
变更审核 change auditing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 12:58:21


变更审核 change auditing英语短句 例句大全

Change auditing refers to the process of reviewing and verifying modifications made to systems, applications, or documents to ensure accuracy and compliance with regulations. It is crucial in maintaining data integrity, identifying security risks, and tracking unauthorized changes. This practice helps organizations detect and respond to potential threats promptly. Whether it involves software updates, policy revisions, or personnel changes, change auditing plays a vital role in ensuring operational efficiency and risk management. In this collection, you will find a range of English sentences and examples related to change auditing to enhance your understanding of this important process.

变更审核,change auditing

1)change auditing变更审核

2)engineering change auditing工程变更审核

1.Through data statistics and analysis of the problems in a certain highwayengineering change auditingengineering change auditing,this article put forward the key points,suggestions and experiences for the auditing work.工程变更审核是工程实施过程中控制工程造价的重要手段,工作开展的效果如何直接影响整个工程造价的经济合理性、工程进度及竣工交付使用的时间。

3)Auditor Switching审计师变更

1.Empirical Study onAuditor Switching and Earnings Management: Evidence from A-share Firms from 2001 to in China;审计师变更与盈余管理关系的实证研究──来自中国A股市场的经验证据

2.Audit Fees,Auditor Switching and Audit Opinion Shopping:Test for Interaction Effect based on Evidences of Chinese Stock Market审计收费、审计师变更与意见购买

3.This paper concentrates on whether the motivation of audit opinion-shopping through auditor switching still exists and has been realized after new supervision measures issued by CSRC in 2001 and CICPA in 2002.以~全部上市公司作为样本,通过X2检验和Lennox(2000)审计意见估计模型的检验,对证监会2001年底、中注协2002年颁布新的监管措施之后上市公司是否仍存在通过审计师变更来购买审计意见的动机及其动机是否实现的情况进行分析。


1.Auditor Change, Audit Fees and Audit Committee Effectiveness;审计师变更、审计收费与审计委员会效率

2.Study of Auditor Switching Decision Based on Predicted Audit Opinions;基于预期审计意见的审计师变更决策研究

3.Auditor Switching and Audit Opinion-Shopping: An Empirical Research;审计师变更与审计意见购买:一项经验研究

4.Research on the Relationship between Auditor Switching and Audit Opinion Shopping;审计师变更与审计意见购买的关系研究

5.The effect of auditor switching on the independence of auditing and its countermeasures;审计师变更对审计独立性的影响及其对策

6.The Investors Response to the Reason of Voluntary Auditor Changes;自愿性审计师变更原因与投资者反应

7.Study on the Behavior of Voluntary Auditor Switches of Listed Companies in China;我国上市公司自愿性审计师变更行为研究

8.Study on the Market Reactions of the Auditor Switches of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司审计师变更的市场反应研究

9.An Empirical Research of the Effects of Equity Ownership Structure on Auditor Changes;股权结构对审计师变更行为影响的实证研究

10.An Empirical Investigation on Correlation between Auditor Change and Earnings Quality审计师变更与盈余质量相关性的实证研究

11.Determinants of the A uditor Change in the China s Securities Markets--An Empirical Evidence from to ;中国证券市场审计师变更的影响因素——来自-的经验证据

12.Conflicting Interests,Regional Differences and Changes of Auditors-Empirical Evidences from China s Securities Market;利益冲突、地域因素与审计师变更——来自我国证券市场的经验证据

13.Earnings Management of the Listed Companies and Auditor Change: Empirical Evidence from China;中国上市公司盈利管理与审计师变更的实证研究

14.Study on Initial Audit Pricing Discount of China s Public Companies:Evidence from Auditor Switch;中国上市公司初始审计的定价折扣考察——来自审计师变更的经验证据

15.Empirical Study on Auditor Switching and Earnings Management: Evidence from A-share Firms from 2001 to in China;审计师变更与盈余管理关系的实证研究──来自中国A股市场的经验证据

