
数据包络方法 data envelopment analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-09 20:56:19


Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a mathematical programming technique that has been widely used in the field of efficiency and productivity measurement. This method evaluates the relative performance of decision-making units, such as companies, organizations, or government institutions, by comparing their input-output relationships. The DEA model provides a framework to identify best-practice benchmarks and inefficiencies, making it a valuable tool for performance evaluation and decision-making. In this collection, you will find a comprehensive list of English short sentences and example sentences related to data envelopment analysis, providing a valuable resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of this important methodology.

数据包络方法,data envelopment analysis

1)data envelopment analysis数据包络方法


1.A Fuzzy DEA Model for Plan Evaluation for 3PLS Logistics Facilities System;3PLS物流设施网络评价的模糊数据包络方法

2.The Application of DEA Method to Performance Evaluation of Science and Technology;数据包络方法在科技效率评价中的应用

3.Research on Some Models and Methods Based on Sample Data Envelopment Analysis;基于样本数据包络分析的若干模型与方法研究

4.Study on Sample Data Envelopment Analysis Method Based on C~2WH Model;基于C~2WH模型的样本数据包络分析方法研究

5.Research on the Approach for Evaluating Combination Efficiency Based on Data Envelopment Analysis;基于数据包络分析的组合有效性评价方法研究

6.Some DEA Models for Evaluating Efficiency of Environmental Protection Projects;环保项目有效性评价的数据包络分析方法

7.Measuring Project Environmental Efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis;基于数据包络分析方法的项目环境效率评价

8.Research Project Ranking based on DEA Models;基于数据包络分析的科研项目评审排序方法

9.Study on the Evaluation of Corporation Performance by Using Data Envelopment Analysis;企业经营绩效的数据包络模型及评价方法研究

10.Study on Chinese personal credit scoring based on data envelopment analysis;个人信用评估的一种数据包络分析方法

11.Study on Evaluation of Corporation Management Performance by Using Data Envelopment Analysis;企业经营绩效的数据包络模型评价方法研究

12.Effective Data Envelopment Analysis Method for Ranking Decision Making Units;有效区分决策单元的数据包络分析方法

13.Strategic Grouping Based on DEA;基于数据包络分析方法的战略集团划分研究

14.A Trial to Use the Method of DEA for Estimating the Success and Effect on Enterprise s Training Thoughts;试用数据包络分析(DEA)方法评估企业培训绩效

15.Application of DEA in Sports Assessment;数据包络分析(DEA)方法在体育评价中的应用

16.Data envelopment analysis method for contrasting the efficient decision making units;区分有效决策单元的数据包络分析方法

17.The Study of Distance-To-Default Based on DEA基于数据包络分析(DEA)方法的违约距离研究

18.The Research of Supplier Evaluation Based upon Data Envelopment Analysis Model基于数据包络分析方法的供应商评价研究



1.The methodologies of AHP andDEA are used to present the concepts of AHP/RandomDEA.在研究物流中心选址基本原则、分析物流中心选址常用方法的同时,综合物流中心选址的层次分析法(AHP)和数据包络法(DEA),提出了物流中心选址的AHP/随机DEA方法。

2.The authors put forward an new method which is combined with both the advantage of analytic hierarchy process (AHP ) and random disposal of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for vendor selection.综合供应商选择的层次分析法(AHP)和数据包络法(DEA),提出了供应商选择的AHP/随机DEA方法。

3.Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) methodology is applied to evaluate the relative efficiency of 31 regions in China.在对区域物流结构分析的基础上,建立了区域物流相对有效的评价指标体系,并利用数据包络法及lin-go软件对我国31个省、市区域物流的相对有效性进行测算。

3)data envelopment analysis (DEA)数据包络法

1.In this paper, the characteristics of vendor selecting during network times are analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages of the methods for analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) are discussed.分析了网络时代供应商选择的特点 ,结合层次分析法 (AHP)和数据包络法 (DEA)的优缺点 ,提出了一种选择供应商的AHP/DEA方法 ,并运用AHP/DEA方法对实例进行分析和计算 ,得到了满意的计算结果 。

4)data envelopment analysis数据包络法

1.Applying the stochastic frontier approach anddata envelopment analysis,this paper estimates the monomial technical efficiencies and the overall technical efficiency of 14 commercial banks in China over the period from 1998 to ,and analyzes the relationship among the monomial technical efficiencies,ownership style and overall technical efficiency with regression function.利用随机前沿法和数据包络法,分别评价了中国14家主要商业银行1998-间的单项产出技术效率和综合技术效率,并利用回归方程分析了商业银行的单项产出技术效率、所有制类型与综合技术效率间的影响。


1.This paper sets up the index system of higher educational resource integration,evaluates higher educational resource integration in Heilongjiang withDEA based on an investigation of higher education in the province,then puts forward suggestions for implementing educational resource integration in Heilongjiang using that data.首先阐述了教育资源整合的内涵;然后在评价指标体系设计原则的基础上,构建了高等教育资源整合评价指标体系;继而以黑龙江省高等教育资源整合为例,利用数据包络分析方法模型对黑龙江省高等资源整合状况进行了评价;最后根据评价的结果并结合黑龙江省的实际情况,提出了黑龙江省高等教育资源整合实施的对策和建议。

2.This paper choosesDEA to evaluate the efficiency of our integrated transport.在分析了我国运输业固定资产投入、劳动力等重要资源的投入数据和客运周转量、货运周转量等产出数据的基础上,运用数据包络分析方法从运输资源投入和产出两个方面分析评价我国综合运输效率,对综合运输DEA运输效率指数和各种运输方式DEA运输效率指数进行测算,分析我国综合。

3.Study on Evaluation of City Competitiveness byDEA;透过对已有理论和研究成果的回顾,分析了城市竞争产生的根源是资源的稀缺性,从资源有效配置这一新的角度来定义和衡量城市竞争力,并将数据包络分析方法应用到城市竞争力的评价当中。

6)Cross-evaluation DEA交叉评价数据包络方法


数据包络分析方法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)数据包络分析方法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA),是运筹学、管理科学与数理经济学交叉研究的一个新领域。它是根据多项投入指标和多项产出指标,利用线性规划的方法,对具有可比性的同类型单位进行相对有效性评价的一种数量分析方法。DEA方法及其模型自1978年由美国著名运筹学家A.Charnes和W.W.Cooper提出以来,已广泛应用于不同行业及部门,并且在处理多指标投入和多指标产出方面,体现了其得天独厚的优势。

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  1. 王者之怒2024-03-09 21:53王者之怒[西藏网友]
  2. 淡然,微笑2024-03-09 21:34淡然,微笑[新疆网友]
  3. ヅ蕶碎の記憶ˇべ2024-03-09 21:15ヅ蕶碎の記憶ˇべ[湖南省网友]
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