱,Li Ao1)Li Ao李翱1.An analysis of Han Yu andLi Ao s understanding of Book of Songs;韩愈、李翱的经学思想透析2.A Textual Research and Comments ofLi Ao s Creditable Deeds in Shuzhou;李翱舒州史实考证与评议3.A few remarks onLi Ao s“complexity of human nature”and its imp...


冷暖冬:Cold and Warm Winter - A Collection of English Short Phrases and Example Sentences

冷暖冬:Cold and Warm Winter - A Collection of English Short Phrases and Example Sentences



王延松+Wang Yansong: A Complete Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

王延松+Wang Yansong: A Complete Collection of English Short Sentences and Example Sentences

王延松(Wang Yansong)是一位成就斐然的英语教育专家,他致力于为学生提供优质的英语学习资源和教学辅导。他深谙英语教学之道,撰写了许多富有启发性的英语短句和例句,帮助学生更好地掌握语言表达和语法用法。这些短句...


山西高职英语短句示例:Shanxi Higher Vocational Schools English Sentences Collection

山西高职英语短句示例:Shanxi Higher Vocational Schools English Sentences Collection



办学方式: The Way of Running a School - Comprehensive Collection of English Sentences and Examples

办学方式: The Way of Running a School - Comprehensive Collection of English Sentences and Examples

办学方式,the way of running a school1)the way of running a school办学方式英文短句/例句1.Ways of non-governmental university s development from " extensive" to"intensive;实现民办高校办学方式由"粗放型"向"集约型"转变2."orientation, scale of operation and modus operandi...


直接光度法+direct+photometry: a comprehensive collection of English sentences and examples

直接光度法+direct+photometry: a comprehensive collection of English sentences and examples

"Direct photometry, also known as direct brightness measurement, is a fundamental technique in astronomy used to determine the brightness of celestial objects without any intervening medium. By capturing the light directly from the source, this method provides precise data for various astrophysical ...


深入基层:go down to the grass-roots units - An English Short Sentence and Example Sentence Collection

深入基层:go down to the grass-roots units - An English Short Sentence and Example Sentence Collection



Comprehensive Guide to COPD: Overview and English Sentences Collection with 二三汤

Comprehensive Guide to COPD: Overview and English Sentences Collection with 二三汤



06月集体林地 collective woodland英语短句 例句大全

06月集体林地 collective woodland英语短句 例句大全

集体林地,collective woodland1)collective woodland集体林地1.At present, ourcollective woodland property use right system is not consummate.目前,我国集体林地产权制度不完善,存在产权关系模糊、权能边界不清、流转制度不健全等问题。2.The property right syste...


战略组合:扩展您的业务视野 - A Comprehensive Collection of English Senten

战略组合:扩展您的业务视野 - A Comprehensive Collection of English Senten



CO2 地下处置: Carbon Dioxide Disposal into Deep Stratum - Complete Collection of English Sentences and Examples

CO2 地下处置: Carbon Dioxide Disposal into Deep Stratum - Complete Collection of English Sentences and Examples



归有光: Guiyouguang English Short Sentences and Examples Collection

归有光: Guiyouguang English Short Sentences and Examples Collection

归有光,Gui you-guang1)Gui you-guang归有光1.Discussion of historic spirit and writing of lyrics byGui you-guang;论归有光抒情小品中的史记精神和史记笔法英文短句/例句1.Haunted by the Imperial Examinations System--Gui Youguang s Imperial Examination Complex;缠绵萦系 欲...


球类集体项目 collective ball events英语短句 例句大全

球类集体项目 collective ball events英语短句 例句大全



填方+fill英语短句+例句大全 --> Fill in English Short Sentences: Complete Example Collection

填方+fill英语短句+例句大全 --> Fill in English Short Sentences: Complete Example Collection



雨豆树: Albizia sama English Short Sentences Comprehensive Collection

雨豆树: Albizia sama English Short Sentences Comprehensive Collection

雨豆树,Albizia sama1)Albizia sama雨豆树1.Effect of pre-sowing treatments on germination and initial seedling development ofAlbizia saman in the nursery;雨豆树播种前预处理对种子发芽和种苗发育的影响(英文)2)condensed water from trees树雨3)Albizia saman雨树1.The Growth ...


防辐射+Anti-radiation英语短句+例句大全: Comprehensive Collection of Anti-Rad

防辐射+Anti-radiation英语短句+例句大全: Comprehensive Collection of Anti-Rad