16.Involuntary Auditor Change and Auditing Supervision--Evidence from China s Audit Market in 2001;审计师非自愿性变更与审计监管——来自2001年中国审计市场的证据

17.Switch of Accounting Agency, Earnings Management and Audit Quality;会计师事务所变更、盈余管理与审计质量

18.An Empirical Study on Voluntary Auditor Rotation of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司审计师自愿变更实证研究


engineering change auditing工程变更审核

1.Through data statistics and analysis of the problems in a certain highwayengineering change auditingengineering change auditing,this article put forward the key points,suggestions and experiences for the auditing work.工程变更审核是工程实施过程中控制工程造价的重要手段,工作开展的效果如何直接影响整个工程造价的经济合理性、工程进度及竣工交付使用的时间。

3)Auditor Switching审计师变更

1.Empirical Study onAuditor Switching and Earnings Management: Evidence from A-share Firms from 2001 to in China;审计师变更与盈余管理关系的实证研究──来自中国A股市场的经验证据

2.Audit Fees,Auditor Switching and Audit Opinion Shopping:Test for Interaction Effect based on Evidences of Chinese Stock Market审计收费、审计师变更与意见购买

3.This paper concentrates on whether the motivation of audit opinion-shopping through auditor switching still exists and has been realized after new supervision measures issued by CSRC in 2001 and CICPA in 2002.以~全部上市公司作为样本,通过X2检验和Lennox(2000)审计意见估计模型的检验,对证监会2001年底、中注协2002年颁布新的监管措施之后上市公司是否仍存在通过审计师变更来购买审计意见的动机及其动机是否实现的情况进行分析。

4)auditor changes审计师变更

1.In the west, research onauditor changes has a history of over 40 years and has achieved comprehensive achievements while in China, the auditing of the security market starts much later and the study of theauditor changes begins only in recent three or four years.国外对于审计师变更行为的研究已有40年的历史,并已取得广泛的研究成果,由于我国证券审计市场起步较晚,国内对审计师变更的研究仅是近三四年的事。

2.The object of this article is to observe whether Chinese stock market react toauditor changes or not and if it does, can it differentiates those various motivations?In chapter 2, the article reviews preview study on reasons ofauditor changes and its market reaction.审计师与审计客户之间关系的维护客观上是基于客户需求与审计师提供审计服务的最低成本契约以及政府行为的效力,当客户或者审计师任何一方的需求发生了重大改变而另一方却无法或不愿适应这种变化,或者双方不得不服从政府行为对二者之间审计关系的干预时,审计师与客户之间原有的审计委托——代理关系就会破裂,导致上市公司和审计师寻求新的业务合作伙伴,因此发生审计师变更。

3.On the basis of background and significance anlysis, this paper discusses about the meaning and related theroy of the Auditor changes, and then reviews interrelated literature from abroad and domestic.自上世纪九十年代以来,我国证券审计市场审计师变更现象越来越频繁,这些已经引起了中国学术界、政府监管部门以及新闻媒体的广泛关注。

5)auditor switches审计师变更

1.In recent years, with the constant development of our country s security market,auditor switches have occurred frequently, which has hidden a great deal of illegitimate competitions and auditing independence impairment.在发达证券市场中,对审计师变更行为的研究已有几十年的历史,并已取得广泛的研究成果。

2.Auditor switches become the focus that the theory circle and the practice circle pay close attention to, for its potential unfavorable economic consequence.审计师变更因其潜在不利的经济后果成为理论界与实务界关注的焦点,近年来有关审计师变更的实证研究取得了较为丰硕的成果。

6)Auditor change审计师变更

1.Auditor changes is accompanied with the adverse economic consequences which is the focus in theory and practice.随着我国证券市场的发展,上市公司审计师变更事件呈逐年递增趋势,尤其是以来,连续两年更换审计师的上市公司数目都达到150余家。



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