1.The Relationship between Expression of MIBP1, a Tumor Differentiation-associated Gene, andMalignancy of Human Glioma;分化相关基因MIBP1的表达与人脑胶质瘤恶性程度的关系
2.Evaluation of Telomerase Activity in Brain Gliomas with DifferentiatingMalignancy;端粒酶活性在判断脑胶质瘤恶性程度中的价值
3.Result Resu lt showed that the strong correlation between aneuploidy rate, DNA index(DI) an d histopathological grading,and also between S-phase fraction and malignancy in gliomas.目的探讨人脑胶质瘤DNA倍体特性、细胞周期分布与肿瘤病理分级及其恶性程度的关系。
1.Vasculogenic mimicry in malignant gastric stromal tumors恶性胃间质瘤的血管生成拟态与恶性程度的关系
2.Abnormal Expression of p120-catenin and E-cadherin is Significantly Associated with Malignant Phenotype of Human Lung CancerP120-catenin和E-cadherin的协同表达与肺癌的恶性程度相关
3.it can reflect the extent of malignancy and prognosis of choroidal melanoma in part.其存在抑制了脉络膜黑色素瘤的恶化浸润和转移 ,且一定程度上可以反映其恶性程度及预后。
4.Cancers are described as more or less malignant in proportion as they are more or less rapidly growing and invasive.癌生长的快慢和侵袭性的大小与它的恶性程度成正比。
5.Study of Relationship between E2F-1 and Rb s Expressions and Malignancy in a Human Glioma;胶质瘤中E2F-1、Rb的表达及其与肿瘤恶性程度的相关性研究
6.The Expression of DKK1 in Gliomas and Its Correlation with Malignancy of the TumorDKK1在胶质瘤中的表达分析及其与肿瘤恶性程度相关性的研究
7.Abnormal Expression of p120-catenin and E-cadherin Is Significantly Correlated with Malignant Phenotype of Human Lung Cancerp120-catenin和Rac1的协同表达与非小细胞肺癌恶性程度相关性的研究
8.Study on the relevancy of p16 gene methylation and the malignant change level of the cervixP16基因启动子甲基化与宫颈病变恶性程度相关性的研究
pare and character, the subjective and malign rate of the travel humanness with intended medical treatment is older, should investigate criminal duty.比较而言,医疗故意的行为人的主观恶性程度更大,应追究刑事责任。
10.The Relationship between Brain Glioma s ~(99)Tc~m-HL91 Imaging and Malignant Grade;脑胶质瘤~(99)Tc~m-HL91显像与其恶性程度之间的关系
11.Multivoxel 2D ~1H-MRSI overlay anatomy imaging in grading malignancy of gliomas多体素2D~1H-MRSI-解剖叠加伪彩图在胶质瘤恶性程度分级中的应用
12.Conclusio ns Such disease is rare, but the level of malignancy is high; system ic therapy is the optimal approach and the radical surgery should be avoided.结论该病发病率低,但恶性程度高;治疗宜采用综合手段,根治性乳房手术并不能有效提高生存率。
13.The Expression of VEGF and MMP-9 in CC-RCC and the Related Study on Invasion Cells and Cancer Development;肾透明细胞癌中VEGF,MMP-9表达及浸润细胞与癌恶性程度的相关性研究
14.As the degree of malignancy increased, the number of AgNORs significantly increased.随著恶性程度增加,核仁组成区嗜银蛋白染色数目亦呈现有意义的增加。
15.~Determination of the above genes′expression in breast cancer tissue can be of use in deciding the degree of ~malignancy , metastasis phenotype and prognosis of brest cancer.联合检测上述基因在乳腺癌中的表达,有助于判断乳腺癌的恶性程度、转移表型和预后;
16.The worse the neoplasm, the greater the degree of aneuploidy and the worse the prognosis.肿瘤越恶性,异倍性程度越大,报告结果就越差。
17.terminal duct adenocarcinoma多形性低度恶性腺癌
18.malignant [ simple ] typhus恶性[轻度]斑疹伤寒
malignant program恶性程序
1.Countermeasure to hard disks, locked bymalignant programs and unable to start up in the process of operating a network, is introduced.介绍了在网络操作过程中,计算机硬盘被恶性程序锁定后不能正常启动的处理方法。
1.Relationship between expression of HIF andmalignancy and invasiveness of human gliomas;HIF与脑胶质瘤恶性度及侵袭力的关系
2.Evaluation in Malignancy of Glioma about Relationship between Ki-67 Proliferative Index and ~(99m)Tc-MIBI Uptake;Ki-67增生指数与~(99m)Tc-MIBI吸收在胶质瘤恶性度评估中的价值比较
1.Clinical observation of fludarabinemitoxantronedexamethasone in refractorylow-degree malignant lymphoma;氟达拉宾、米托蒽醌、地塞米松治疗难治性低度恶性淋巴瘤的临床观察
5)Highly malignant高度恶性
6)moderately-highly malignant中高度恶性
1.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the efficacy of CHOEP program (cyclophosphamide,adriamycin,vincristin,prednisone)treatingmoderately-highly malignant intractable recurrent non-Hodgkin s lymphoma(NHL).目的 :研究CHOEP方案 (环磷酰胺、阿霉素、长春新碱、足叶乙甙及强的松 )对中高度恶性及难治复发非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤 (NHL)的治疗效果。