第一句子大全 > 标签 > bit



2012-01-28 #经典句子

英语语法:not a bit和not a little 哪个是“非常 很”?

英语语法:not a bit和not a little 哪个是“非常 很”?

1.She often says she is not a bittired, but in fact she is not a little tired.她经常说她一点不累,但实际上是很累的。说明:not a bit意思是not at all;not a little意思是very, quite。再如:I"m really not a bitsurprised.我真的一点儿也不觉得惊讶。He was not a...

2015-06-22 #经典句子

励志又温柔的句子|总有人会在某个地方等你 在那之前你要努力

励志又温柔的句子|总有人会在某个地方等你 在那之前你要努力

...Let"s really take action and eliminate the past laziness, luck and escape bit by bit. Work hard bit by bit and good luck will get closer bit by bit. It"s not too late as long as we start on the road. Take your time and walk slowly towards the light.祝你前途明朗,有想做的事就去做,愿...

2022-11-25 #经典句子



...天我请客。treat请客,招待。It"s my treat. 我请客。3. He was bitterly disappointed at the result of the game although he tried to put on a brave face. He had expected ____ to be much better. A. one B. it C. this D. that此题选B。虽然他竭力强装欢笑,但...

2023-09-15 #经典句子

“但这一切值得吗?”游戏开发商的一句话 怎么就惹众怒了?

“但这一切值得吗?”游戏开发商的一句话 怎么就惹众怒了?


2023-07-10 #经典句子

人教版初中英语:七年级下册第9单元词汇精讲 考点 搭配很多!

人教版初中英语:七年级下册第9单元词汇精讲 考点 搭配很多!

...如:We are building a house.我们正在建造一个房子。2. a little bit , a bit&a little作状语表示“有点,一点”时,三者可以通用。但a little bit 的程度比后两者稍弱一些。例如:Today is a little bit/ a bit / a little hot. 今天有点热。a bit 加上of...

2023-09-11 #经典句子



...装桂花汤圆句子:parrot is very nuaghty 鹦鹉是非常淘气的a bit [ bit] 稍微,有点儿拆分:a 单词一,bit 鼻涕近似音记忆:天气稍微一冷就流鼻涕句子:but she"s a bit shy 但是她有点害羞shy [a] 害羞拆分:s 像蛇,hy 怀孕拼音首字母记忆:...

2023-06-18 #经典句子

让你的发音更地道 英语发音技巧 British Pronunciation Tips

让你的发音更地道 英语发音技巧 British Pronunciation Tips

...nk there are a few different things which we can do to just sound a little bit more British, faster to make it happen faster. We need to focus on a few different things.我是一名发音老师,我认为我们可以做一些不一样的事情来让发音听起来更英式一点,更快学会它...

2023-06-30 #经典句子

如何用英语表达模糊的概念 about around sevenish的用法

如何用英语表达模糊的概念 about around sevenish的用法

...帮助呢!让我们来看看吧He is about fifty.他大约50岁He looks a bit like a doctor.他看起来像一位医生He’s kind of scary.他也许有点可怕下面来看看这些短语的用法1.More or less或多或少,差不多I mean it’s more or less the same as the last one.我觉得它...

2023-11-29 #经典句子

有声英文绘本 | 来和孩子一起诠释友谊:What Friends Do Best

有声英文绘本 | 来和孩子一起诠释友谊:What Friends Do Best

...西。”The next morning, three trucks arrived and delivered hundreds of bits and pieces.Some of the bits were very large and difficult to carry."Can I help?" asked Ralph."I"m good at carrying large things.""It"s all right," said Winston. "I can do it myself."But some of the bits were so large that...

2018-12-23 #经典句子

2019最新励志英文句子带图片 写给拼搏路上的年轻人!

2019最新励志英文句子带图片 写给拼搏路上的年轻人!

1.All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it.曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就一定可以再一点一点赢回来。2.The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.明智的人不为别人的想法所影响。3.We must accept finite disappo...

2023-06-01 #经典句子



...个小男孩试图移动那个沉重的箱子。2.I think it's a little bit silly我认为那有点儿愚。(教材第42页)a little bit意为“有点儿;稍微”,可修饰形容词或副词,相当于 a little,a bit或kind ofI’s a little bit cold today.今天有点儿冷。3.But unless...

2023-11-08 #经典句子

清新脱俗的浪漫句子 小众独特 很有个性

清新脱俗的浪漫句子 小众独特 很有个性

...心一点一点变得冷漠,一点一点变得孤独。Abandoned heart bit by bit become cold, bit by bit become lonely.长大后,我们遭受了更大的委屈,但即使哭泣,我们也只能沉默,不敢大声说。害怕恨自己的人听,更怕害怕爱自己的人听。Growing up, w...

2022-12-14 #经典句子



...我们理解索引器的设计和应用很有帮助。using System;class BitArray{int[] bits;int length;public BitArray(int length){if (length 0)throw new ArgumentException();bits = new int[((length - 1) 5) + 1]; = length;}public int Length{get { return length; }}public bool this[int index]{get{if (...

2024-02-02 #大杂绘

超级实用 礼貌用语助你摆脱麻烦

超级实用 礼貌用语助你摆脱麻烦

...ic situation, you may need to keep your partner happy, if they"re a little bit peeved-if they"re a little bit cross with you.工作中,我们总会碰到麻烦的时刻,而且还要讨老板(雇主)的欢心;在家时,如果伴侣不太高兴,或者对自己有点生气,那你就得...

2023-01-04 #经典句子

《沙拉和乖乖鸭》第一集 孩子学会这些单词短语句子 不怕开口说

《沙拉和乖乖鸭》第一集 孩子学会这些单词短语句子 不怕开口说

...t out 移植到户外短语Not wasting any time 这么快Go to bed去睡觉bit 一点(时间,距离)bit by bit 一点一点,逐渐地Warm up 热身all the way 一路 ; 自始至终;一直Out of 从什么离开not a bad likeness很像there you go 给你喜欢就点个关注吧!快给自己...

2022-11-30 #经典句子



...能扔木头,它能扔多少木头?第三则:Betty Botter bought a bit of butter, but the bit of butter was too bitter,贝蒂博特买了点黄油,但这些黄油太苦了,so Betty bought a better bit of butter to make the bitter butter better.所以贝蒂买了一点更好的黄油,使...

2020-02-25 #经典句子

有深度的暖心文案 抚慰心灵 句句治愈!

有深度的暖心文案 抚慰心灵 句句治愈!

...existence. Although I will not disappear suddenly, I will be in your world bit by bit good or bad. I will abstract with you. Even if I may make mistakes, I will not customize my present.我就在这一点一滴当中成为你的全部,彼此尊重,彼此成长。我们之间的开始在于那一...

2022-12-25 #经典句子

「魏来英语」知识点强化:高中英语口语特训 第二单元

「魏来英语」知识点强化:高中英语口语特训 第二单元

...my smoking?9. I"d appreciate it ifyou could turn down the radio a little bit.10. Call me up sometime,OK?11. I"m sorry to hearthat.12. May I bother you fora moment?13. Will you excuse usfor a while?14. Wouldn"t you likesome coffee?15. I"d rather have sometea,if you don"t mind.16. I was ...

2023-10-31 #经典句子

让你的口语像母语人士 用好强调句

让你的口语像母语人士 用好强调句

...。So, unfortunately, back home I have some butter that has gone a little bit mad.所以我回家后很不幸地发现,奶油臭掉了。Now, today, my aunt came to have tea. In Britain, we have a cup of tea, and we have some toast, and maybe some scones.今天姑姑要来我家泡茶,在英国...

2023-05-01 #经典句子