485网络,485 Network
1)485 Network485网络
1.The article introduces a design of electricity power measure system for apartment based on485 Network.文章介绍了基于485网络的学生公寓电能计量管理系统的设计,详细地介绍了系统的硬件构成及工作原理,并结合实际需要设计了网络通信协议。
1.Research on Control System Based on RS-485;基于RS-485网络的控制系统研究
2.Design of Intelligent Communication System Based on RS-485 Network基于RS-485网络的智能通信系统设计
3.An Embedded Photo-bioreactor System Based on RS-485 Data Bus一种基于485网络的嵌入式光生物反应器系统
4.Design of Communication Interface in a Monitoring System of Simulative Electric Power Plant of Ship Based on Simulative Serial Communication and RS-485 Network;基于模拟串行口及RS-485网络的船舶模拟电站监控系统的接口电路设计
5.Research of the Microcontrol Er-network-based and PC Communications System;基于RS-485总线的单片机网络通信系统的研究
6.On Reliability of Communication Based on RS-485 Bus;提高RS-485总线工控网络通信可靠性的措施
7.Design and Implementation of Measurement and Control Network Communication of RS-485 based on VB基于VB的RS-485测控网络通信设计与实现
8.Designs and Experiments on the Supervisory Control System of Mainline Ground on RS-485基于RS-485的静脉注射网络监控系统的设计与实验
9.The Network Alarm System Achievement Which is Based on the 485 Bus;基于485总线的联网报警控制系统的实现
10.Internet computing[台]网际网络计算
11.interorganizational network组织间网络 组织间网络
work topology网络拓扑,网络布局
work effects (network externalities)网络效应(网络外延性)
14.139002000Network ID 139139002000网络 id 139
15.Research On Serial Port of RS-485 Extending from 82C51;82C51扩展RS-485串口的研究
16.LAN (local area network)局域网,[台]局域网络,[港]地区网络
17.Fault Restoration for Distribution Network Base on Dissipated Network;基于耗散网络的配电网网络故障恢复
18.The network name is either not found on the running network, or is incorrect.运行的网络中找不到网络名或者网络名不正确。
RS-485 networkRS-485网络
1.RS-485 network is of serial communication mode suitable for long distance transmission,which is widely used with good anti-interference performance in power system and industrial automation.RS-485网络是一种能提高抗干扰能力、适合远距离传输的串行通信方式,在电力系统及工业自动化中有广泛应用。
2.RS-485 network system is used to implement multi-point field data acquisition and processing.分布监控式配料系统利用PC机作为主控计算机,采用RS-485网络系统对生产中的配料系统进行多点现场信号采集和处理,监控整个配料生产过程。
3.The system detects water level of train tank by water sensor, and collects datum byRS-485 network.本系统是通过在水箱上加装液位传感器以检测水箱状态,通过RS-485网络采集数据,通过组态软件开发的系统来自动监控列车上水过程;为了对加水量进行统计,系统需要采集并存储水表数据,统计后生成车站上水日报表、月报表和年报表等报表,并通过电子邮件上传给上级主管部门。
3)DH-485 NetworkDH-485网络
1.The Co-operative Traffic Signal Control of Two Corner Based onDH-485 Network;DH-485网络环境下双路口交通信号的协调控制
4)485 bus network communication485总线网络通讯
1.Have recommended the systematic composition and workflow of the step motors function test system about printer,have put forward a high cost performance solution caught to high-accuracy pulse width catching,pulse formatting with CPLD,clock synchronization of many passways,485 bus network communication,etc.介绍了针式打印机步进电机性能测试系统的系统构成以及工作流程,提出了一个关于高精度脉宽捕获、多通道时钟同步、CPLD步进脉冲合成、485总线网络通讯等问题的高性价比解决范例。
5)half-duplex RS-485 Netware半双工RS-485网络
1.The paper describes a communication program in Windows, with PC as a master in thehalf-duplex RS-485 Netware.描述了一个以PC机作为半双工RS-485网络主机,工作于Windows平台上的通讯程序。
6)RS-485 communication networkRS-485通信网络
《网络分析和反馈放大器设计》论述网络分析和反馈放大器设计的名著,H.W.博德著,1945年在美国出版。作者在本书中叙述并发展了网络的一般理论,首先提出在一个网络中任何元件的回归差F 等于该元件具有正常值时的网络行列式与该元件值为零时网络行列式之比,推导出回归比T和环路传输μβ的关系F=1+T=1-μβ详细推导了网络函数的实部和虚部之间的关系,并把这种关系应用于负反馈放大器的输入、输出和级间网络的设计上。