
预应力砌体 Prestressed masonry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-05 12:56:59


预应力砌体 Prestressed masonry英语短句 例句大全

预应力砌体,Prestressed masonry

1)Prestressed masonry预应力砌体

1.Experimental research on prestressed masonry walls under cyclic loading;水平低周反复荷载下预应力砌体墙抗震承载力试验研究

2.Experimental study on seismic behavior of prestressed masonry;预应力砌体抗震性能的试验研究

3.The results of t he test clearly show that after being prestressed the material property of mason ry is changed, and the prestressed masonry wall s capacity of crack|resistan ce is improved.研究了砌体结构裂缝的种类与成因 ,对砌体房屋的温度裂缝进行了分析与计算 ,进行了预应力混凝土小型空心砌块带窗洞砌体的单调水平荷载试验 ,研究了预应力砌体的开裂位置、开裂荷载及抗裂性能。


1.Experimental Study on Seismic and Crack-Resistance Behavior of Prestressed Masonry;预应力砌体抗裂与抗震性能的试验研究

2.Numerical Analysis on Crack-Resistance Behavior of Prestressed Block Masonry;预应力砌块砌体抗裂性能的数值分析研究

3.Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Prestressed Small-sized Concrete Hollow Block Masonry;预应力混凝土小型空心砌块砌体抗震性能试验研究

4.lining segment of prestressed concrete预应力混凝土衬砌块

5.An Investigation of the Aseismatic Behavior of Masonry Structures Strengthened by Prestressed Diagonal Bar砌体结构预应力斜拉筋抗震加固性能试验研究

6.The finite element analysis of pre-stressed horizontal brick masonry anti-cracking resistance横向预应力砖砌体抗裂性能的有限元分析

7.Earthquake Response Analysis of Masonry Structure of Reinforced Concrete Hollow Block混凝土空心砌块砌体结构的动力反应分析

8.Construction guide for prestressed tendon of hydraulic tunnel with concrete lining水工隧洞预应力混凝土衬砌锚束施工导则

9.Study on the Design Philosophy of Prestressed Concrete Linings for Shield Tunnel;盾构法隧道预应力衬砌设计理论及方法研究

10.Operation Status of Prestressed Concrete Liner in the Xiaolangdi Desilting Tunnels;小浪底排沙洞预应力混凝土衬砌运行状况研究

11.On the Delivery Tunnel’s Ring Cohesionless Particle Pre-stress Lining Construction Technology输水隧洞环形无粘结预应力衬砌施工技术

12.Structural Design and Application of the Large-size Reinforced Masonry Shear Wall配筋砌块砌体剪力墙大开间住宅结构设计与工程应用

13.Analysis of Temperature Stress of Masonry Structure With Different Wall Distance砌体结构不同墙体间距下的温度应力分析

14.Stress Calculation and Stability Analysis of Huayanjing Masonry Arch Dam花盐井浆砌石拱坝坝体应力计算及稳定性分析

15.A Study on Stress Influence of the Large Orifice on the Masonry Arch Dam;大尺寸泄洪孔对浆砌石拱坝坝体应力影响研究

16.Study on Dynamic Response of Masonry Structure Buildings under Blasting Seismic Wave砌体结构建筑物对爆破地震波动力响应研究

17.Finite Element Analysis of the Temperature Stress of Concrete Perforated Brick Masonry混凝土多孔砖砌体结构温度应力有限元分析

18.Analysis of Temperature Stress between Roof Slab and Brick Masonry and Crack Mechanism屋面板与砖砌体的温度应力及裂缝机理分析


prestressed masonry预应力砌块墙体

1.Anticracking behavior ofprestressed masonry;预应力砌块墙体抗裂性能

3)pre-stressed horizontal brick masonry横向预应力砖砌体

1.The finite element analysis ofpre-stressed horizontal brick masonry anti-cracking resistance横向预应力砖砌体抗裂性能的有限元分析

4)prestressed liner预应力衬砌

1.3-D nonlinear limited element analysis forprestressed liner structure of the tunnel passing through the Yellow River;穿黄隧洞预应力衬砌结构三维非线性有限元分析

5)prestressed block wall预应力砌块墙

6)prestressed brickwork预加应力砌砖块


工业炉:工业炉砌体用耐火材料﹑绝热材料和某些建筑材料砌成的炉膛﹑燃烧室﹑排烟道等工业炉炉体部位。砌体的作用是使工业炉在加热或熔炼过程中承受高温负荷﹐减少热量损失﹐抵抗化学侵蚀并具有一定的结构强度﹐以保证炉内热交换过程的进行。 结构 砌体由耐火层和绝热层组成。为了保证砌体的强度和气密性﹐在砌体外围还用钢结构(称为炉架)将砌体紧固(见图砌体示意图 )。耐火层直接承受高温负荷和机械衝击﹐同时承受炉气或熔液的化学侵蚀﹐多用具有规定尺寸的标準型耐火砖砌成。砌体的砖缝一般要相互错开﹐在一定间距内留出适当大小的膨胀缝。砌砖用耐火泥的化学成分和热性能﹐要与耐火砖相适应﹐并具有合适的稠度和可塑性等﹐以满足施工要求。耐火层的外部是绝热层﹐用以对耐火层进行保温﹐以减少炉壁散热损失和降低炉壁外表面温度﹐多用密度小﹑热导率低的标準型绝热砖或棉﹑毡等纤维材料组成。 耐火材料 工业炉用的耐火材料有许多种﹐大多数是氧化性的﹐如SiO2﹑Al2O3﹑MgO﹑CaO等。常用的黏土质耐火砖是SiO2和Al2O3的混合物﹐所含杂质在高温下能使砖软化﹐所以这种砖的最高使用温度不应超过其荷重软化开始温度1300℃﹐而且不能抵抗硷性物的侵蚀。含Al2O3大於55%的高铝砖﹐可用到1470℃的高温﹐是既能抗硷又能适当抗酸侵蚀的良好的耐火材料。镁砖和镁铝砖含MgO80%以上﹐使用温度可达1500℃﹐是抗硷的优良材料﹐多用来铺砌高温加热炉的炉底。非氧化性的碳化硅砖﹐在高温下具有很高的强度和很好的热导率﹐适用於少﹑无氧化炉的马弗罩或辐射板。以SiO2和Al2O3为基本成分﹑而Fe2O3含量很少的抗渗碳砖﹐对还原性气氛的抵抗性能好﹐是用於可控气氛炉的良好材料。 轻质耐火砖和耐火纤维兼有耐火和绝热性能﹐具有重量轻﹑热稳定性好﹑热导率低﹑比热容小﹑耐机械振动好等优点﹐用在工业炉上有明显的节能效果。此外尚有不定形耐火材料﹐如耐火混凝土﹑可塑材料等。用这些材料製成不同形状的预製块﹐很便於机械化施工。

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