
儿童发热 children fever英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-11 15:31:26


Children"s fever is a common concern for parents, and it"s essential to understand how to address it effectively. In this collection of English short sentences and example sentences, you can find a comprehensive resource to help you navigate through this challenging situation. From recognizing the signs of a fever in children to understanding the appropriate treatment options, this compilation covers it all. Whether you need to describe your child"s symptoms to a healthcare professional or simply want to be well-prepared for any fever-related issues, this resource provides you with a wide range of expressions and contextual examples. With this comprehensive collection, parents and caregivers can gain the confidence and knowledge they need to manage children"s fevers effectively and ensure the wellbeing of their little ones.

儿童发热,children fever

1)children fever儿童发热


1.Effectiveness Observation on Nimesulide Granules in Treatment for Childhood Fever尼美舒利颗粒治疗儿童发热的疗效观察

2.Development of "Hot" Executivc Function through Children s Gambling Task;从儿童赌博任务看热执行功能的发展

3.Investigation on Parental KAP of Fever in 154 Children154例发热儿童家长知信行的调查分析

4.The Occurrence of "May Fourth" Translation Rush of Children"s Literature from the Development of Children Enlightenment儿童启蒙思想的推进和五四儿童文学翻译热的发生

5.Dedicated to helping poor children and their families in rural areas.有责任心和事业心,热爱农村儿童发展工作。

6.The Hot Topics of the Research About “Children s Understanding of the Subjective World”;“儿童对主观世界认识的发展”研究的热点

7.Clinical Analysis of Urine Test Results of Fever Children in Clinic门诊发热儿童尿常规检测结果及临床分析

8.The role of psychological therapy in children repeated non-infectious fever diease心理学在治疗儿童反复非感染性发热中的作用

9.Nursing experience for children idiopathic orthosis through brace therapy热塑支具治疗儿童特发性脊柱侧凸的护理体会

10.Children Psychogony and Its Principled Rules Governing Children Education Research and Children Literature Writing;儿童精神发生学对儿童教育、儿童文学的影响

11.International Child Development Centre国际儿童发展中心(儿童发展中心)

12.Integrated Child Development Services儿童发展综合性服务(儿童发展服务)

13.CSDR Child First Programme儿童生存与发展儿童第一方案

14.Child Development Center for Africa非洲儿童发展中心(儿童中心)

15.Some children develop more slowly than others.有的儿童比其他儿童发育得慢。

16.Snap Children s Painting Feature Exploit Children s Painting Potentialities;抓住儿童绘画特点发掘儿童绘画潜质

17.Determination of Pb and Al in Blood and Hair of Child Using Transverse Heated Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy横向加热石墨炉原子吸收法测定儿童血液和头发中的铅和铝

18.Study on Indoor Thermal Environment of Living Area in Nursery School;幼儿园儿童活动单元室内热环境研究


childnen high fever儿童高热

3)children"s hair儿童头发

1.the results showed that the contents of the five elements inchildren"s hair are different, even though they are of the same age, same sex, but different nationalities.本文测定了呼市地区222名不同民族、不同性别8岁健康儿童头发中锌铁铜镁钙的含量。

4)child development儿童发育

5)child development儿童发展

1.Objective To select indices for measuringchild development and formulate an indicator system of the childdevelopment, aiming to prepare for constructing the Child Development Index.目的:构建一套评估我国儿童发展状况的指标体系,为进一步开发儿童发展综合指数奠定基础。

2.According to the result of the neuroscience researches,in the process ofchild development,play is a two-edged sword,viz.基于脑科学研究成果,在儿童发展过程中,游戏是一把“双刃剑”,即“好游戏”促进儿童的健康发展,“坏游戏”或游戏剥夺可能限制或损害儿童的发展。

6)children development儿童发展

1.Developmental cognitive neuroscience is an important interdiscipline of cognitive science, neuroscience and human development science, which is the new growth point ofchildren development research.发展认知神经科学是认知科学、神经科学、人类发展科学的重要交叉学科,是儿童发展研究新的增长点。

2.The thought of the relation of teaching andchildren development of Vygotsky has been constantly enriched and developed since its emergence,whose theoretical soul is that teaching should serve forchildren development.维果茨基关于教学与儿童发展的关系的思想自产生起不断得到丰富和发展,其理论精髓是教学应当为儿童发展服务。

3.The orientation and contents ofchildren development have the important influence on the culture and the security of nation culture.儿童的发展不仅是教育的结果,同时也是文化进化的体现,但是儿童发展的方向和内容对社会文化和国家的文化安全有着重要的影响。



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