第一句子大全 > 标签 > regret
英语语法:regret后用to do还是doing?stop doing表示“停止做”

英语语法:regret后用to do还是doing?stop doing表示“停止做”

...p this to do that); stop doing something 表示“停止做某事”。2.I regretted to tellhim that he had been dismissed. To my surprise, he said to me, “I have no regrets, I only regret having taken the wrong job.”我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了,使我惊奇的是,他对我说:“...

2013-03-14 #经典句子



feel regret over(about、for、of):对…感到遗憾。He feels deep regret about his friend"s death.他对朋友的去世深感惋惜。US feels regret over French ambassador recall, a White House official says.一位白宫官员称,美国对法国大使的召回感到“遗憾”。The ol...

2023-12-03 #经典句子

属于秋天的优质句子 干净大方 沁人心脾!

属于秋天的优质句子 干净大方 沁人心脾!

...、那些夏天的遗憾,到了秋天就别再提了吧!Those summer"s regrets, don"t mention it in autumn!3、生活的高手,从来都是自信满满,心情愉悦,脸上常挂着一抹暖暖的微笑。这个秋天开始,加油吧!The master of life is always full of self-confidence,...

2022-12-25 #经典句子



...o inform you that...我们不得不很遗憾地提醒您......We very much regret to have to emind you of...我们请求您对...给予注意。We invite your attention to...*用于引起别人注意时。 attention“注意”。We would like to call your attention to...比较礼貌的说法。我...

2023-05-27 #经典句子

让人一秒泪崩的句子 简短扎心 满是遗憾 看完想哭

让人一秒泪崩的句子 简短扎心 满是遗憾 看完想哭

...t person at the wrong time? Anyway, all the untimely encounter, the end is regret, since it is regret, then why meet?其实我们的故事很简单,大概就是从满心欢喜在一起,到最后不欢而散的离开吧!In fact, our story is very simple, probably from full of joy together, to t...

2023-07-16 #经典句子

让人满腔热血的句子 送给在梦想中励志前行的你们 共勉!

让人满腔热血的句子 送给在梦想中励志前行的你们 共勉!

...nish it, and you will not lose your direction with the drift, nor will you regret it and become a wanderer.有时候看见别人那么快乐,也想给自己找一个可以快乐的理由。Sometimes when I see others being so happy, I want to find myself a reason to be happy.做让自己感到踏...

2022-12-10 #经典句子

描写爱情伤感的句子 每每想起都触动心弦

描写爱情伤感的句子 每每想起都触动心弦

...放弃了不该放弃的,固执地,坚持了不该坚持的。Life"s most regrettable, no more than, easily give up should not give up, stubbornly, adhere to should not insist.4: 如果爱上,就不要轻易放过机会。莽撞,可能使你后悔一阵子;怯懦,却可能使你后悔一辈...

2022-11-19 #经典句子

几个三观很正的句子 凸显个性 很有风度!

几个三观很正的句子 凸显个性 很有风度!

...后悔和遗憾,皆因自己在无意义的事上逗留了太久。All regret and regret, because they stayed too long in meaningless things.8、生活无聊,越无聊越空虚,忙起来才是正道。Life is boring, the more boring the more empty, busy is the right way.9、能救赎伤痛的...

2023-02-05 #经典句子

温暖人心的短句 适用于每个年龄段

温暖人心的短句 适用于每个年龄段

...y on the road of the times, stand up and strive to make your youth without regrets.但让我们诚实地说:青春,要无怨无悔容易,要无怨无悔,真的很难。But let"s be honest: youth, it"s easy to have no regrets, it"s really difficult to have no regrets. 青春不是温暖的金...

2023-11-17 #经典句子

中意短句 男女通用!

中意短句 男女通用!

... 是短暂的遗憾 错过 是永久的遗憾。Mistakes are short-lived regrets. Misses are permanent regrets四,那首关于我们的歌 你把结局唱给了谁听。Who did you sing the ending to that song about us五,难找的不是爱 是信任。It is not love but trust that is hard to fi...

