第一句子大全 > 标签 > lag


多年时滞,multiyear lag1)multiyear lag多年时滞1.In order to embody the characteristics of long lagged time of human capital and replacement of holding human capital,a newmultiyear lag human capital input-holding-output model is presented on base of Stone"s demographic I-O model and Leontief d...








...不利的影响,主要影响的也是中央执行功能。5)the lead and lag control超前/滞后控制1.The core of digitizing storage oscilloscope is the time-based circuit,whilethe lead and lag control circuit is the core of the time-based circuit,the design of which is the crux of the digitizing...




...rfect streaming video?2.After a while,the video streaming"s slow buffering lag is beginning to drive me mad(lag 滞后,滞迟). 3. Youtube videos are suddenly buffering all the time?4. Stop frustrating pauses in YouTube videos竟然说pause?5.Why deos youtube keep randomly pausing my videos?6. Why...


穿透人心的正能量说说句子 励志向上 活力满满!

穿透人心的正能量说说句子 励志向上 活力满满!

... I have seen with my own eyes, in deserts, the hurried traveller leisurely lagging behind; The galloping horse lagged behind, and the slow camel moved on.有志者事竟成。Where there is a will, there is a way.穷而强,不落青云之志。Poor but strong, do not fall qingyun ambition.意志...




...hold tasks. ⑤With the blurringof roles, and the fact that the home front lags well behind the workplace in making adjustments for working women, it’s not surprising that women are more stressed at home.该研究没有考虑到的是人们在家是不是还在工作,家务或是从办公室带...




...gain 再 又编码:a=一,gai=改,n=你故事:一改,你又忘了flag 旗 标志编码:f=房,lag=拉个故事:房里拉个旗出来drag 拖 拽编码:dr=大人,ag=阿哥故事:大人把阿哥拖出来against 对着 反对编码:again=又,st=石头故事:又有石头放路...


英语 neck and neck 的用法

英语 neck and neck 的用法

...:The Nokia brand is neck and neck with Apple, though the Lumia and Nokia lag well behind iPhone.诺基亚品牌与苹果并驾齐下,尽管Lumia和诺基亚远远落后于iPhone。例句3:The Infiniti may be neck and neck in handling versus the Porsche, but it"s more practical, with a backseat...


高中英语中there be的非谓语形式

高中英语中there be的非谓语形式

...用 there being 的结构。例:I don’t want there to be any students lagging behind.我不想有任何同学掉队。可这样用的及物动词包括:expect/like/mean/intend/prefer/hate等。而 there being 可作除介词for 以外的介词宾语。例:I have no objection to there being a...


学习励志的句子 我不怕读书少 但我怕记不好

学习励志的句子 我不怕读书少 但我怕记不好

...带刀会生锈,不学习会掉队。No knife will rust, no study will lag behind.同时抓两只兔子,却抓不到一只。If you catch two rabbits, you will catch neither.努力不一定成功,放弃一定会失败。只有学会如何停下来的人才知道如何加速。Try not to succee...


有故事短句 一眼便触动你的内心

有故事短句 一眼便触动你的内心

...愿落后于别人。Indeed, people live in their bones and don"t want to lag behind others.感情世界里的女人越想被爱,她就越谨慎。The more a woman in the emotional world wants to be loved, the more cautious she is.她那里有一种被善待的感觉。它证明了你的爱。She ...


温柔到爆的神仙句子|揉搓手 跺脚 再过一个冬天

温柔到爆的神仙句子|揉搓手 跺脚 再过一个冬天

...差的两个世界白昼注定无法拥抱夜晚Like two worlds with time lag, the day is destined to not embrace the night情感的尽头,没有说再见的沉默,We did not say goodbye, the end of our emotions is endless silence揉搓手,跺脚,再过一个冬天Cuocuo Shou stomp your feet but als...


治愈系句子 让阅读成为一种时尚 让学习成为一种习惯

治愈系句子 让阅读成为一种时尚 让学习成为一种习惯

...This sword will rust if it does not wear, and he who does notlearn should lag behind.知识丰富可以享受精神上的满足。Rich knowledge can enjoy spiritual satisfaction.知过去不知现在,叫做沉沦,知现在不知过去是盲目的。Knowing the past without knowing the present is...


常用的英文谚语 背会它 英语作文不用愁!

常用的英文谚语 背会它 英语作文不用愁!

...骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.21. 严以律己,宽以待人 Be strict with oneself and lenient towards others.22. .以人为本 people oriented; people foremost23. 时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.24. 前怕狼后怕虎 Fear the ...


“自贸英语 每周一课学起来”第七课开讲啦!

“自贸英语 每周一课学起来”第七课开讲啦!

...快!我没有意识到该吃晚饭了。Nana: It’s probably due to jet lag. What would you like to have for dinner, Chinese food or western food?或许是因为倒时差吧。你晚饭想吃什么,中餐还是西餐?John: Chinese food. I love to try new things.吃中餐。我喜欢尝试新...


关于异地恋的高级文案 句句暖心 干净简短!

关于异地恋的高级文案 句句暖心 干净简短!

...。In this world, there must be love in which the running wins and the jet lag can survive the distance七,只能在离你千里外的城市里忍着眼泪继续生活。You can only live with tears in a city thousands of miles away from you.八,所爱隔山海 山海不可平 海有舟可...


告白文案|“真爱大概就是不温柔的人 却为你做尽温柔事”

告白文案|“真爱大概就是不温柔的人 却为你做尽温柔事”

...也不是免费的东西。I don"t know if you"ll remember me in the jet lag, even if we"re not in a school, I"ll stick to it.I love very warm, although not good at expressing, but my heart but I have a stay.I will never hesitate, because kindness and like are not free things.你想要的东西都...


让自己清醒最狠的句子 句句精选 解忧必备!

让自己清醒最狠的句子 句句精选 解忧必备!

...让你知道这些都是事实。Is it the shackles of reality, or the jet lag of day and nightexchange? You said with a smile, we are deja vu friends. I live inthis sad city, but you are in this invisible city. I am lonelywithout you. I wrote all the white papers in your name, all theworries I had ...


早安问候短句 简短走心 选一句送给自己吧!

早安问候短句 简短走心 选一句送给自己吧!

...力会创造力量,态度决定高度。If you don"t work hard, you will lag behind. Effort will create power, attitude determines height.努力的人最可爱,不努力的人最可恨。People who work hard are the most lovable, and people who don"t work hard are the most hateful.当我发现...


德语日用小短语大集合 帮助你变身成为德语大师 快来看看吧

德语日用小短语大集合 帮助你变身成为德语大师 快来看看吧

...人好像只有直接经历了多次失败才可以。etw.in den Wind schlagen(ugs.)不留心,不介意Der Prsident hat alle Warnungen in den Wind geschlagen.那个总统捂住耳朵不听所有的警告。Wenn es bei Flutwellen Tote gab, dann lag das meist daran, dass Menschen Warnungen in de...
