第一句子大全 > 标签 > Quit
英语写作素材 Don't Quit

英语写作素材 Don't Quit

...nd don"t want to face the world. These are the days that define you. Don"t quit.你可能听说过,艰难的时期总会过去,坚强的人才能笑到最后。这个道理,古今通用。在人生中,你可能会遇到艰难时期。你哭泣,你感到自己的灵魂正在死去。这种...

2013-04-10 #经典句子

写给抽烟人的句子 简短扎心 哪一句说的是你?

写给抽烟人的句子 简短扎心 哪一句说的是你?

...想抽烟了,多半是因为他真的扛不住了。When someone who has quit smoking for a long time wants to smoke again, it is mostly because he really can"t carry it.6、余生不用别人指教了,我一个人抽烟喝酒浪着过吧。For the rest of my life, I don"t have to be taught. I"m...

2022-11-27 #经典句子



...)”。例句:No smoking in the cinema. 电影院内不得吸烟.2、quit smokingquit有“离开;放弃;停止”的意思,quit smoking也就很好理解了,就是“戒烟”。烟好戒吗?例句:In this way, if you want to quit smoking, quit it entirely. 用这种方法,如果...

2007-03-13 #经典句子

小众的伤感文案句子 戳心入骨 让人感同身受!

小众的伤感文案句子 戳心入骨 让人感同身受!

...戒了我以为戒不掉的红酒,却戒不掉你我以为会忘记。 I quit I thought I could not quit red wine, but I could not quit you I thought I would forget.来不及说的对话,消散在未来的拼凑中。 Too late to say the dialogue, dissipated in the future of the patchwork.不管...

2022-11-15 #经典句子

早安正能量励志句子 阳光很暖 风很甜 越努力 越幸运

早安正能量励志句子 阳光很暖 风很甜 越努力 越幸运

... you faced the same challenges. Yet they made it. And so will you. Don’t quit.五、幸福、爱情、财富、成功都不是目标,它们只是你目标的副产品。Happiness, love, wealth, success aren’t goals. They are by-products of your goals.六、一旦你相信了反对者说的关...

2022-11-17 #经典句子



... how you handle adversity, not how it affects you .The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.只要你活得够久,你就会犯错误。但是如果你能从中吸取教训,你就会变得更加优秀。关键在于你如何面对困境,而不是让困境影响你。最重要的事...

2013-12-27 #经典句子

文艺到爆的英文句子 句句正能量 值得收藏

文艺到爆的英文句子 句句正能量 值得收藏

...tant to look before youleap.你可以放弃,但你不能放弃。You can quit, but you can"t quit.茧是从读书心的细线里抽出来的,练习句子会补上天空。Cocoons are drawn from the fine lines of the heart of reading, andpractice sentences will fill the sky.轰轰烈烈,这原...

2022-11-08 #经典句子

高质量的治愈系文案 简短温柔 一见倾心

高质量的治愈系文案 简短温柔 一见倾心

...人们都叫你八戒。I heard that you have changed recently. You have quit smoking, drinking, gambling, sex, greed, boredom, work, love, so people call you eight quit.

2012-09-16 #经典句子




2023-11-01 #经典句子

积极阳光的朋友圈暖心文案 发自内心 引起共鸣!

积极阳光的朋友圈暖心文案 发自内心 引起共鸣!

...弃你。你每天都要起床,确保你不会放弃自己。People will quit on you.you gotta get up everyday and make sure you don"t quit on yourself.九、我和外界的联系比以前更严重了。我一直在打一场没人知道的仗。精神觉醒是个怪物,但我即将成为的人...

2023-01-09 #经典句子



...了一切。当我不再是现在的我,我找到了自我。三.Don"t quit because something went wrong. Quit because you tried your hardest and nothing made it better.不要因为出了问题就放弃。放弃是因为你尽了最大的努力,没有什么能让它变得更好。四.If you want...

2008-11-28 #经典句子

表达内心悲伤的句子 懂你心意 适合在朋友圈里!

表达内心悲伤的句子 懂你心意 适合在朋友圈里!

...人们都叫你八戒。I heard that you have changed recently. You have quit smoking, drinking, gambling, sex, greed, boredom, work, love, so people call you eight quit.喝你酿的爱情酒,如果没有续杯,我情愿渴一辈子。You"d brew the wine of love, if not more, I"d rather thirst f...

2022-12-10 #经典句子

充满人生大智慧的句子:清爽治愈 抚慰心灵!

充满人生大智慧的句子:清爽治愈 抚慰心灵!

...题,绝不放弃。Only thing that stops you is you. When you refuse to quit, when you are absolutely committed, you succeed. Just a matter of time. Never quit.三、永远不要让任何错误导致你不再相信自己。向它学习,然后继续。Never let any mistake cause you to stop belie...

2023-08-04 #经典句子

正能量晚安心情签名句子|别纠结当下 别恐惧未来 向前走!

正能量晚安心情签名句子|别纠结当下 别恐惧未来 向前走!

...赢。但是那些既不放弃也不赢的人都是白痴。Winners never quit, quitters never win. But those who neither quit nor win are idiots.2、幸福是一种心态,源于在任何外在环境下都要幸福的简单决心。Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination...

2022-11-26 #经典句子

让心情更加清澈的句子 保持奋进 不迷茫 找到人生的风向标!

让心情更加清澈的句子 保持奋进 不迷茫 找到人生的风向标!

...。你每天都要起床,确保你永远不会放弃自己。People will quit on you.you got to get up every day and make sure you never quit on yourself.2.如果你在愤怒的一瞬间有耐心,你就会逃避一百天的悲哀。If you are patient in one moment of anger,you will escape a hund...

2022-12-29 #经典句子

雅思口语话题:描述你的工作 让你成功通过雅思考试

雅思口语话题:描述你的工作 让你成功通过雅思考试

...ting.这意味着你很满意你的工作,你觉得挺好的.The work is quite challenging”"challenging”可以说是一种困难的表达方式,但具有积极的含义,所以这句话是说你喜欢这种有挑战性的工作.My job is tough / tiring / demanding.The work is ratherdull / bor...

2023-10-26 #经典句子



...制造者这个词是面试中的超级炸弹。面试官问:Why did you quit your last job?你坦白回答:I didn"t quit.I was fired.fire这个词一出口,你就会被视为麻烦制造者,再突出的优点都会被削弱,缺点会被放大。在职场上被解雇不代表你不称职...

2023-10-12 #经典句子

阳光智慧人生语录 文艺励志 鼓舞人心 让你激情四射

阳光智慧人生语录 文艺励志 鼓舞人心 让你激情四射

... your dreams are crystal clear. Write them down. Then get on it. And never quit. 三、大多数人都忙于做对他们的成功并不重要的事情。不要成为大多数人。Most people are too busy doing things that are not important to their success. Don"t be most people.四、没有人可...

2022-12-22 #经典句子

总有些句子让你瞬间流泪 你又不和我聊 为啥加我呢?

总有些句子让你瞬间流泪 你又不和我聊 为啥加我呢?

...由,自已说了算!I don’t have time to talk to you. If you want to quit, you can quit, get in and out freely, you have the final say!4、其实加你不是不和你聊天,而是爱到深处是无言。我这人笨,理解能力差,不会捧别人,不会甜言蜜语,更不会去奉...

2022-12-19 #经典句子



...ion, companies are likely to miss really talented people. Those people may quit school because of financial difficulties or other reasons. For example, Steven Jobs, a real innovator, did not finish his college but started Apple; Bill Gates, one of the richest men on earth, quit university too. One...

2024-01-17 #经典句子