技术状况,technical state
1)technical state技术状况
1.Method for Fuzzy Recognition of Diesel Technical State Based on Multi-Characteristics;基于多参数评估柴油机技术状况的模糊方法研究
2.Highwaytechnical state and traffic safety;公路技术状况与交通安全浅析
3.Thetechnical state analysis of steel pipe concrete arch bridge钢管混凝土拱桥技术状况分析
1.regularity for change of technical condition of vehicle汽车技术状况变化规律
2.Analysis of Situation of Chinese Women Callisthenics Skill;中国女子竞技健美操技术状况的分析
3.On Intelligent System for Technical Examination of Vehicles in Accident;事故车辆技术状况智能鉴定系统研究
4.Discussion on the Application Of New "Highway Performance Assessment Standards"新版《公路技术状况评定标准》应用探讨
5.Investigation and evaluation on technique situation of government owned bridge in Hangzhou杭州市市管桥梁技术状况调查和评价
6.Where do we stand in terms of production technology?我们现在的生产技术水平是什么状况?
7.China"s New and High-Tech Development Zones中国国家高新技术开发区状况
8.The Analysis about the Situation and Game Statistic Date of CBA League;CBA联赛状况与技术统计数据分析研究
9.Development Analysis of China Construction Enterprise Technology Equipment;我国建筑企业技术装备发展状况分析
10.Research Status of Residential Stress Measurement;残余应力测量技术的研究状况(英文)
11.Current situation and technology progress of sodium sulphate production;元明粉行业生产现状及技术进步情况
12.Students Conditions of Meal Nutrition in Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College;襄樊职业技术学院学生膳食营养状况
13.A Study on the Status of the Engineers and Technical Experts in Modern China;中国现代工程技术专家群体状况研究
14.Statistical Analysis of the Competitive Ability in Science and Technology of Henan Province;河南省科学技术竞争力状况计量分析
15.Evaluation of Ecological Situation at the County Level Based on the "3S" Technologies基于“3S”技术的县级生态状况评价
17.Situation of technology advance and science management of industrial enterprise in Yanbian area;延边工业企业技术进步及科技管理状况分析
18.The Export Status of Poplar Wood-based Panels in Jiangsu Province江苏杨木人造板出口状况及待改进的技术问题
technical condition技术状况
1.With increasing age,the bridgetechnical condition prediction is becoming essential for bridge management authority to enable bridge to be maintained at minimum overall cost.提出将灰色马尔可夫链用于桥梁的技术状况预测中,以解决传统的回归分析模型无法考虑不确定因素对结构技术状况的影响和概率型模型对单一桥梁预测的局限性问题,提出了将灰色模型GM(1,1)与马尔可夫链有机结合起来,利用二者的优点充分考虑了桥梁技术状况的整体趋势和局部波动情况,最大限度地利用历史信息。
2.Whether thetechnical condition of automobiles is good or not, especially thetechnical condition of steering system and brake system,is closely related to safe driving.汽车技术状况的好坏,与行车安全有着十分重要的关系,特别是转向装置和制动装置的技术状况影响最大。
3.In the light of the problems existing in the maintenance of the oxygen sensor such as the improper replacement of the sensor, and starting from the structure and working principle of the oxygen sensor, this paper puts forward the method of detecting thetechnical conditions of the oxygen sensor by using the least equipment to reduce the maintenance cost.针对氧传感器在维修过程中存在不适当更换传感器等问题,从氧传感器的结构及工作原理出发,提出了用最少的设备检测出氧传感器的技术状况,以降低维修成本的方法。
3)Technology Status技术状况
1.Research on the Evaluation Method of HighwayTechnology Status;公路技术状况评价方法研究
2.The paper presents the statistic data of partial truck accidents on highway in Sichuan province in ,and analyzes the identified results of safety performance technology status for 269 trucks.通过对四川省部分高速公路货车交通事故进行统计,并就其中的269辆货车安全性能技术状况鉴定结果进行分析,总结出高速公路货车交通事故多发的原因及其车辆所存在的主要安全隐患,从而为降低高速公路货车事故率提供了必要的参考。
4)technology state技术状况
1.Evaluation on engineering machinerytechnology state based on Fuzzy-Eigenvector;基于Fuzzy-igenvector的工程机械装备技术状况评价
2.The study of synthetically evaluating the construction machinery stechnology state;工程机械技术状况综合评价研究
3.It is a multi-factor an multi-object decision process to evaluating thetechnology state of the highway construction machinery.本文从工程机械精确化管理这一思想出发,从构建工程机械技术状况综合评价指标体系的基础上,由专家给出相应指标所对应的权重,运用应用数学的理论与方法对工程机械的技术状况做出完整、可靠的评价。
5)working status inspection技术状况监测
6)technical states of automobile汽车技术状况
1.This paper analyzes on the factors of effectingtechnical states of automobile from aspects of the parts quality, operational condition and maintenance quality, etc.从汽车的零件质量、运行条件、维修质量3个方面分析了影响汽车技术状况的因素。