2023-05-26 #经典句子

触动内心的治愈文案 句句走心 伤感落寞

触动内心的治愈文案 句句走心 伤感落寞

...来填满人生的遗憾,其实不是。I thought love is to fill life regret, it is not.它是来制造遗憾的。It is here to make the regrets.我希望有个人看穿我的遗憾。I wish someone to see through my regret.

2023-05-10 #经典句子

很优质的感悟句子 精致入心 每一句都很棒

很优质的感悟句子 精致入心 每一句都很棒

...落的电影最好看的遗憾最难忘-The movie I miss is the best, the regret is the most unforgettable不合时宜这个词成了多少人的遗憾-Not suitable for the word has become the regret of many people从来没有过你,但我感觉自己失去了千万次。I never had you but I feel l...

2023-02-03 #经典句子

人生最遗憾的 最新经典网络语录

人生最遗憾的 最新经典网络语录

.... 人生最大的遗憾,莫过于遇到一个特别的人。The greatest regret in life is to meet a special person. 2. 此生无憾,与你相见,此生遗憾,无缘再见。There is no regret in this life, meet with you, this life regrets no good-bye. 3. 人总把金子放在心里,金子...

2022-11-30 #经典句子

失望的句子 悲伤而残酷 让人眼红

失望的句子 悲伤而残酷 让人眼红

...季的年华,寻找,因你失去的明媚微笑。Life is a process of regret, a little inadvertently look back, full of unforgettable and fresh memories in the past, destined to have some regret, the important thing is not to forget the journey of trials and hardships because of too much helple...

2022-11-11 #经典句子

富有个性的伤感短句 幸福感满满 深沉而有意义

富有个性的伤感短句 幸福感满满 深沉而有意义

...learn to appreciate the beauty around you, even if it leaves you with deep regrets.只要心里还存着不甘心,就还不到放弃的时候。As long as the heart is still not willing, it is not the time to give up.“我好像找不到方向了”“你要去哪里”“通往你的心里,该...

2023-01-17 #经典句子

网上很火的文案句子 随性洒脱 十分有个性

网上很火的文案句子 随性洒脱 十分有个性

...e you for so long. I love you for so long.最后悔的学生时代The most regretful school days遗憾总是说不出口Regret can"t be said你都不回,并非因为你很忙,而是因为我不重要You are not back, not because you are busy, but because I am not important人们长大了,曾经沉...

2023-05-20 #经典句子

2020年朋友圈人气超高的句子 简单暖心 送给喜欢的人!

2020年朋友圈人气超高的句子 简单暖心 送给喜欢的人!

...。生活或许总有遗憾,但未来依旧美好。Life may always have regrets, but the future is still good.你不可能让所有人满意,因为每个人都有自己不同的标准。You can"t satisfy everyone because everyone has different standards.不论做什么事,都要相信自己...

2022-12-09 #经典句子

适合你所有情绪的文案 句句透着懂你 字字走心

适合你所有情绪的文案 句句透着懂你 字字走心

...遗憾是不一样的,因为你们的爱也是不相同的。Everyone"s regret is different from everyone"s regret, because your love is not the same.最怕与你有关的习惯,最后没了你我该怎么办?I fear the habit related to you most, what should I do without you at last?可以把...

2008-05-07 #经典句子

潇洒随性的个性签名句子 精致简洁 人见人爱

潇洒随性的个性签名句子 精致简洁 人见人爱

...st I am.希望夏天有遗憾,为秋天的惊喜铺垫。Hope summer has regret, pave the way for autumn surprise.我想把浪漫储存在秋天,送给你冬天。I want to store the waves in autumn for you in winter."余下的话留在秋天慢慢说""The rest stays in the fall and says"愿夏...

2022-11-13 #经典句子

很有魅力的经典语录 干净走心 适合摘抄

很有魅力的经典语录 干净走心 适合摘抄

一想到生活中的遗憾就后悔Regret when you think of the regret in life还爱着你,但已经没有了你的身份。Still love you, but no longer have your identity.在一夜之间,我的心就失去了意义。In the night, my heart lost its meaning.我出生的北城却渴望南国能给...

2022-11-19 #经典句子