
体育课程 physical education curriculum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-10 18:54:19


Physical education curriculum is vital for promoting students" physical fitness and overall well-being. This compilation provides a comprehensive collection of English short sentences and example sentences related to sports and physical education. Whether you are a teacher looking for engaging materials for your PE classes or a student seeking to expand your vocabulary in the field of sports, this resource offers a wide range of phrases and sentences to enhance your learning experience. From describing sports activities to discussing the importance of exercise, this compilation covers a diverse array of topics related to physical education. Whether you are writing an essay or preparing for a presentation, these sentences will help you convey your ideas effectively in English. With this compilation, you can easily enrich your vocabulary and express your thoughts clearly in the context of physical education and sports.

体育课程,physical education curriculum

1)physical education curriculum体育课程

1.Principal participation-modern times ofphysical education curriculum execution;主体参与和现代体育课程

2.Understandingphysical education curriculum content standards: a six dimensional analysis framework;理解体育课程内容标准:一个六维分析框架

3.Life imitation: exploration of the logical starting point ofphysical education curriculum revision;生命化:体育课程修订的逻辑起点探究


1.The Reform of Physical Education Curriculum Is to Be Backed by the Theory of Physical Education Curriculum;体育课程改革需要体育课程论的支撑

2.On Reform of Physical Science Courses in Normal School in the Background of "New P.E. Curriculum"新体育课程下高师体育教育专业课程的改革

3.On the Trend of the Advance of the P.E Course in the New Century;关于体育课程发展趋势的课程论思考

4.Inheriting and Development of Physical Education and Health Course from Traditional P.E Course;体育与健康课程对传统体育课程的“扬弃”

5.Understanding of P.E Recessive Course under New Curriculum;在新体育课程观下对体育隐性课程认识的探析

6.On the Innovation of P.E.Course in Colleges by Permeating the Course Setup of Our College;透过我院体育课程设置看高校体育课程的创新

7.An introduction to British national physical education curriculum and its enlightenment on the reform of Chinese physical education curriculum;英国国家体育课程对我国体育课程改革的启示

8.On Revelation of Sports Reform of Overseas Schools on our Sports Courses;国外学校体育课程改革对我国体育课程的启示

9.Microscopic Structure of Physical Education Curriculums and Construction of Fine-Quality Physical Education Curriculums;体育课程微观结构与体育精品课程建设

10.A Medium of Implementation of the Course P. E. and Health --Developing P. E. Course in School Based Curriculum;实施《体育与健康》课程的中介——校本体育课程开发

11.Study of college physical education curriculum that connects with new high school physical education curriculum与高中体育新课程相衔接的高校体育课程研究

12.On the Teaching Mode of Combining Class physical Edueation and Spare Time Activities;体育课程“课内外一体化”教学模式初探

13.Education of Sport Culture and Cultivation of Sport Spirit in Physical Curiculum;体育课程中的体育文化教育与体育精神培养

14.On Reform of the Course of Physical Education s Sport;对体育课程结构改革的探讨——浅议在高校体育课中增设体育活动课

15.Sports interest and sports curriculum establishment of the students in the university;论大学生体育兴趣与体育课程的设置

16.A school course in physical education.体操课学校体育教育中的一门课程

17.Hidden Curriculum in Physical Education--Systematical Theory Construction for HCP.E体育隐蔽课程论——体育隐蔽课程体系的理论构建

18.a sports-orientated course以体育为宗旨的课程.


PE curriculum体育课程

1.The discussion about several theoretical problems in thePE curriculum reform of basal education;基础教育体育课程改革中若干理论问题的反思

2.Setting up idea of health first,pushing on collegePE curriculum reform;树立“健康第一”的思想 推动高校体育课程改革

3)physical education course体育课程

1.Establishing scientific evaluation systems about the studying ofphysical education course;高校体育课程学习评价体系的建立

2.A discussion of the historical evolution of functions ofphysical education course;体育课程功能的历史演变

3.Theoretic framework of structural design forphysical education course in universities;普通高校体育课程结构设计的理论构思

4)Sports curriculum体育课程

1.Exploration on sports curriculum reform in higher vocational colleges;对高职院校体育课程改革的探讨

2.Modern sports curriculum reform in humanism linguistic environment;人文主义语境下的现代体育课程改革

3.University sports curriculum teaching formation inspection;高校体育课程教学形成性考核的研究

5)PE course体育课程

1.Puzzle and innovation of the schoolPE course theory in the new period of China;新时期我国学校体育课程理论的困惑与创新

2.Teaching reform of higher vocationalPE course from a student-centered view;从主体需要改革高职体育课程教学

3.Guided by the concept of scientific development,this paper advocates the establishment of aPE course system with humanistic characteristics and the integration of humanities and science inPE course so as to promote the overall development of the students.结合科学的发展观,针对过去高校体育教学“重体、轻文”的问题,提出构建以人文为特色的高校体育课程体系,建立人文与科学融合的体育思想,组合人文与科学融合的体育教学内容体系,促进学生全面发展。


1.Demand and content of universityP.E.course in Shanxi province陕西省普通高校体育课程需求与内容构建

2.This is a new concept of P.当代学校体育课程的发展是当前学校体育改革面临的主要问题。

3.Through the investigation and analysis of the P.通过对高校大学生的体育体育课程调查分析,表明现行高校体育课程设置没有将一些当代大学生爱好的体育运动纳入到课程教学中去。


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。

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  1. ❤飘雪❤2024-03-10 19:17❤飘雪❤[天津市网友]
  2. 似若明然2024-03-10 19:05似若明然[江苏省网友]




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