
不稳定性分析 instability analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-21 20:23:07


不稳定性分析 instability analysis英语短句 例句大全

The concept of instability analysis, also known as "不稳定性分析" in Chinese, revolves around the examination of conditions and the behavior of systems that display signs of instability. In the field of engineering, this analysis is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and processes. This collection features a comprehensive array of English short phrases and example sentences related to instability analysis, making it a valuable resource for researchers, professionals, and students seeking to understand and communicate this complex topic in both English and Chinese. Whether delving into the nuances of structural instability or exploring the intricacies of system behavior, this compilation provides a diverse range of phrases and sentences to aid in the comprehension and articulation of instability analysis concepts.

不稳定性分析,instability analysis

1)instability analysis不稳定性分析


1.Flame instability analysis of diethyl ether-air premixed mixtures at elevated pressures二乙醚-空气预混火焰的不稳定性分析

2.Analysis of Instability for Charged Liquid Jets with the Needle-plate Electrodes针板电极荷电液体射流不稳定性分析

3.Study on Analysis of the Probability of Slope Instability in the Stability不稳定概率法分析边坡的稳定性研究

4.Stability analysis of uncertain systems using affine inequalities不确定系统稳定性的仿射不等式分析

5.Analysis of Soil Slope Stability Considering the Stability of Soil Slices is Unequal;考虑土条稳定性不等时的土坡稳定分析

6.Robust Stability Analysis and Control of Uncertain Systems;不确定系统的鲁棒稳定性分析与控制

7.Stability Analysis of Single Layer Lattice Shell With Irregular Division不规则划分单层网壳结构稳定性分析

8.Inter-domain Routing Instability Monitoring and Analysis;域间路由不稳定性监测分析技术研究

9.Treatment of unstable angina pectoris in elderly老年不稳定性心绞痛98例临床分析

10.Stability analysis of control network with inconsistent configuration网形不一致的工程控制网稳定性分析

11.An analysis of the anomaly of stationary waves in the Northern Hemisphere 500 hPa height field.北半球500hPa高度场定常波不平稳性分析

parison of Different Models for Crop Stability Analysis作物品种稳定性分析不同模型的比较

13.New Robust Stability Analysis for Uncertain Linear Time-Delay Systems不确定线性时滞系统新的鲁棒稳定性分析

14.Stability Analysis for Some Classes of Dynamics under Uncertainty with Applications;几类不确定动力系统的稳定性分析及应用

15.Stability Analysis and Robust Control for Uncertain Time-delay Systems;不确定时滞系统的稳定性分析与鲁棒控制

16.The Decoupling Control Study and Stability Margin Evaluation of Multivariable Uncertain Systems;不确定性系统的解耦控制与稳定裕度分析

17.Multi-scale Fusion of Multi-rate Systems and the Stability Analysis of Uncertain Systems;多率系统多尺度融合及不确定系统稳定性分析

18.Robust Stability Analysis and Robust Control of Uncertain Sampled-data Systems;不确定采样系统鲁棒稳定性分析与鲁棒控制


sterile stability analysis不育稳定性分析

3)Floquet instability analysisFloquet不稳定性分析

4)combustion instability燃烧不稳定性分析

5)stability analysis稳定性分析

1.Deformation feature andstability analysis of the Xiyuanling 410-380 slope in Dexing copper mine;德兴铜矿西源岭410-380边坡变形特征与稳定性分析

2.Tailing damstability analysis based on structural confidence level;基于结构可靠度指标的尾矿库坝体稳定性分析

3.Method of neural network in thestability analysis of loess slopes;黄土边坡稳定性分析的神经网络方法

6)analysis of stability稳定性分析

1.Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Stability of the No.1 Tailing Dam in Chaihe,Tieling City铁岭柴河1~#尾矿坝数值模拟及其稳定性分析

2.Theanalysis of stability of underwater rock slope is very important to the practical engineering, for example, when the Three Gorges reservoir is builded, many natural and artificial rock slopes will be drown, then the stability of these slopes will reduce.水下岩质边坡的稳定性分析在工程实践中具有十分重要的现实意义,如三峡水库蓄水后,大量原本位于水面以上已趋于稳定的自然或人工岩质边坡就将被淹没,导致边坡稳定性降低,并由于水的压力,水的冲击,水的渗流,水的侵蚀等综合作用,将对水下岩质边坡的稳定性带来大量的不确定性。


土坡稳定性分析土坡稳定性分析stability analysis of soil slopetu PO Wendingxjng fenxi土坡稳定性分析(stability analysi,of。011slope)确定土坡是否满足安全要求的方法。它是土力学的研究内容。土坡在重力或其他因素作用下坡体向下运动,造成土体的破坏称为滑坡或土坡破坏。安全系数土坡的稳定程度一般以安全系数的大小来衡量。表示方法有多种,通常为:(1)实际的抗剪强度与维持平衡所需的抗剪强度之比;(2)抗滑力矩之和与下滑力矩之和的比值;(3)总抗滑力与总下滑力的比值等。工程实践中为选用合适的安全系数,需考虑的因素有荷载组合、建筑物按重要性的类别、抗剪强度的试验条件、计算方法的选择、施工控制的可靠程度、获得的信息是否完整、工程经验、经济等。常用的安全系数值的范围是1.1一2.0。由于岩土的复杂性,在土坡分析中所涉及的因素都是随机的,即使采用大于1的安全系数,也不能认为土坡的稳定性是十分可靠的,故对重要工程,除采用较大的安全系数外,还需进行边坡稳定的概率分析。方法多数采用极限平衡法。边坡破坏形成的滑面几何形状因土质而异,分为圆弧滑动面和非圆弧滑动面。均匀粘性土边坡的滑面接近圆弧或对数螺线,通常简化为圆弧滑动面;砂土中滑面近于平面;有软弱夹层、软弱结构面或沿岩层层面的滑动,可以是折线形滑动面或复合滑动面。干的无粘性土坡坡角小于其内摩擦角时土坡稳定,坡角等于土的内摩擦角时土坡处于极限平衡状态。有渗流作用的土坡,因还受到渗流力和浮力的作用,使滑动力增大,抗滑力减小,稳定坡角远小于土坡的坡角。对各类土坡,按其可能形成的圆弧和折线滑动面进行稳定性分析。(l)圆弧滑动面稳定分析。最基本的方法为条分法。图1所示为圆弧滑动面条分法示意。各土条上的力系对弧心的全部抗滑力矩与滑动力矩之比,为该圆弧滑面的安全系数。选择多个滑弧圆心,求得最小安全系数所对应的滑面即为该土坡的最危险滑动面。 .工‘.一“‘图1国弧滑动面条分法分析示意 Wl一土条质量;云,Ei+l一土条分界面上的法向条间力;xi,xi+l一土条分界面上的切向条间力;N;,Ti一土条底部的法向反力和切向力;ui一土条底部的孔隙水压力条分法中忽略条间作用力的方法称为简单条分法,可用总应力法或有效应力法计算安全系数。按有效应力分析时,表达式为:艺[(yihbeosa一u:‘。)tan尹+c,,皿 F,=—(1)名飞、。。

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