
只属于你的深情句子 越看越喜欢 满是幸福感


Lovelorn men are bolder to pursue new love, lovelorn women are more timid to pursue new love 因为爱你,所以我要我们在一起


Lovelorn men are bolder to pursue new love, lovelorn women are more timid to pursue new love.


Because I love you, so I want us to be together.


Flow to oneself feel pain just know, then use those pale words to fill.


You see a long time, you go, I can only and lonely company.


May those who missed, experienced after displaced will meet again.


No matter how tired, no matter how bitter, no matter how painful, it is just for you to love me.


There is no denying that secret love may be the best love we have ever experienced.

我和你的区别大概是:我手握刀刃把刀递给你,怕你受伤。你手持刀柄捅进我怀里,怕我纠缠 。

The difference between you and me is probably: I hold the blade of the knife to you, afraid you get hurt.You thrust it into my arms with the hilt of a knife, afraid of my entanglement.


Man is a kind of mutual admiration of animals, standing in the cross line envy parallel line, standing in the parallel line envy cross line, cherish the present.


The one who loves me is you, the one who hurt you is me, is willing to heal your wound, is willing to hold hands again


Come to this world waste decades, just to look back at you.


M: Let"s finish our friendship.W: Why?Man: Because love is about to start.

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  1. 心流清2024-01-19 21:07心流清[网友]
  2. 三好男生2024-01-19 08:11三好男生[网友]
  3. 傅源2024-01-18 19:15傅源[网友]
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