
冬季体育项目 winter sports event英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 14:13:36


冬季体育项目 winter sports event英语短句 例句大全

Winter sports events refer to a variety of athletic competitions or activities that are only held during the winter season. This includes events such as skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, figure skating, and bobsledding, among others. These exhilarating activities take advantage of the snow and ice to provide thrilling sporting experiences for both participants and spectators. The dedication and skill required for these events make them a major draw for sports enthusiasts around the world. Whether it"s the speed and precision of downhill skiing, the elegance of figure skating, or the intense physicality of ice hockey, winter sports events offer a wide range of excitement and entertainment. As a result, they serve as a powerful platform for showcasing athleticism and fostering international unity through friendly competition.

冬季体育项目,winter sports event

1)winter sports event冬季体育项目


1.Developing the Elitists of Russian Language for the Winter Sports Events through Multi-channel Way by Experience in the Winter Universiade借鉴大冬会经验多渠道培养冬季体育项目俄语人才

2.It"s highly unlikely that there"s someone who has never seen nor heard of Snowboarding.单板滑雪被定义为“一项冬季体育项目,由滑板和冲浪衍生而来。

3.My Thoughts on the Organization and Training Management for High-level Winter Sports Team in Universities;高校高水平冬季体育项目运动队组织与训练管理的思考

4.Study about the countermeasures and theoretical analysis on the problems of our country winter sports events market;我国冬季体育项目比赛市场现状的分析与发展对策

5.Research on Sports Athletes Body Shape of the Same Group of Winter and Summer Sports Items;同项群冬季和夏季项目运动员身体形态的研究

6.Therefore, the Winter and Summer Olympics had to be held at the same time.只好冬、夏季项目同时举行。

7.Strategic Thought on Chinese Winter Sports Events Development;对我国冬季运动项目发展战略的思考

8.Research on the Diversification of Competition Events Setting on Winter Olympic Games冬季奥运会比赛项目设置变化的研究

9.Use for reference about foreign experience of expansiontourism, the winter tourism come brisk.借鉴国外一些发展冬季旅游经验,开展冬季旅游活动项目,使黄山冬季成为旅游旺季。

10.Mount Huangshan should be made prosperous in tourism in winter with reference to foreign experiene of tourism development and by improving tourism activities in winter.可通过借鉴国外一些发展冬季旅游经验 ,发展冬季旅游活动项目 ,使黄山冬季成为旅游旺季 .

11.Promotion of Harbin 24th World University Winter Games on Developing Chinese Winter Mass Sports;大冬会对我国冬季大众体育发展的促进作用

12.Effect of the 24th Winter Universiade on Advancing Chinese Winter Sports Undertakings Development大冬会对我国冬季体育事业加速发展的作用

13.The events were skating, jumping skiing, alpine skiing and biathlon.共有滑冰、越野滑雪、高山滑雪、现代冬季几个项目。

14.They then became part of the Winter Olympics.它们随后成为了冬季奥运会的竞赛项目。

15.Influence of Carrying out "South-Exhibition and North-Ice" Strategy to the Winter Item in Our Country;实施“北冰南展”战略对我国冬季项目的影响

16.Reviewing the Research Findings about Mental Skill Training in the Field of Chinese Winter Sports Events;我国冬季运动项目心理技能训练的研究综述

17.The whole winter was given up to physical training.整个冬季都用来进行体育训练。

18.an olympics for winter sports.为冬季体育运动而设的奥运会。


winter sports冬季项目

1.The article made an analysis and thinking throughwinter sports events products、market and running system on the current condition of our countrywinter sports market from the angle of marketing and selling.从冬季赛事产品、冬季赛事消费市场、冬季赛事运行机制等方面对我国目前冬季项目比赛市场的现状进行了理论分析与思考。

3)winter sports冬季体育

1.With the methods of documentary information and investigation,the article has a research of current status on the publicwinter sports curriculum in universities in the three provinces of northeast China.运用文献资料、调查访问等方法对东北三省普通高校冬季公共体育课程现状进行调研,发现学生的健康意识及在中小学积累的冰雪项目的运动技能是其产生体育运动兴趣的关键,对冰雪项目的认识不够是部分学生不喜欢、甚至是畏惧冰雪体育课程的主要原因;大多数体育教师对开设冰雪体育课持肯定态度;高校冬季体育场地、器材条件制约了冰雪体育教学的开展。

2.As main content of the undergraduates"winter sports living,the ice-snow sports is an important means to enrich thewinter sports teaching and campus sports culture,also is positive in advancing the undergraduates" physical and psychological health.冰雪运动作为当代大学生冬季体育生活的主要内容,不仅是丰富高校冬季体育课程教学、活跃校园体育文化的重要手段,而且还对于当代大学生的身心健康有着积极的促进作用。

4)winter sports events冬季运动项目

1.Multi-channel development of Russian language elitists for thewinter sports events is the first-line condition to enhance the communication with Russia which is a strong country in world winter sports field and is the necessary way for advancing Chinawinter sports events.认为冬季运动项目的俄语人才应具备冬季运动项目专业俄语知识,具有扎实的语言基本功,丰富的冬季运动项目知识,良好的政治思想素质等。

5)Winter sport trip冬季体育旅游

6)winter competitive sports冬季竞技体育

1.Considering the current status and actual need of the reserve training work in Chinawinter competitive sports,starting with the importance of enhancing the general quality training,the article discusses the dialectic relationship between the reserve training and the moral,intellectual,psychological,aesthetic and work education.结合我国冬季竞技体育后备人才培养现状和运动训练工作的实际需要,从将综合素质教育思想融入到竞技体育后备人才训练的重要性入手,论述了我国冬季竞技体育后备人才运动训练与德育、智育、心理教育、美育及劳动教育的辩证关系。

2.It s necessary to have a sustainable development of Chinesewinter competitive sports,but it should be first to come true the sustainable development of reserve resource.大力发展我国冬季竞技体育必须走可持续发展之路,而实现后备人才的可持续发展是首要之义。


冬季一年的第四季,我国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间。也指农历‘十、十一、十二 ’三个月。参看〖四季 〗。

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