第一句子大全 > 标签 > Four


1. There are four apples on the table.2. Four students are sitting in the classroom.3. I have four fingers on my left hand.4. The clock struck four times.


四细分英语短句+four subdivision例句大全

四细分英语短句+four subdivision例句大全



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色彩形象定位 four-season colors英语短句 例句大全

色彩形象定位,four-season colors1)four-season colors色彩形象定位2)Image Coloring形象色彩1.As for image coloring,all adjective reduplications but ABAB pattern can make expressions more vivid by emphasizing on items’ characteristics and strengthening its description and state.从形...


第四点计划 Point Four英语短句 例句大全

第四点计划 Point Four英语短句 例句大全

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