群体纠纷,group dispute
1)group dispute群体纠纷
1.In China,most ofgroup disputes are separated by the courts to make trial on them,the rea- sons of which not only concern the system itself,but also concern the existence of many factors and judi- cial policies in judicial practice influencing courts to adopt representative action positively.我国大多数群体纠纷被法院分案受理,既有制度本身的问题,又与司法实践中存在着影响法院积极适用代表人诉讼的诸多因素和司法政策有关。
2)group dispute群体性纠纷
1.Urban People s Mediation and Settlement of Dispute of People s Collective Nature;论城市人民调解与群体性纠纷的解决
2.The Composition of Collective Disputes and the Choice of Court s Judicial Policy;群体性纠纷的构成与法院司法政策的选择
3.An Introspection and Reform on the Mass Dispute-Settling System in Our Country我国群体性纠纷解决机制的反思与改革
4.On the Resolution Mechanism of Group Disputes;论群体性纠纷的解决机制——美国集团诉讼的分析和借鉴
5.Yi Nationality Dispute Resolution Group of Sociology of Law Interpretation彝族纠纷解决群体性的法社会学解读
6.Analysis About Business Cost Of Class Action In Tourism Disputes;旅游纠纷中群体诉讼的交易成本分析
7.Discussion on Establishing Alternative Resolution Mechanism of Sports Dispute;论体育纠纷的替代性解决机制的构建
8.Some unexpected incidents involving mass participation were handled appropriately. Efforts were made to resolve conflicts and disputes in the bud and at the lowest level.妥善处理突发性、群体性事件,努力把矛盾和纠纷解决在基层,消除在萌芽状态。
9."Nets of the Power-Rights Structure" and Dilemma of Peasants Group-rights Expression:An analysis of a gravel pit dispute;“权力—利益的结构之网”与农民群体性利益的表达困境——对一起石场纠纷案例的分析
10.Feasibility for establishing the system of data and information on medical dispute;浅议建立医疗纠纷数据信息体系的可行性
11.A Study on Trade Dispute Problem between China and Korea (Focus on Trade Correlation Problem and Business Dispute and Anti-Dumping Dispute);中韩贸易纠纷问题研究:贸易相关性问题、商务纠纷及反倾销纠纷
12.A Research on Crisis Management of Collective Conflicts Caused by Real Estate Transaction房产交易纠纷引发的群体突发事件应急管理研究
13.On the Coherency betwween the Civil Disputeand Its Solving Methods;论民事纠纷解决方式与民事纠纷的适应性
14.Talking about the Contract Dispute and Contract Deceit from the Duties within the Contract Law;从“义务群”谈合同纠纷与合同诈骗
15.The judicial organizations should review the legitimacy and the concrete application principles of the disputes arising from the expropriation of lands.司法机构应当审查土地征用纠纷的合理性及具体适用原则。
16.On the Boundary between Self-disciplining Disposition to Inner Disputesof Enterprises or Communities and Civil Jurisdiction;论单位、团体内部纠纷的自律性处理与民事审判权的界限
17.Official Association, Official Nature and Settlement of Dispute--From the Angle of Labor Union Participating in Settlement of Dispute;官办社团,官办性与纠纷解决——从工会参与解决纠纷的角度
18.On the feature of the educational disputes in universities --The resolution of the educational disputes;高校教育纠纷性质探析——兼论解决高校教育纠纷的对策
group dispute群体性纠纷
3)group disputes群体性纠纷
1.The solution forgroup disputes has become an important precondition to secure the stable development of society.在经济飞速发展的今天,人们的交往活动日益频繁,行为的影响力日渐扩大,社会生活中发生的纷争已超出了单个主体和某一地域范围的限制而呈现出新的特点,群体性纠纷的解决已经成为保障社会稳定发展的重要前提。
4)Mass Dispute群体性纠纷
1.With the development of reform and opening, Chinese society has been in the transition period and the structure of society change much, conflicts of interests among various society groups sparked much social turmoil, resulting in many mass disputes, and even those conflicts have the huge harmful infects on the economic development as well as the social stability.随着改革开放的不断深入,中国社会已进入转型时期,社会结构发生了巨大变化,各种利益群体之间的利益冲突引发了程度不同的社会震荡,由此产生大量的群体性纠纷,并且规模和表现形式不断升级,给经济发展和社会稳定带来冲击,成为构建和谐社会的制约因素。
2.With the change of our society,more and more mass disputes are appearing.随着社会转型的深入,我国群体性纠纷日益增多,建立完善的群体性纠纷解决机制是构建和谐社会的重要保障。
5)solution of class dispute群体性纠纷解决
6)sports disputes体育纠纷
1.JSAA can settle thesports disputes swiftly and protect the interest of the athletes in great measure.JSAA能够迅速地解决体育纠纷,最大程度地维护运动员的利益。
2.To perfect legal settling mechanisms in China,we should set up our own sports arbitration system including sports arbitration institutes,arbitral procedure,and the bounds of judicial power intervention insports disputes .我国体育纠纷法律解决机制虽然在《体育法》颁布之后形式上较完善,但是由于体育法本身可操作性差,针对体育法的配套立法严重滞后,体育仲裁制度迟迟未能建立,致使国内体育仲裁至今仍然是一片空白,司法介入也由于体育行业协会的强制排除和人们的错误观念影响而变得困难重重。
3.Correct recognition of these legal characteristics will be helpful to perfecting the sports arbitration system in China and settlingsports disputes properly.正确认识这些法律特征,有利于完善我国体育仲裁制度、妥善解决体育纠纷。