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雅思大作文 教育类

雅思大作文 教育类

...,2013-06-22(大陆),2006-11-18(大陆)It is believed that secondary school children should study international news as one of their school subjects. Others think that this is a waste of valuable school time. Discuss both views and give your opinions.2020-07-31(大陆),2017-02-25(亚太)Today, more a...

2009-01-11 #经典句子

英语语法系列之表语从句简化 动名词作表语?!不定式作表语?!

英语语法系列之表语从句简化 动名词作表语?!不定式作表语?!

...间。动名词作表语① Her job is one thing.② She looks after the children.合并Her job is that she looks after the children.简化Her job is that she looks after the children.简化过程Her job is that she looks after the children.①去掉that,that无实际意义!↓Her job is she loo...

2023-10-15 #经典句子



...继续来看剩下的内容。Miss Longfield warned that a generation of children risked growing up ‘worried about their appearance and image as a result of the unrealistic lifestyles they follow on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, and increasingly anxious about switching off due to the cons...

2023-07-09 #经典句子



...re are two parts less than 10 minutes’ walk from home where neighborhood children gather to play.在离家不到10分钟路程的两个地方,邻居家的孩子们聚在一起玩耍。However, what my children want to do after school is pick up a screen — any screen — and stare at it for hou...

2022-11-24 #经典句子



... housework. Therefore, many parents want to know if they should give their children chores(家务). Well, there’s no need to worry. ① First, doing chores helps children learn to be independent. Parents can’t stay by their children’s side all the time. ② And these skills will help ...

2013-01-22 #经典句子

适合六一儿童节发的文案 可爱有趣 你最喜欢哪一句?

适合六一儿童节发的文案 可爱有趣 你最喜欢哪一句?

...ildlike child.抱一下吗?六月一日的小朋友。Do you want a hug? Children on June 1st.好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂都过儿童节。Good looking skins are the same, and interesting souls celebrate children"s day.年龄不适合过六一儿童节,但我的智商可以。A...

2023-11-05 #经典句子



...:- Get Your Bed BackPlenty of toddlers, preschoolers, even school-aged children nationwide are sleeping with their parents at least some of the time. 我们习惯说baby,kid,child,children等等,今天学了一个因此:a toddler:a toddler is a baby,or a little child,a little kidA pre-school...

2009-07-10 #经典句子

六一儿童节发朋友圈文案来了 句句可爱 总有一个适合你

六一儿童节发朋友圈文案来了 句句可爱 总有一个适合你

...y on someone, will become the kindergarten and other people to pick up the children.2、今天是六一儿童节,我好想在这样的日子里,蹦蹦跳跳地扑进你的怀里,做只属于你一个人的小朋友。Today is the children"s day, I want to be in such a day, jumping into your ar...

2023-01-06 #经典句子



...纪念也是理所应当的。英语原文There is a long tradition of the children of the poor playing a functional role in contributing to the family income by working either inside or outside the home. In this sense children are seen as useful. Back in the Middle Ages, children as young as 5 or 6...

2013-02-22 #经典句子

六月一日是儿童节 那“儿童节”用英语怎么表示?

六月一日是儿童节 那“儿童节”用英语怎么表示?

...”,其通常指 14 岁以下的儿童,这个单词的复数形式为children。儿童节是孩子们的节日,因此,“儿童节”可以用英语表示为“Children"s Day”。 例句Children"s Dayis a joyful occasion for kids. 儿童节对孩子们来说是开心的时候。既然提到...

2023-10-16 #经典句子

适合家长看的句子 和谐的家庭是父母给孩子最好的礼物

适合家长看的句子 和谐的家庭是父母给孩子最好的礼物

...成长。It takes time for flowers to blossom and fade. It takes time forchildren to grow up. Let"s accompany them to grow with love andpatience.给孩子一个丰富多彩的童年,让他们在飞的书页间起飞。Give children a colorful childhood, let them fly in the flyingpages.孩子们,...

2022-11-23 #经典句子



...孩子们都该学历史课吗?Some people think it is important for all children to learn history at school. Others believe that other subjects like science and mathematics are more relevant to children’s development today. Discuss both views and give your opinion.解析&审题本次考试题...

2009-06-30 #经典句子

小学英语作文日记篇:144 Children's Day 儿童节

小学英语作文日记篇:144 Children's Day 儿童节

英文:Thursday, June 1st, 2020 SunnyToday was Children"s day. We were so happy. We had a party in the classroom in the afternoon. Someone sang songs. Someone danced. Someone played the guitar. We played some games. We ate some snakes and drank some drinks. We didn"t have any classes ...

2018-06-13 #经典句子



...规律性和模式,以期为考生提供借鉴和参考。题目:Once children start school, teachers have more influence on their intellectual and social development than parents do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (儿童一旦开始上学,教师对于儿童的智力开发和社...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, please look at the blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.Please read the … together. One, two, three, go!Now, let"s sing the song… together.Now, let"s enjoy the song from the tape.Well, let"s go on. Please loo...

2009-04-10 #经典句子

备忘录里的温柔句子 句句清新 小众不俗

备忘录里的温柔句子 句句清新 小众不俗

...ime.大学学生也是落伍的孩子。College students are also backward children.不要嘴硬,最后亲起来会很甜。Don"t talk hard. It will be sweet to kiss at last.完全忘记了我以前是什么样的人。I forgot completely what I used to be.往后看心仪的男孩一直在旁边。T...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

适合六一晒娃发的句子 温情暖心 点赞超多!

适合六一晒娃发的句子 温情暖心 点赞超多!

...ike heart and the face of a child last forever. Everything is sweet. Happy children"s Day!3、成长只有一次,把最好的都给你,愿你永远快乐。Grow up only once, give the best to you, wish you happy forever.4、这世界上最幸福的事,就是陪你一起长大。The happiest th...

2023-04-29 #经典句子

六一快到 老师布置的英语作文怎么写?素材和模板送给你

六一快到 老师布置的英语作文怎么写?素材和模板送给你

...受等等。接着,我们就要思考题目了,很多同学都能记得Children"s Day, 但是很容易忘记加“"s”,此处需要谨记。同时题目可以直接是“Children"s Day”,或者是“My Wonderful Day”等等。1. 六一儿童节的由来国际儿童节(又称儿童节,...

2016-09-20 #经典句子



...and discipline.2.在一些班级里有太多的孩子。There are too many children in some classes.3.人多的班级很难管理。Large classes are difficult to manage.4.很多的捣乱的学生来自于不稳定的家庭背景。Many disruptive students come from an unstable family background.5....

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...贡献。【翻译译文】Chinese families place a great premium on their children’s education. The majority of parents hold that they should work hard to ensure that their children can get a good education. Not only are they willing to invest in children’s education, but also they spend plenty...

2023-05-21 #经典句子