第一句子大全 > 标签 > phenomenological
[06月]现象学描述 phenomenological description英语短句 例句大全

[06月]现象学描述 phenomenological description英语短句 例句大全

现象学描述,phenomenological description1)phenomenological description现象学描述英文短句/例句1.Research on Disciplinary Cultures in Germany:Concept Analysis and Phenomenological Description;德国的学科文化研究:概念分析与现象学描述2.The Illustration of Dufrenne s Aest...


建筑现象 Architectural phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

建筑现象 Architectural phenomenon英语短句 例句大全

...现象的关系英文短句/例句1.Study on the Thoughts of Architecture Phenomenology of Alvar Aalto;阿尔瓦·阿尔托建筑现象学思想评述2.Discovery and Creation Using Phenomenology of Architecture to Analysis How to Create "Genius Loci" in Architecture Design;发现与创造——运...


悬搁判断 suspension of judgment英语短句 例句大全

悬搁判断 suspension of judgment英语短句 例句大全

..."宁静"。4)epoche悬搁1.Theepoche of two natural attitudes in Husserl"s phenomenology胡塞尔现象学的两种自然态度之悬搁英文短句/例句1.The epoche of two natural attitudes in Husserl"s phenomenology胡塞尔现象学的两种自然态度之悬搁2.Memory is Suspended in the Form...


极化子近邻跃迁 near-neighbor-hopping of polaron英语短句 例句大全

极化子近邻跃迁 near-neighbor-hopping of polaron英语短句 例句大全

...arest neighbor hopping on the ARPES is studied on the basis of the Hubbard phenomenological model.以SDW波模拟赝能隙,基于具有自旋密度波(SDW)和d-波超导对称性(DSC)的Hub bard唯象模型,同时考虑近邻、次近邻跃迁效应,在平均场近似下计算谱函数及态密度,...


本质科学: 含义 英语短句和例句大全

本质科学: 含义 英语短句和例句大全

...彰。本质科学,essence science1)essence science本质科学1.Husserl"s phenomenology is not only logical and mathematical knowledge but also a pureessence science.胡塞尔对现象学整体的说明,不光是逻辑与数学在知识上的厘清,或是意识本质面的先验科学,更是一种...


美学解读:an Aesthetic Analysis of English Short Sentences and Example Collection

美学解读:an Aesthetic Analysis of English Short Sentences and Example Collection

...接受美学对古代文学作品阅读的启示相关短句/例句ON the Phenomenological Aesthetics现象学美学解读3)The Explanation of the Natural Science Beauty自然科学美之解读4)A Explain on Aesthetic Thoughts of Rousseau卢梭美学思想解读5)Interpretation of Muzimei解读"木...


(2024年)现代遮蔽 modern concealment英语短句 例句大全

(2024年)现代遮蔽 modern concealment英语短句 例句大全

...读9.Between Concealing and Uncovering--An Interpretation of Heidegger s Phenomenology;在遮蔽与无蔽之间——海德格尔现象学的一种理解10.Camouflaged Radiant:Innovative Thought in China Ancient Times;遮蔽了的璀璨——中国古代创新思想发微11.Shadowing and show--on th...


土家织锦纹样 Tujia brocade patterns英语短句 例句大全

土家织锦纹样 Tujia brocade patterns英语短句 例句大全

...aftwork;衰落与蜕变——土家织锦工艺现状考察的思考13.The Phenomenological Interpretation of Esthetics in Folk Craft--An Example of Tujia Brocade;民间工艺审美的现象学阐释——以土家织锦为例14.Rational Utilization of Brocade with Tujia Characteristics inthe Educat...


周易 Zhouyi英语短句 例句大全

周易 Zhouyi英语短句 例句大全

...型的比较——以《周易》为透视文本6)I Ching《周易》1.A Phenomenological Probe in Time Issue ofI Ching;《周易》时间问题的现象学探问2.The Family Ideology and Its Affection inI Ching;《周易》的家庭观念及其影响论略3.The Effect of theI Ching on the Anciant M...


逻辑实证主义 Logical Positivism英语短句 例句大全

逻辑实证主义 Logical Positivism英语短句 例句大全

... easy to prove that idealism, positivism including logical positivism, and phenomenology are thoroughly wrong.由此可以证明唯心主义、实证主义??包括逻辑实证主义,以及现象学彻底错了。16.The Relevancy in the Methodology of LogicPositivism and New Classical Economics;逻...


主体问题 subject issue英语短句 例句大全

主体问题 subject issue英语短句 例句大全

...al Government;关于确立地方税主体税种问题的研究15.Husserl s Phenomenology and the Problem of the Relation between Aesthetic Subject and Object;胡塞尔现象学与审美主客体关系问题16.Probing into Founding a Mechanism of Market Main Body Quit in Order;构建市场主体有...


压电系数 Piezoelectric coefficient英语短句 例句大全

压电系数 Piezoelectric coefficient英语短句 例句大全

...31 for LiNbO 3 and LiTaO 3 in three dimensional space have been calculated phenomenologically through the coordinate transformation method.本文利用坐标变换的方法 ,探讨了LiNbO3与LiTaO3晶体压电系数d33,d31和机电耦合系数k33,k31随空间方向变化的规律 ,分别得到这 2...


水文模型对象解析 hydrological model object analysis英语短句 例句大全

水文模型对象解析 hydrological model object analysis英语短句 例句大全

...educational Category;电视社教类对象性节目生存状态解析4.The Phenomenological Analysis of and Answer to the "is-ought" Issue;对“是—应当”问题的现象学分析和解答5.The Phenomenon of Bi disadvantaged Students in Colleges andUniversities and its Solutions;高校“双困...


审美心胸: Aesthetic Mind英语短句例句大全

审美心胸: Aesthetic Mind英语短句例句大全

...se to “abstention from judgment” and “transcendental reduction” of phenomenology, transcends the operation of “pure consciousness”, then achieves anaesthetic mind, which is planted in the serene personality.认为《二十四诗品》所描述的诗人经由近似于“现象学悬搁”...
