法庭之友,amicus curiae
1)amicus curiae法庭之友
1.A Study on the Amicus Curiae in NAFTA Investment Dispute Arbitration;NAFTA投资争端仲裁中的法庭之友制度研究
2.Research on the Legitimacy of the Practice of Amicus Curiae in the WTO Dispute Settlement System;WTO争端解决机制中法庭之友实践的合法性分析
3.At present,non-government organizations(NGOs)indirectly participate in WTO dispute settlement system as theamicus curiae is a kind of feasible way.目前,非政府组织以"法庭之友"的身份间接参与WTO争端解决机制是比较可行的方式。
1."Amicus Curiae" Briefs in WTO Dispute Settlement Body;WTO争端解决机制中“法庭之友”的陈述
2.The Development of Amicus Curiae in the WTO Dispute Settlement Proceeding;论“法庭之友”在WTO争端解决中的发展
3.Acceptance of “Amicus Curiae” Brief under Dispute Settlement System of WTO;初探DSU机制下“法庭之友”陈述的可采性
4.Research on the Legitimacy of the Practice of Amicus Curiae in the WTO Dispute Settlement System;WTO争端解决机制中法庭之友实践的合法性分析
5.The Reference and Establishment of the Institution --"Amicus curiae" and legal expert advice system制度的借鉴与创制——“法庭之友”与专家法律意见
6.A Study on the Amicus Curiae in NAFTA Investment Dispute Arbitration;NAFTA投资争端仲裁中的法庭之友制度研究
7.The Studying on the Issue of Amicus Curiae in WTO Dispute Settlement System;WTO争端解决机制中的"法庭之友"问题研究
8.On the Issue of "Amicus Cariae" Brief in the Dispute Settlement Body of WTO;论WTO争端解决机制中的“法庭之友”意见问题
9.Research on Amicus Curiae Brief in Investor-State Arbitration under NAFTA;国际投资争端仲裁中的法庭之友制度研究
10.Foreign countries and the American government in the“amicus curiae” system in the United States;美国“法庭之友”制度中的外国和美国政府
11.The Deviation of Due Process in Judicial Innovation of WTO--On Amicus Curiae Brief;WTO司法程序创新中的正当程序偏离——以法庭之友意见书为核心
12.Psychology and Judicatory Decisions: Aprocalypses of Amicus Curiae Briefs from the American Psychological Association;心理学与司法决策:美国心理学会法庭之友辩护状的启示
13.requesting permission to file an amicus curiae brief and perhaps to present oral argument;要求准许他们提出法庭之友案情摘要,大概还参与口头辩论;
14.Analysis About Its Practice & Influence Of NGO As "Friend Of Court" In Disputes SolvingNGO作为“法庭之友”参与争端解决活动的实践及其影响探析
15.one of the main division of the high court高等法院主要法庭之一
16.The Court will administer the punishment of the criminal by law.法庭将对罪犯绳之以法。
17.He lied to the court to shield his friend.他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。
18.Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be?我们与家庭、朋友、同事之间的关系是否良好?
friend of the court法庭之友
1.The "friend of the court" has become a new element in the design of the public interest litigation.在我国公益诉讼的制度设计中,“法庭之友”已经成为一个新元素被纳入制度构想。
2.“Friend of the court”refers to a neutral onlooker who is not invited.“法庭之友”意为“法庭的朋友”,本意指没有被邀请和表面上中立的旁观者。
3)friends of the court法庭之友
1.In American justice system,friends of the court,the jury and the common law system have taken public opinions into the judgment.在美国司法体制中,法庭之友制度、陪审团制度和法官的自由裁量权的三维组合使得民意能够充分地引入司法过程中,与司法达成一个和谐的状态。
4)amicus curiae" brief"法庭之友"陈述
1.This article discusses the possibility of acceptance of “amicus curiae” briefs from NGOs by DSU.本文将从 DSU对来自非政府组织的“法庭之友”陈述的可采性做分析,探讨非政府组织参与争端解决机制的现行方式———“法庭之友”陈述。
5)"amicus curiae" briefs法庭之友摘要
6)Amicus Curiae法院之友
1.The Studying on the Issue of "Amicus Curiae" in WTO Dispute Settlement System;WTO争端解决机制中“法院之友”问题研究
2."Amicus Curiae" in the United States and Using It for Reference;美国“法院之友”制度及其借鉴
马友友美籍华裔大提琴家。1955年10月 7日生于法国巴黎。其父马孝骏是一位音乐教师、小提琴家及作曲家。马友友4岁开始随父学琴,并学法语、汉语及书法。由于其父的独特而有效的教学法,5岁时已能背奏J.S.巴赫的3首无伴奏大提琴组曲,8岁即在巴黎大学举行第1次公开演奏会,取得成功。1962年他随父母迁居纽约后,师从肖尔兹。当时,他的演奏曾多次得到大提琴家P.卡萨尔斯的好评和指点。9岁,经小提琴家I.斯特恩的推荐,就读于朱丽亚特音乐院。从大提琴家L.罗斯学琴7年。1970年,考入哈佛大学音乐系,同时还在研究班深造。1971年夏,曾从小提琴家I.加拉米安学习弓法,后又在哈佛大学攻读德语及人类学。1976年毕业,获硕士学位。此后,开始了他的演奏家生涯。他常与著名指挥家H.von卡拉扬、普莱文、Z.梅达、小泽征尔等合作演出。1978年,获"爱佛瑞·费歇"音乐大奖。马友友除独奏外,喜爱室内乐,曾与著名小提琴家I.珀尔曼、钢琴家E.艾克斯等组成各种形式的重奏。他录制了多种唱片,如L.van贝多芬的《C大调三重协奏曲》,E.拉洛和C.圣-桑斯的大提琴协奏曲,J.海顿的两部大提琴协奏曲,贝多芬的第1、第2大提琴奏鸣曲等。1985年,马友友曾在中国上海举行音乐会,受到热烈欢迎。